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Just MC and ready to try again? Pack your leathers, black nail polish, air guitar and jump in the mosh pit for some serious metalling. All welcome! (Part 18)

980 replies

Summerbird73 · 22/09/2011 09:13

New thread for some serious metalling. We are ramping up the amps and churning out some Metallica, Nirvana, ACDC, Stone Temple Pilots... with the occasional 90's rave music!! Grin

If you have miscarried and are ready to TTC again, come and join us in the WTF cycles with the odd VIP ticket to the padded cell for some serious mentalling (now known as Metalling)


OP posts:
Poppyjen · 29/09/2011 08:09

Just updating our stats now that I now Ov date... Eve I haven't added you in to BFP list yet - you do that when you feel good and ready Smile

Summerbird73; TTC#2; cycle 6; AF due circa 19 Oct
Eve34; TTC # 2 cycle 2 since MC AF due 23 Sept
PieMistress; TTC #2, cycle 4/5; AF due circa 25th Oct
ShimmeryPixie: TTC#1, cycle 2 post MC AF due 18 Oct
Babysaurus: TTC#1, Cycle 1 (?), AF hopefully NOT due around 11th October.
Pebspop: TTC#1, Cycle WTF??? AF due sometime in the next decade!!
Smileygirl: TTC#2. Cycle 1 post MC, AF due circa 11th Oct but who knows
Poppyjen TTC#2 Cycle 3 post mc AF due 13th October ish

BFP: (insert your due dates etc here)
BlueCrane TTC#1 EDD 31st May 2012
MandaHugNKiss TTC#4 EDD 18th May 2012
MissGiraffe TTC #2 (1DD, 15yo) EDD 10th May 2012
MarathonMama TTC #2 (1DD, 25mo) EDD 17th March
InsomniaQueen TTC #1 EDD 18th March 2012

pebspop · 29/09/2011 09:27

Summerbird73; TTC#2; cycle 6; AF due circa 19 Oct
Eve34; TTC # 2 cycle 2 since MC AF due 23 Sept
PieMistress; TTC #2, cycle 4/5; AF due circa 25th Oct
ShimmeryPixie: TTC#1, cycle 2 post MC AF due 18 Oct
Babysaurus: TTC#1, Cycle 1 (?), AF hopefully NOT due around 11th October.
Pebspop: TTC#1, Cycle 1 AF due around 16th oct
Smileygirl: TTC#2. Cycle 1 post MC, AF due circa 11th Oct but who knows
Poppyjen TTC#2 Cycle 3 post mc AF due 13th October ish

BFP: (insert your due dates etc here)
BlueCrane TTC#1 EDD 31st May 2012
MandaHugNKiss TTC#4 EDD 18th May 2012
MissGiraffe TTC #2 (1DD, 15yo) EDD 10th May 2012
MarathonMama TTC #2 (1DD, 25mo) EDD 17th March
InsomniaQueen TTC #1 EDD 18th March 2012

pebspop · 29/09/2011 09:27

congrats eve!

MandaHugNKiss · 29/09/2011 10:56

I've been Lurky McLurkster the last couple of days (on DS1's laptop which I've appropriated since a) my laptop has been broken by ds2 on monday and b) ds2 has been late to school everyday). So metaltastic am I that posting just seems to panic me even more. But if anything will entice me out it's good news (not the Jehovah's Witness version of Good News, mind Grin)

Ah, eve fantastic news, many congrats on your bfp! Estimated due date, please? Sod's law, of course, that it happens at a 'bad' time but I do hope things settle before your ms kicks in!

Peb Obviously good news about your condition - as much as it's bad news you even have it and the consequences it had for you. But such good news you can now be treated for a positive outcome.

blue I'm grinning at your PMA! Where can I get me some of that? Wink

I've heard nothing from the dr's re counselling or referral to the epu for reassurance scan. I'm pretty sure she may have screwed up - as I said, she was one of the fledgling gps at the practice. The obvious answer is go see her again and/or another doc but... the thought of getting on that table to be scanned is petrifying me beyond all reason. I even contacted babybond (they were the ones who discovered the mmc at 16+1 gender scan) and they offered me a 33% discount on a viability scan... and now I can't even entertain the idea of going into the building let alone being scanned.

I need a slap and a hug but not sure in which order!

BlueCrane · 29/09/2011 11:39

manda here with a PMA transfer-hug, a slap and another PMA-hug for you Grin Hang in there!! The thought of the scan terrifies me too TBH so pleeeease don't feel alone or strange about that! DH and I were only talking about it last night and that since our booking app is now 2 days before the scan we're tempted to ask if they can see if they can find a heartbeat then so that we at least know there's something in there before we have to go into the scan room IYSWIM...obviously if she can't find it for whatever reason then we'll be balls of super stress for the 48 hours pre-scan but it's our best plan at the moment. Sounds as though your docs have screwed up which is a real pain...I would phone them to chase it up, or could you ring the antenatal unit/EPU to see if they have your details yet...they must have so many ladies in the same position totally terrified of the scan after previous experiences. I know this might sound harsh but you're probably not going to relax until post 16 weeks anyway so getting some reassurance soon isn't going to solve that but may hopefully help a bit...

poppy so Smile about you getting to Ov finally!! Sorry you now have the 2ww to endure but I think that's better than waiting for Ov as at least you can countdown whereas the other wait can seem endless!

Right...back to work/preparing for BSI audit later on today trying to look like I'm working/preparing, brain a bit like mush

MandaHugNKiss · 29/09/2011 13:11

Doesn't sound harsh at all, blue - I'd go as far as to say I won't really start to relax until 'viability' (24 weeks). Thanks for the slap/hug combo, much appreciated.

I've searched out the number of the epu but can't seem to call!

In other news, I've been feeling nauseous the last few days... I know it's a 'good' sign but have still seen bad outcomes regardless so it's not really helping! Especially as I had some strong (short lived) cramps that woke me at 5am this morning.

Summerbird73 · 29/09/2011 21:34

On my phone so will catch up after weekend but just wanted to say huge congrats to eve, Grin

OP posts:
babysaurus · 29/09/2011 21:46

Eve - Grin Fabulous news! How are you feeling now? Is it all totally surreal?

Manda I know I am not there yet, but I can imagine just how you feel. I too would feel the same. Crap innit?! A friend of mine who had a mc said she didn't relax until post 20 weeks when her mum half shouted at her to relax and enjoy being pregnant instead of assuming the worst constantly. I know already I will find it very hard to do indeed. I cannot come up with a solution or even soemthing to make it easier, perhaps if I could I'd be a millionaire, but def think a hug is more needed right now than a slap Wink

Blue the same friend who couldn't relax till post 20 weeks had the midwife listen at her booking in apt as it was a week before the scan. She was told it was 50/50 whether they'd be able to pick anything up but tried anyway. The baby had an incredibly loud heartbeat and she burst into tears, sobbing for going on ten mins. While it is stressful to have someone try and see without scanning it may be worth it as, worst case scenario, you only have two days to wait. And if they do find the heartbeat you'll, hopefully, feel a lot better about things.

I am horribly skint at the moment and am trying to find some temp work to help fill the gaps. Currently, this is not happening so feeling very stressed about cash flow. While nine months is a long time and a lot could change in that time, hopefully for the better, I am half thinking that perhaps things not happening for a few months is a good thing. Adding to the stress won't help, obviously. But! A BFP would still be the bee's knees - even if in a double edged sword kinda way.

Yup, am confused! Confused

babysaurus · 29/09/2011 21:48

ps The psychological symptom spotting is still going on - have now decided that filling up over not much at all (can't remember what it was, think it might have been talking about my mum, talented dress designer, doing a wedding dress for super cheap) is a definate sign, and so is feeling tired by, erm, 10pm.


PieMistress · 29/09/2011 22:14

Congrats eve that is fantastic news! Another bfp for this thread!!

manda just wanted to send a hug xx

Ended up having a couple of baby related conversations today work. First was a sad one with a colleage (and friend) whose sister just had a mc at 12 weeks. I wanted to tell her about mine but we were in the common canteen so just wasn't an appropriate place IYSWIM. Then another colleague who is getting married next year can't wait to try for a honeymoon baby and wants to have 4 kids.

Damn it! I want her innocence, no I want MY innocence back :(

Poppyjen · 30/09/2011 17:27

Afternoon all - happy Friday and what a lovely day it is! Hoping that those of you who are able (i.e. unlike me stuck at home with a 7pm DS bedtime to do in a flat with no garden...) get to relax outside with a cool glass of something alcoholic (or not Smile )

Have a great weekend Grin

eve34 · 30/09/2011 21:20

Evening all

Thank you for the positive thoughts. We are hoping to keep it to ourselves this time, so you are the only people that know so shhhhh.

Really was not expecting it this month, we DTD all over the whole week of ovulation last month and nothing. Ovulation was middle of the week ish this month and DP was away so only DTD at weekends so there you go it does happen. Due date is the 1st June. I am not thinking about it really at the moment. Lot of work at the moment and I have my appraisal in 2 weeks time and they are a bit fed up of me moving my work around child care - which is my other headache - if you haven't already heard enough of this. We are starting with a new child minder this week. But need to support DS with the change over for a few weeks so not really thinking he will be ready to change over til after half term if it is sooner than that would be great.

Anyway enough of my woes

Poppy - welcome to the 2 weeks of madness it is worth it all in the end.

Blue - so excited that your mum is all booked to come over I am sure that it is meant to be this time and have everything crossed for you.

Manada - can't imagine how you must feel. I will probably go to the doctors in half term which will be around 7/8 weeks ish I think. Early days. Although it took them 3 weeks to sort a scan last time, I don't expect to be offered an early one so might go in a few weeks will see when I get a day off!!!

Baby - hope you find so work so, it will be typical to start work and then get BFP :-)

Pie - hope you are ok. look after yourself

Hope everyone has a great weekend ahead of them, we are off to my dad's caravan for a few days as the weather is going to be nice. Hopefully they won't ask about pg as I hate telling lies and it is far to early to tell anyone. Beside they move to Spain in 8 weeks so don't want them worrying about me.

ShimmeryPixie · 01/10/2011 18:08

Congratulations Eve. :)

Sorry ladies - work remains manic (one of my cases is settling early next week, and it's a hell of a job trying to get the documents sorted/get people in place to sign them!). It's rather like herding cats.

Currently catching up on sleep, but will re-appear soon.

PieMistress · 02/10/2011 22:11

Hi Ladies, hope you are all well and enjoyed a sunshine filled weekend because it's been grey and drizzly here! PAH PAH PAH!

How is everybody? Our newly found BFPs, ladies with mini bumps and those with bigger bumps!

So,on Friday night one of my 'friends' from my ante-natal class announced her pregnancy to everybody at this party we were both at (she is 7 weeks) and she said that her work are announcing it on Monday. I was like Shock Shock Shock and, as nicely as possible, asked if it was really necessary that it be announced at work. She replied that it would stop the rumours and if anything went wrong she would want everybody to know anyway. I think all of the other women at the party were quite surprised she had announced it early (she has one other DC). One of them then said she had had a mc inbetween her 2 pregnancies but I wasn't brave enough to share my story.

I can't remember if I said already but a very close friend has just had her 2nd miscarriage. It's so unfair. She had her first one about a month before me (and we were then on hols together in June consoling each other with lots of sauvignon blanc!) then got pregnant again a few months later. I got a text from her last week saying she'd had another one at 11 weeks (but baby had stopped growing at 5/6 weeks). They don't offer any early scans where she lives (Leeds) until you have had 3 miscarriages, and they won't test after 2 either (no matter of your age, and she's 38). It's just so sad.

So, where are all of us hoping for July hoodies? I'm on CD7 so still a while to go yet this month! Another acupuncture session tomorrow which i'm really looking too, so relaxing! Will also be getting my CD3 blood test results back this week which i'm crapping myself about!

Happy week ahead everybody!! xx

Poppyjen · 03/10/2011 07:54

Good morning everyone! Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend :)

Just checking in to add my symptom spotting to the madness... so 7dpo here and yesterday I was nauseous all day. This morning I have really very sore boobs indeed......


Pie so sorry to hear about your friend, that's terrible...what we all dread I think. I think that early scans should be available to all who have had a mc, it may not solve anything but pick things up sooner which has to be better.

As for announcing pg at work at 7 weeks that's a shocker...but I guess she has to do what she's comfortable with. 1st time around I told a few people at work (mainly because of the morning sickness thing otherwise they would have thought I was just constantly hungover... Blush ) but it was not widely known.

WishingIWasLucky · 03/10/2011 08:25

Congratulations Eve Thanks.
Fingers crossed for you Poppyjen.
Hope you've all had a good weekend. Af arrived a day earlier than expected- on Saturday :(.
Cycles gone from regular 28 days, to 25 for the last two, now shrunk even further to just 24 days? WTF does that mean for ttc?
Taking it in my stride though. Feel strangely calm, normally bit upset at the onset of af. However, now feel I can't let this rule my life, what will be will be.
But inspite of this laid back attitude, obviously I would be grateful for any/all input you lovely ladies have regarding short or shrinking to work with them in order to achieve pregnancy?!

BlueCrane · 03/10/2011 10:51

Morning all...

Well, there was me thinking about moaning due to lack of symptoms last v nauseous each morning, don't fancy ANY food at all, except maybe marmite on toast but it needs to be nice granary bread Blush, boobs now expanding out of all my bras and quite sore and so so tired too! I have told my boss but only because I am going to need two afternoon's off in the same week due to Booking app/early scan and he'd have guessed if I didn't tell him.

pie so sorry you had to deal with your 'friend' on friday night, but also Sad for your friend who has just mc'd again - we founf out the same had happened at our 12w scan and it is devastating when you've thought everything was fine!

wishing sorry to hear about AF and shrinking cycles, before my MC I had the opposite problem with lengthening cycles so not sure I can be much help! Maybe a trip to the docs to ask their advice might be an idea?

eve how are you feeling? Hope you had a good time in the caravan and din't get any awkward questions!

Must try and look like I'm working again, and not just staring into space! The toast seems to have settled the queasiness for the moment which is good!

Summerbird73 · 03/10/2011 13:14

Sorry i have been AWOL for a bit. We had the lovely sunshiney weekend, me and DH went for a night away together as my parents looked after DS (cue some much needed SWI Wink ) but TBH i have been a bit disheartened by the whole TTC business. I have been lurking though and want to try and catch up with everyone, so sorry for not namechecking.

Trying to gee myself up a bit this week as still feeling a bit flat. Need a kick up the arse. Anyone got any chocolate? Hmm

OP posts:
PieMistress · 03/10/2011 13:43

Just wanted to say, summer that I have been feeling exactly the same lately. Been feeling very down and flat and wondering how much longer to keep trying. Big hugs chick xxxx

pixiewitch · 03/10/2011 13:45

Hello everybody,
I've really been a bit rubbish on this thread so apologies especially after I was made so welcome by everyone!
I'm just popping in to let you know that I got a bfp on Saturday Smile.
I will probably be mentally now, at least for the next 11 weeks until I get past the date I didn't get past last time iyswim?!? Confused.
Anyway, thanks for letting me have a lovely welcome & a very comfy spot in the padded cell & if if's okay for me to drift in & out, can I stay?

MandaHugNKiss · 03/10/2011 13:58

for summer and pie I'm hearing you loud and clear! But, look, this thread seems to be very lucky indeed - there's no reason you won't be lucky too, you can get pregnant, and you will.

pixie Many congrats!! Do stock around; in and out, as it were!

It seems quite quiet in here, but my theory is we've had so many bfps that we all go a lot bit totally metal and become introverted rather than blabbing on and on.

Well, I've just booked a private scan for tomorrow at 13.40. Yes, I'm entitled to one on the nhs, but I'm sure the dr I saw has screwed it up and I can't bear to go and whine/point out her error to get one so it just seems easier all round if I pay 'n' go tomorrow. I'll take it from there, whatever the news may be.

WishingIWasLucky · 03/10/2011 14:04

Congratulations Pixie Thanks you're more than welcome to pop in and out! Provided you give us ladies some tips for getting updiffed Grin


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WishingIWasLucky · 03/10/2011 14:05

Good luck Manda! Fingers crossed that everything is fine x

BlueCrane · 03/10/2011 14:11

summer so glad you had a good weekend away with DH and got some SWI in too Smile TTC is definitely hard work and you've really had a tough year but hang in there if you can!

pie you too!!

Yeah pixie Grin huge congrats!!

D'oh...just found a mistake I've made at work...this is the only problem with 'baby brain' just not sure whether it happened when I had TTC brain though which doesn't give as much of an excuse - hope my boss is understanding Blush

Missgiraffe1 · 03/10/2011 14:49

Eve Wow!! Congratulations!! That's fab news. Welcome to the world of post-BFP metal!

And you too Pixie! Drift all you like!

Sorry I have been awol for what feels like ages! I have been really really tired and quite sick. Am not complaining though! (well, not much). And, have had headaches for the past 4 days, but am putting that down to the fact I am tired from waking up about 5 times during the night. Am still not complaining though. Would put up with 9 months of feeling constantly hungover (which is what I feel like) if it meant a happy ending. Feel slightly better today right enough. DH back from 8 days in America too (although he has gone straight into the office from airport Sad ).

Anyway, will try to keep up from now on. Just want to say:

Manda, I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. I know how anxious you will feel lying up on that bad waiting for the sonographer to say something. Try to think PMA thoughts (although, I wanted to kill my DH the day of my scan as he was all PMA and I was so agitated Grin ). FX it's all good. PMA Smile

Blue Fab timing with your folks visit, eh?! My boobs started hurting last week, and I now have to wear a sports bra to bed. They are also growing at an alarming rate! My DH was face timing my DD the other night, and I went up to her i pad and flashed my cleavage at him, saying "look at the size of these" then saw 2 guys walk past behind him! I didn't realise he was in a busy bit of an airport Blush. I thought he was in a hotel room! Ooops.

Sorry to hear some metallers are feeling a bit down at the moment. It can really take it's toll, this TTC business, can't it? Hope you can get your PMA back soon.

And so sorry for not name-checking any more. It's my bosses first day back, so am mega busy and need to get back to it.

My cousin's wee boy finally got out of hospital, 2 weeks and 5 days after he was born, and after a transfusion. All seems well now Smile

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