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Is anyone planning their wrapping scheme yet?

134 replies

Heyheyheygoodbye · 08/11/2015 20:13

This year I'm thinking of trying out black Kraft paper decorated with chalkboard markers - I've attached the pic that inspired me, just found randomly on Google Images - and gold accents. Previous years I've done brown paper with greenery, stripes with a candy cane tied on, etc. I thought this would be good as I don't have to worry about tags - although I am making matching tags for the bottles of homemade booze Xmas Grin

What about everyone else?

Is anyone planning their wrapping scheme yet?
OP posts:
missmargot · 08/11/2015 21:53

I'm definitely a themed wrapper Grin

Top of my list this year is brown paper stamped with mini Christmas designs in a different colour ink for each person.

My favourite a few years ago was wrapping in crepe paper then a layer of gorgeous cellophane style paper with a sprinkling of Christmas confetti between the layers. It looked gorgeous but took forever to clear up.

I do love the chalkboard idea too.

NoelHeadbands · 08/11/2015 21:54

Oh my own household get any old shit lol Grin

Themed is for Other People Only

DPotter · 08/11/2015 21:55

OMG - you're serious ?! Sorry can't take this seriously

llhj · 08/11/2015 21:55

Have never thought about such a thing but I'm inspired by the suggestion of a different colour for each child so I'll start with that and next year.....seashells and embroidered mini stockings with chocolate poking out!

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 08/11/2015 21:56

Usually do a theme and go all poncy. This year I've bought silly, fun paper and will just do that and curling ribbon. A bit like this

TelephoneIgnoringMachine · 08/11/2015 22:00

DH & I use a single different design for each other's gifts - I might get green & he might get gold, for example. The mountain of presents for DD is wrapped in a variety of different bright papers. When we have a second child I shall probably have to rethink it a bit.

Fueledwithfairydustandgin · 08/11/2015 22:01

Frozen, Thomas the tank and peppa pig paper for DS (feeling very smug that I have lots as last year I nearly paid £6 for the poundland stuff on eBay I was so desperate!)
Everyone else, last year was brown paper with candy canes. This year is brown paper with red or silver ribbon and salt dough gift tags. I adore wrapping. I really love the chalkboard paper but not sure black and christmas go together? Maybe DHs birthday

StompyFreckles · 08/11/2015 22:01

I saw that picture on pinterest and did think about doing that. I decided to go for brown paper with a red or green ribbon and possibly their name stamped on.

ijustwannadance · 08/11/2015 22:06
Shakey15000 · 08/11/2015 22:09

People have themes???? Ye gads, never thought that far. Any old shizzle from Aldi Smile I am spectacularly crap at wrapping presents. I start with good intentions "My corners/ends will be equal" but I just -can't be arsed-- haven't got the knack. My sister's look like they came out of Tori Spelling's present wrapping room.

TelephoneIgnoringMachine · 08/11/2015 22:19

Just a thought - that chalk will smudge horribly. How about using a metallic (or white) paint pen, something like these.

missmargot · 08/11/2015 22:20

trixy the copper paper sounds lovely.

CheerfulYank · 08/11/2015 22:23

My chalkboard marker only smudges if it gets wet.

GloopyGhoul · 08/11/2015 22:26

I have found my people!!

I've not decided yet on this year. Last year was red/white/"scandi" with crocheted julehjerter (I was feeling very Danish).

Two years ago I did metallic blue & turquoise with blue glass heart decs. (Piled VERY carefully).

One year was brown paper with multi-coloured ribbon, one was bright pink & green. Ooh, one year I used playing cards as gift tags, that was fun.

Will have to get Pinteresting... looks for poncetastic twat badge

trixymalixy · 08/11/2015 22:27
missmargot · 08/11/2015 22:33

Fab, thank you. I like the Cox and Cox paper too but it's stupidly expensive for something nobody but me will appreciate.

vestandknickers · 08/11/2015 22:36


Really. You people have way too much time on your hands.

LeaLeander · 08/11/2015 22:38

I love doing wrapping themes and am impressed with all of the ideas here.

Pondering a sage green tissue with gold ribbon or cord.

My overall Christmas decorating motif is holly so I generally go for holly-themed paper as well, sometimes glossy with fabric ribbon, sometimes tissue with curling ribbon, but generally some sort of holly theme.

This year though am pondering a mid-century retro them of a sort of red and robin's egg blue with white accents -- here's a Pinterest board along those lines

missmargot · 08/11/2015 22:42

Ha, I have no time on my hands whatsoever what with having a toddler and working full time, however I need something to occupy my mind during dull meetings and Christmas wrapping schemes is suitably vacuous.

smellylittleorange · 08/11/2015 22:43

That is lovely Lealander..reminded me of the Frank and Bing Christmas special for some reason !

I'm going with the brown and red with Scandinavian hints look as that is generally colour scheme anyway lots of ideas here

Is anyone planning their wrapping scheme yet?
Psycobabble · 08/11/2015 23:01

What is this scheme you speak of?

Cheap garish Disney paper ds will love from pound shop ? Does this count ??

No seriously that looks lovely . I often get beautifully wrapped presents from friends and think " next year il do that" and then I get all stingy and by cheap stuff again and get so bored of wrapping and doin labels it's lucky if it gets Sellotape on both ends and the name written in a sharpie pen

I haven't bought my paper this year yet so maybe this will be the year Grin

Kat3L · 08/11/2015 23:38

Chippy, is the M&S London paper you mention this season's? Thanks.


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Sallyhasleftthebuilding · 08/11/2015 23:48

DD has told me of paper that has your photos on, especially printed. Does this mean the givers face or recipient?

ChippyMinton · 09/11/2015 06:18

Kat3L, it is but not online so can't link, sorry.

ChippyMinton · 09/11/2015 06:27

Love the Tiffany schemes.

It's not hard or expensive to do a theme, you just need to buy or make enough matching paper, ribbon and tags to wrap every gift. I have put mine together from supermarkets, Tiger etc. Lots of shops sell coordinating stuff anyway, if you want a theme without a fuss.

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