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Due April 2008 - for our third and final trimester, give us our extra 200 kcals!

1000 replies

EllieG · 28/01/2008 13:21

Here we are!

OP posts:
Mollyfloss · 29/01/2008 11:07

hello ladies, just been to a doctor's appt. Everything is fine. Measurements etc. Perfectly normal. I'm having the 32 week scan anyway, just because I'm overly cautious. At next appt. We are starting the birthing plan, makes the birth seem so close!

scorpio1 · 29/01/2008 11:13

whats for lunch everyone? time is flying this morning.... i dont know what to have for lunch.

we are having HB appt at about 34/35 weeks, not far! have another appt at 31+ weeks to check BP. (a week tomorrow)

VictorianSqualor · 29/01/2008 11:22

Lunch? I've only just finished my breakfast (jaffa cakes and doritos )

scorpio1 · 29/01/2008 11:22

VS that is a shocking brekky!!

VictorianSqualor · 29/01/2008 11:33

It's ok scorpio, it came back up anyway
Bloody morning sickness, I am so pissed off with it now it's unfair

scorpio1 · 29/01/2008 11:34

you still getting it? dont suppose you can do anything for it either.

VictorianSqualor · 29/01/2008 11:46

It seems to have come back over the last few weeks, I still have the tablets from the HG but they make me feel sick anyway so unless it's really bad I dont bother with them.

EllieG · 29/01/2008 11:50

Poor VS, that's crap.

Have been snacking all morning so not hungry yet. Normally that doesn't stop me but my appetite has been weirdly small recently. Am worried I might be dying or similar as is so very unusual for me.

OP posts:
sagitta · 29/01/2008 12:16

Hello all - what a chatty few days you've all been having!
I'm knackered again after a good weekend - it really seems to knock me out when I do anything remotely interesting/active. And dd was very naughty all of yesterday, which was pretty tiring...
Glad to hear (IfkwIm) that everyone's sex life has gone a bit funny. Finding the right position is tricky - DH worried about LO, and I hate feeling like a big old cow with huge boobs and tummy . Think spoons is definitely the way forward. Glad your dp has reassured you Ellie - everything will be strange for a bit (quite a while, probably!) especially after LO is born.
Must work...must work.

Denny185 · 29/01/2008 12:57

Hooray back on, dont know what happened to pc yesterday pm but wouldnt let me sign back in.

VS - not such a great day in your household, vomiting and ringwormy impetigo thingies, hope things are better tomorrow.

Glad all went well at the Drs Molly.

Northeast - that will be a nice valentines day, bit different to the normal card/flowers thing. Have you managed to get insurance for that far on in the pregnancy?

Sheds75 · 29/01/2008 13:02

Looks like it has been a busy few days on here.... hope every one is ok today. Glad it isn't just me feeling a little uncomfy on the Sex side of things. As for V day my DP thinks it is awful and only buys me a card cos he thinks he should, but I guess we will have a nice meal in

Peachy · 29/01/2008 13:06

Is anyone else struggling to sleep now? Am having real insomnia problems, and when I do sleep bizarre (so far non baby related) dreams- currently about Eastenders

Sheds75 · 29/01/2008 13:12

peachy, not having too much trouble going to sleep but seems to be hard getting back to sleep after the 4am trip to the toilet. but agree on the dreams some quiet realistic ones

scorpio1 · 29/01/2008 13:13

i have been having weird dreams, so far sleeping is ok .

have had dreams that dh is going back to his ex , that he strangled me and that i've done all sorts of weird things. i do wake up in the night becuase of the dreams but i manage to get back to sleep straight away.

another question - i am paraniod about SIDS - whats do you all think about those monitors with pads that go under the mattress? any recommendations?

sagitta · 29/01/2008 13:13

I dreamt I'd got a job as a GP in Moscow, and had to sew someone's toe nail back on. very weird indeed.

scorpio1 · 29/01/2008 13:14

sagitta PMSL

Fleecy · 29/01/2008 13:23

I want jaffa cakes and doritos now - yum! Am trying to be healthy as I ate too much and gained a lot of weight over Christmas. It seems to be working, I haven't put on any weight in Jan (I assume that's okay?!)

We don't do anything but cards for Valentine's Day either. DH thinks it's all overpriced - instead, we celebrate our 'getting together' anniversary on 12 Feb when it's cheaper to go out for dinner!

Scorpio - love your name. Jessamy is on our shortlist for a girl - my friend's DSD's name.

VS - sorry to hear about your dd's scalp. Hope it clears up nice and quick.

We're moving in two weeks. I'm very excited if a little nervous as dh can't get time off work so I'll be doing it all alone! Have roped in my family for cleaning and am planning just to 'oversee' stuff!

scorpio1 · 29/01/2008 13:28

peachy are you s till on here? am i asking doctor for a referral for assessment? or just seeing what he thinks?

VictorianSqualor · 29/01/2008 13:30

Peachy, I dreamt about Roxy from EE last ngiht, she was my mate and I remember quite clearly squeezing her face

I am shite at sleeping as well, driving me pretty mad, I wake up at about 1ish after falling asleep at 12 and feel like getting back up and com,ing downstairs!

eva07 · 29/01/2008 13:45

I have weird dreams too, last night something about giving birth and baby talking and eating chocolate afterwards.
lo wakes me up nearly every night between 2 and 4 am, preferred time for kicking my ribs or squeezing my bladder

EllieG · 29/01/2008 13:50

LOL sagitta!

I dreamed my eyebrows had grown and covered most of my face and I was wondering how on earth I was going to tweezer all that lot...

OP posts:
PortAndLemon · 29/01/2008 14:00

We used one of those monitors with pads last time (the Angelcare one). It definitely made me feel happier and less paranoid. This time I am torn because I'd like to use an Amby Hammock but can't use a pad-type monitor with that. Decisions, decisions...

Had my GD appointment today. The good news is that I didn't fail the GTT by much -- my fasting blood sugar levels were fine, and my 2 hour number was 8.2 when they want to see it 7.8 or below. So there's a very good chance that I'll be able to control it with diet alone (whee!).


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sagitta · 29/01/2008 14:45

That sounds like good news, P&L.

What is a monitor with pads - how does it work?

PortAndLemon · 29/01/2008 14:49

Basically, you have a flat pad you put under the mattress, that's connected by a wire to the monitor base unit. If it doesn't detect any movement for 20 seconds (and it's sensitive enough to pick up breathing as a "movement") then it sounds an alarm. Some people seem to get false alarms with them, but we never did (unless you count forgetting to turn the alarm feature off before picking DS up... ).

SuzeM · 29/01/2008 15:04

PortandLemon, isn't the Amby Hammock supposed to reduce the risk of SIDS?

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