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Due August '07 - Part 4

840 replies

tokentotty · 11/04/2007 14:57

Welcome all !!!!

OP posts:
kiteflying · 13/04/2007 10:56

Is your boss still being a prat jem?

jem1969 · 13/04/2007 10:58

He's not here today but bigger boss who is usually OK is being particularly annoying.
Actually, I think it's more that I have loads of work to do at the moment and I feel hard done by as I have been really slack recently! Can't really complain- still manage to look at MN!

lizziemun · 13/04/2007 11:03

I finished a month before i had dd, (christmas 2003) but this was more to with being short and not being able to fit behind the steering wheel anymore.

I took the 6 month maternity leave and then the additional 6months leave to see if we could manage on dh salary, luckly we could although we haven't had a holiday since dd was born in jan 2004.

kiteflying · 13/04/2007 11:21

lizziemun that is a really really long time to go without a holiday. I hope you are planning one.

Jem, I am also feeling hard done by just because I am being expected to work as hard as I did ordinarily before I was pregnant. I still feel sick for most of the day so so not up to working ten to twelve hours in the name of someon else's big dollars. I know other people manage this but I just want to go home at six and I am finding it hard to feel guilty about this.

Yes, do feel guilty about talking on here instead of working though

Mrsshuvel · 13/04/2007 11:53

Just measured my belly for the benefit of my family in Ireland and its 94cm! Anyone want to compare?

Mrsshuvel · 13/04/2007 11:58

I don't know how you manage it Kite, by 4.00pm i'm ready to drop.

kiteflying · 13/04/2007 12:00

Wow! I won't compare.

I just nipped over to the September thread to see if anyone due at the beginning of Sept was also waiting hopefully for movement and had none. Is anyone here with an EDD close to mine still waiting?

By the way, the Sept mums are the most massive list ever!!

bananabump · 13/04/2007 12:12

My temp job finished last thursday, there aren't many jobs locally anyway and especially not temp ones with no heavy lifting. The prospect of another 16 weeks off before he's even here is totally daunting. I mean it sounds nice in principle to be able to sit on your bum and do nothing if you want to, but I know that after about three weeks I'm going to get cabin fever. Worrying...

Went for second anomaly scan today, and everything is fine. They've confirmed hes definitely a boy, his spine is perfect, but he takes after his mum because he's got a big fat tummy in comparison to his head and legs! He yawned onscreen which was cute, she spent ages trying to get a nice profile shot but he had his hands over his face....I thought leos weren't supposed to be shy and retiring??

Oh, and boyfriend has started calling him Skeletor, because the face-on scan pic we have of him looks like a skull. (Well, it IS a skull I spose) I'd like to add at this point that this is about as much input into names my boyfriend has given!

stretchmarks · 13/04/2007 12:18

Hi everyone and welcome to more newbies.

Not been on for ages as we went away over Easter and I have been away with work this week, but back hoome today so tying to have a catch up.

Best Friend had a baby girl on Easter Sunday so popped in to visit yesterday on way home from work. She is georgeous so small, have been shopping on line this morning buying lots of pink things !!!!

DH is fitting our new bathroom this weekend hoorah so think I'll go shopping tomorrow and indulge in some luxury bathroom products I can't wait to have a bath again. I've never really used our main bathroom since we moved in as I hated it so much always preferred to shower in ensuite.

still trying to decid when to start my maternity leave I keep changing my mind every 5 mins but it is a bit complicated with work at the mo but sure it will sort itself out.

kiteflying · 13/04/2007 12:19

Congrats bananabump on another good news scan!

I feel for you being out of work at a time you probably need distracting.

kiteflying · 13/04/2007 12:24

Welcome back stretchmarks - sorry, x-posts before. Glad you had a good holiday.

lizziemun · 13/04/2007 12:27


We were planning one for the middle of July, but not going happen now.

I'm hoping to presude (sp) DH if we could go for a week to his sister apartment in spain for a week in june as it will only cost us for the flight and car hire.

lizziemun · 13/04/2007 12:32


I'm due on the 30th, i still feel sick most days worse when tired, have to force my self to eat as not hungry.

I am starting to feel some movement, but i think because this my second i can feel it earlier.

Annie75 · 13/04/2007 12:43

Hi all - quick posting above movements. Am 23 weeks as of yesterday and felt the baby moving loads in the last week. Haven't felt anything for a day and a half - feels odd as it's always active after food and before bed. Have tried a bath and just downed a glass of cold water at work - nothing Am missing my baby kicking. Know am prob worrying about nothing - any advice?

Mrsshuvel · 13/04/2007 12:44

I would ring your midwife. I'm 23 weeks tomorrow and saw my midwife yesterday, he said if i didn't feel any movement to call him. Its probably nothing Annie but its best to check.

funbun · 13/04/2007 13:08

I'm 22 weeks and feeling flutterings from time to time for last 2 weeks. Seem to happen more when sat up or on my side in bed. Still think its quite early to feel all the time and sometimes don't sit still long enough to focus on it. I'm sure midwife would be happy to reassure you, they must get this sort of enquirey all the time.

bananabump · 13/04/2007 13:21

Welcome Annie75! Try not to worry too much, at this stage they have so much room to move, it could be kicking the crap out of your placenta at the back for two days and you'd never know it.

Mine was quiet a few days ago, for about 24 hours or so, so I used it as an excuse to scoff my easter egg and he was jumping about like an oversized frog after a while with the sugar rush! (Orange juice works just as well) It's easier to really tune into small wriggles and kicks when you're resting though, he might not be strong enough to get your attention when you're busy doing housework etc

I admit sometimes when I'm bored I give the bump a sneaky tap to wake him up, and we have a brief chat in morse code. Bad mummy!

tokentotty · 13/04/2007 13:24

23 weeks today and I have serious break dancing going on inside. Started feeling that it was the baby moving for sure around 20 weeks.

OP posts:
GillL · 13/04/2007 13:26

I measured my "waist" a couple of weeks ago MrsShuvel and it was similar to yours. I can't remember the exact measurement but I do remember only just managing to get a 1 metre tape measure round my belly.

Sometimes I feel bad about preferring to come to work rather than being at home with dd. I don't think I've ever met a woman with the same feelings. I really don't know why but just the thought of spending so much time at home (even if I did lots of activities) just makes me feel depressed. Don't get me wrong I love dd to bits and always wanted kids. I really don't know why I feel this way and I wish I didn't. Even if we could afford for me not to work I would still come in 3 or 4 days per week.

Annie - definitely speak to your midwife just to be on the safe side.

stretchmarks · 13/04/2007 13:36

Annie, I've gone a day or 2 without feeling anything tends to happen if my tummy has grown a bit he seems to have more room. It's also easier to feel him then when relaxed lying down in bed etc but if you give the midwife a call she'll be able to check everything is ok for you.

kiteflying · 13/04/2007 13:43

Annie, let us know when you have been suitably reassured!!

I am having my scan on Monday so hopefully can keep my worry (about bubs not moving yet) in control until then.

kiteflying · 13/04/2007 14:30

I killed our thread. I will leave quietly now so you can all chat.


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tokentotty · 13/04/2007 14:32

Hahahahahahah poor you Kite ! Just clicked on as wanted to wish you good luck for your Scan on Monday in case I didn't speak to you beforehand

OP posts:
Annie75 · 13/04/2007 14:44

Big thanks for the speedy replies - much appreciated x. I'd like to think I'm a rational person, but am def tending to dwell on stuff now I'm pregnant! Called midwife who told me to take a bath (I'm at work!) and drink iced water. I've just downed three and still nought - but then I didn't think about it perhaps having changed positions. Will try the sugar rush next, Bananabump! Just been so used to feeling the regular little kicks and wriggles that it suddenly felt strange not to.

Will call midwife again tonight if still nothing. Do you all have the same person to contact? I've just been given the hospital number where I get through to whoever's on duty...

Oh, and to add to the when to take leave debate - I was planning on two week's before am due, just because I think I'd prefer to have the time once the baby's born. Having said that, I'm lucky enough to work near home and be close-ish to the hospital should any emergencies arise!

Annie75 · 13/04/2007 14:55

I just read your post, Gill. Even though it's my first, I completely understand where you're coming from, and don't think it's odd at all. I think it's really important to have a life - a sense of who you are - outside of being a mum all the time. The bottom line is that a happier mum will equal happier kids - and if that means you being in work and then coming home looking forward to seeing your daughter, rather than you feeling trapped at home, then that's what's right for you and by extension, your DD.

As much as I'm looking forward to being a mum and getting to know my baby, I know I'll need to work to keep a sense of who I am - and to stop me from feeling financially dependent on my DH for any length of time. Not that he'd mind, but I know I'd get all funny about it and it would change the balance in the relationship. Don't give yourself a hard time - I know friends who feel the same way too.

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