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Due April 2008 - for our third and final trimester, give us our extra 200 kcals!

1000 replies

EllieG · 28/01/2008 13:21

Here we are!

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PortAndLemon · 29/01/2008 15:06

Yes, I think so (anecdotally, at least -- I don't know of any "proper" research on it).

sagitta · 29/01/2008 15:06

Sorry, this is a horrible question and don't read if you are feeling weepy today, - but what do you do then if baby hasn't breathed for 20 seconds? Will it already be over for the LO, or is there something that can be done?

PortAndLemon · 29/01/2008 15:10

You'd go and give them a vigorous prod, at least, and if genuinely not breathing you could start CPR before there had been any brain damage caused through loss of oxygen. Whether that would ultimately help would depend on what had caused them to stop breathing in the first place IYSWIM.

sagitta · 29/01/2008 15:28

that makes sense. Thanks.

northeastmummy · 29/01/2008 17:13

I'm very excited about Jess now! And my DH likes it too - he prefers Jessica but I'm happy to go with the long version and shorten it.

Denny - M&S do holiday insurance that covers you up to 32 weeks and I'll be 31 weeks when I get back so just managed to fit our holiday in in time .

Scorpio - we had a Tommee Tippee monitor with a motion detection pad like PAL describes and we really liked it. We'll use it again this time. It did regularly go off when we picked DD up without switching it off, but we only had one or two false alarms when she was getting a bit more mobile and rolled off it. But at least we knew it worked so didn't really mind that. I was (and still am) paranoid about SIDS too.

A friend from work had a baby last May and about a couple of days after she got home with him, she was feeding him and he stopped breathing. Her story is terrifying and she got a monitor with a breathing pad straight away. He hasn't done it again thankfully and is 8 months now.

Anyway, when it happened her Mum was there and she stripped him down to his nappy, took him outside and generally was pretty rough with him to try and get him breathing again. It worked and they took him into hospital for all kinds of checks after but there was no obvious reason for it.

Peachy · 29/01/2008 17:45

Sorry Scorpio, DH nicked PC (car is on its way out, was looking at alternatives)

Was referral you want I thnk- GP can't diagnose dyspraxia and it needs proper investigating by a multi agency team to see if there is an issue.

scorpio1 · 29/01/2008 18:42

thanks anyway Peachy i got a referral to an educational psychologist for assessment, like a series of 'point scoring' tests iyswim?

GP agreed something not quite right.

Thanks all, think iwill get one of those monitors, i just know i will sleep better. they are £110 though.....dont think i should get a 2nd hand one, or would that be ok?

lots of questions today!!

NorthernLurker · 29/01/2008 18:46

Hi April 2008 ladies - I'm an April 2007 mummuy and am totally horrified to see you are entering the last lap so to speak. It's a cliche I know - but where has the last year gone? Good luck as you get closer to meeting your babies!

Peachy · 29/01/2008 19:26

Ed psych is exactly right I would say, seems you have a good GP.

realised that tomorrow is 2 onths before d-day. yikes!

scorpio1 · 29/01/2008 19:28

my GP is fab, and also happens to be employing my DH for the last 7 months too... he really listened and took alot of time-even asked about his birth/babyhood. feel alot more positive.

now i have to think how/when to tell reilly's dad. (DH is not his dad) his dad is ummm.....useless.

Peachy · 29/01/2008 19:33

Think abou6t how you do it- DS1's schoolmate is beinga ssessed for ADHD. His family are unbalanced to say the least, but was still shocked when I heard that his dad's response was to screech at him to behave more

scorpio1 · 29/01/2008 19:37

Reilly's dad is just a bit gormless really...doesnt understand children at all; like wouldnt share his PS2 with Reilly and doesn't have a clue about his likes/dislikes.

think i am going to wait until after the assessment and then talk to him, explain it and present him with the printoffs from the dyspraxia foundation website so he can understand better, and will understand his temper tantrums etc. so far he just gives Reilly no boundaries whatsoever. Gormless is deffo the word.

Peachy · 29/01/2008 19:41


always useful as a resource (and I think that you'd probably qualify for some bursary tbh, we did).

Dh ahs isues with letting the boys near the Wii LOL, but ds3 is obsessed (as in clinically) with it atm so its just easier to let him I think, rather than have him tugging you for several hours yelling Wii! Wii!

scorpio1 · 29/01/2008 19:46

thanks Peachy hopefully i won't have to wait too long for the referral.

VictorianSqualor · 29/01/2008 21:18

Scorpio, I wouldnt have thoghut there would eb a problem getting a second hand monitor personally, depending on where from iyswim.

PortAndLemon · 29/01/2008 21:42

£110? Wow! I know I didn't pay that much...

Yup, I had this one.

Mollyfloss · 29/01/2008 21:51

After all your comments on SIDS I just checked out a few websites and am now a bit freaked out. None of the official websites recommend the monitor pads though...

VictorianSqualor · 29/01/2008 21:54

SIDS is scary, but there are many ways to lessen the risks, try not to worry too much mollyfloss.

Also if any of you girls are bored and fancy helpign to rig a GMTV poll there is a wonderful thread just here, just click the link and hit yes,

Mollyfloss · 29/01/2008 22:14

I voted. Looks like the power of Mumsnet is working! SIDS is very scary. I've read up on what to do to reduc eth risk so at least I feel informed. I had heard of a lot of them but didn't know that dummies could help. One article says that 9 out of 10 cot deaths are in baby's who's mothers smoked during pregnancy. Shocking.

PortAndLemon · 29/01/2008 22:20

The monitor pads aren't officially recommended. I have no idea whether they actually help or not. I do know that having one stopped me popping in every five minutes and poking DS in the ribs to make sure he was still breathing, which is what I would have done if we hadn't had one .

Peachy · 30/01/2008 09:13

PAL i think the not popping in every few minutes is why they're not recommended isn't it? That and because they do quite often go off for no reason- at risk babies tend to be provided (ideally anyway) with monitors for narcolepsy, and there's the idea that excessive monitoring (define as you will) makes parents nervous rather than secure.

I imagine they're also more likely to be used by Mums that have baby is another room, whereas SID's prevention advice is to keep baby close by for first 6 months. From what I remember, if you have baby in the room you wake for everything anyway.

EllieG · 30/01/2008 09:30

Glad your Gp was nice scorpio, hope it's OK discussing with Reilly's Dad.

Thanks for message northenlurker! Hoping it goes quickly from now on personally.

DP told me today he;s decided he doesn't really like the name Molly. Very maturely, I had a strop and told him he had to come up with some decent suggestions then and not just keep dissing mine. He never suggests anything really, has only given me one proper idea of a (quite boring name) that was second choice for Jessie when they had her. Over my dead body I says is this baby getting the name that wasn't good enough for your first one and anyway is dull. And I am on my moral high horse and do you know what he does? - laughs! I ask you. He never takes my hormonal strops seriously and is irritatingly reasonable.

Anyway - how are we all today? I have booked a lovely little gite in Brittany for a week for our summer hol - it has lovely gardens with sheep and chickens and play area for the kids and I am SO excited thinking about us all going on holiday as a family. Sorry for lack of punctuation am rushing today.

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scorpio1 · 30/01/2008 10:00

Ellie - we have just booked a gite in the loire for our summer hols!

baby will be in with us for 6 months, and hoping she will take a dummy. i just get so worried; my friends sister died of cot death and i hate that feeling of waking up when its been quiet for ages and looking at them....think i will get one-i intend on doing all the other measures its just for peace of mind, plus i need a monitor anyway, we are planning to put her down for naps in our room when she is a couple of months old so she can have some peace away from the boys anyway.

Vs, do you think an ebay one will be ok?

DH spoke to dss yesterday, (he does nearly every day) and his mum said about half term - she expected me at 7 months pg to have Zac for the whole week!! i do sometimes but not when im pg, he is a handful and im not stressing myself out. DH understands this completely, and told her he will be staying at his mums in bridgwater (somerset) with zac for 3 days over the hols. cheeky cow. we also wont be able to have him over his easter hols because they are different to my DCs hols, and start the week im due, so i think not!! DH will have him the easter friday, all weekend and easter monday here iyswim. She loves the free babysitting i think...over xmas she has him for 2 days . anyway, enough of the slagging..... is just difficult to understand sometimes how she thinks and why its always me who is expected to have him.DH is very supportive though of me, and thinks the same as me, although we are of course glad to have him, just not for the whole of his hols all the time-i think its important he does some hols stuff at home too iyswim?

Ellie - and [the cheek of him] about the baby's name and the name from before!! DH said what about Paige for Millie in the v beginning - i happen to know dss mum wanted that for him if he was a girl(we were on talking terms then). i went nuts, he said he didnt remember My DH said he likes Molly...whats wrong with it?? its pretty.

How is everyone else today?

VictorianSqualor · 30/01/2008 10:06

Scorpio, I think if you can get someone on ebay that is maybe selling quite a few baby bits? So you know theyre not selling it because it's faulty then yes, I'd probably ask on here first in the for sale section, theres probably someone who has one that they could sell.

EllieG · 30/01/2008 10:08

Too right scorpio - you aren't a free babysitting service, and she needs to spend some holiday time with him too. Sounds like your DH is very supportive of you though and takes his responsibilities seriously, bless him.

Am sticking to my guns with Molly. I think is lovely name and had got really attached to her as a Molly. And since he didn't tell me til today he wasn't he will have to come up with something REALLY good to oust it. [stern emoticon]

I can't wait for my holiday! I've just got this image of us all sitting in the garden with nice food (and hopefully a nice chilled glass of vino) and the baby kicking her little legs on a blanket on the grass and DSD playing with her and running round feeding the sheep and collecting eggs etc...ah.

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