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Due April 2008 - for our third and final trimester, give us our extra 200 kcals!

1000 replies

EllieG · 28/01/2008 13:21

Here we are!

OP posts:
chipmonkey · 30/01/2008 14:28

38 is whopping! Did they provide an escort for the cheque back to the nursery or something?
Hope your EdPsych is more accommodating than mine, Scorpio!

scorpio1 · 30/01/2008 14:30

a personal fckn gold plated one me thinks!! am cross no-body contacted me. going with tons of 20's there on monday.

EdPysch - GP knows him well and said he is ok, so thats ok with me. i am in the very mood for an awkward twat at the moment....

TLSM · 30/01/2008 14:45

Afternoon all gosh you all have been busy! Glad the doc went well Scorpio. we are going to Dorset for a few days in July dont feel brave enough and dont have the money to go any further would love to go to France My DH is fluet and lived there for a few years I would love to go with him maybe next year! I co slept with Max for the first 6 months so never worried about a baby monitor its not something I worried about although I must admit even now (mAx is 3 1/2) if he is not up at 7.30 and his room is quiet I slightly panic I think it only natural i say do what makes you feel safest! I bought a right bargain on ebay yesterday well worth watching things ending now and again I managed to get a Mamas & papas Moses basket with stand only used a few times as they had a massive baby and paid £10 for it my mum collected it and said its really nice right best get on x

EllieG · 30/01/2008 14:53

(((hugs))) to scorpio. Moaning is allowed here x

OP posts:
northeastmummy · 30/01/2008 15:27

Oh Scorpio - Ellie is right. That's what we're here for. I can't believe those charges - but bank charges have never made sense to me. It's normally just a cash flow thing that could be sorted if it was highlighted to you. And if it is that you don't have the money to pay something, how does charging you make it any better??

It's definitely worth querying it with them I would say.

Sheds75 · 30/01/2008 15:29

TLSM I've just got a bargin on ebay aswel, a Meleda breast pump for £24 only used a few times, but I guess it will have to be sterilised anyway.

Scorpio hope your day gets better, feel free to moan we all need to sometimes

scorpio1 · 30/01/2008 15:40

if they had just rang me (the bank) and said you have x amount of time to het this £40 here before we charge you i would have taken it to them. the bank didnt even write me a charges letter which im almost sure they have to? bastards.

ds1 dad has just turned up early again

TLSM · 30/01/2008 15:54

Scorpio I really would ring the bank and query the charge i am with Abbey and they let you off the charges twice a year if you ring and query them I was charged £25 for not having enough funds to clear a DD by about £2.50p then their charge took me over my overdraft and they charges me £25 for that i rang them ranted for 5 minutes and they credited me it back so well worth a go!

VictorianSqualor · 30/01/2008 16:04

Oh, I moved my bedroom aroudn eysterday to have a nice space for the cot, I got all silly about it
Whilst I was doign it I asked DS to pick up some rubbish from the floor and he said 'I can't do it, Mummy, I can't bend it hurts my belly' Wonder where he got that from

SuzeM · 30/01/2008 16:22

VS, he sounds cute, how old is he?

VictorianSqualor · 30/01/2008 16:23

he was 3 in december.
Cute is not an appropriate word for three year olds.

PortAndLemon · 30/01/2008 16:25

I don't know... DS is cute.

Some of the time .

TLSM · 30/01/2008 16:32

Oh bless him VS I think 3 is a lovely age they are just getting it! my DS is also 3 and he has a baby in his belly called camron! he also asks me everyday are we going to the Doctors today to get Tom out! (we are calling this one Tom)

Mum2b2BabyRoo · 30/01/2008 16:42

Scorpio - def call your bank - I am sure they will let you off your charges if you chat to them.

Also checking out some bargains on ebay - thank goodness for ebay hey!

Like the idea of going to France over summer - had a look at the site you recommended Scorpio and there are some lovely places there. Trying to convince DH now that I need a holiday before we go to SA in Dec... Will see how that pans out!

VS - it always amuses me what little ones come out with! Your's sounds very cute!

scorpio1 · 30/01/2008 18:18

my 3 year old is the best!! he never has any problems or tantrums, just gets a bit sulky. and pretends to love his dad more than me DH is reading this over my shoulder and says he doesn't pretend

im not sure where Millies basket is going to go, there is a radiator on my side and a window close to DH's...may move bed closer to the radiator and then i sleep on his side of bed. there is room at the bottom of our bed but id rather be able to wake up and see her straight away.

we had fish and chips for tea

Peachy · 30/01/2008 18:39

Bought this for myself today, and got DS3 the matching raincoat- hee hee hee

I like 3 years olds, fortuantely as DS3 has been stuck there for a few years now! He's definitely, seriously cute though. He can't do sulking or anything like that though which is a serious bonus LOL- and in the last few months has started saying I love you mummy / daddy quite often

ChipMonkey sorry to hear your problems- they are afraid of Ed Psychs for funding reasons. We ahd a similar ptroblem actually- Is aid any day but wednesday for this big meeting in MArch, so she booked a ..... quite!. That's my last lecture this year, the one where they cover exams etc and the presentations for the following week, AND its my 36 weeks antenatal appointment .

Not heard of marriage leave in my time as a civil servant though- must be a LEA thing as Ed Psychs are LEA employed as opposed to NHS (which is why they will willingfly stuff you if your LEA budget is tight- the Ed Psycha ssessment of ds3 claimed he amde a snowman from verbal instructions alone. Okaaaaaaay- kid didn't even know his name at the time!)

TLSM · 30/01/2008 19:15

Snap Peachy I have the little hat set and the fabric to make a cover for my Bjorn sling

Peachy · 30/01/2008 19:43

Seem to have acquired the knitted rabbit as well - and a pencil case for ds2 but it is hs birthday tomorrow so didnt want him to feel left out.

Just been grabbing together stuff for my labour bag too- an emergency basics kit in case I had to go in arly or transfer. I ahd the outfit and nappy laid out and was going all awwwww......... and so was ds1 when he saw the tiny nappy! (bearing in mind he's used to ds3's junior ones LOL). Realised I need a baby cardi in lemon though and cant find one. Found a delightful hat that looks like a lampshade though- will link!

Peachy · 30/01/2008 19:46



Mollyfloss · 30/01/2008 19:51

All this talk of France. I lived in Paris for the best part of 8 years and still have to go back all the time for work. I've pretty much seen most of the country so can give some advice to anyone wanting it. DH's family also go to France once a year (southwest) so we plan to go there in August. It is so lovely...

TLSM · 30/01/2008 20:03

Umm Thats stunning peachy

VictorianSqualor · 30/01/2008 20:07

I have to say even sulks and tantrums are quite lovely from DS, he drew on DD's wall earlier with a crayon (well 2 little lines), so I called him in to me whilst I was in the bath holding the offedning crayon and asked his why he thought I had it, I got a reply of 'Cos I did draweded on ellas creetans, but its ok, I am sorry and now I will be good again and put it in the bin' Followed by a great big smile, what can I say to that really?
Oh and yesterday he spoke to DP on the phone before DP got in from work and was asked if he was good, his reply 'Well, I tried to be a good boy and I am 'appy'


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chipmonkey · 30/01/2008 21:59

Peachy, I'm in Ireland and I'm quite sure the EdPsychs here probably get shagging leave when ttc, so disillusioned am I!
LOVE the bag and all the little knick-knacks that go with it!

EllieG · 31/01/2008 08:52

VS he sounds adorable! All this talk of cuteness in 3 year olds has made me go all misty eyed and hormonal. Saw my friend who's had twins recently (they are about 6 weeks old) yesterday and got loads of cuddle time - they were SOOOOO gorgeous and sniffy and lovely - I can't wait to have my one!

Have gone all mushy in my old age I think

LOVE the bag peachy

OP posts:
Mollyfloss · 31/01/2008 09:23

I'm with you there Ellie G. It's making me all mushy this talk of cute kids and your LO sound very cute VS! I can't remember ever being this excited. I just can't wait for the baby to arrive! to the point where I don't even worry about childbirth because when I think about it I just think of meeting my LO!

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