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Due August '07 - Part 4

840 replies

tokentotty · 11/04/2007 14:57

Welcome all !!!!

OP posts:
Mrsshuvel · 12/04/2007 17:04

Lol at twins.

Mrsshuvel · 12/04/2007 17:05

Just made me realise that i am not actually invincible and should take a little more care. Let this be a warning to you all - Make sure your throws are tucked in tightly

tokentotty · 12/04/2007 17:10

I don't have any throws but will be ultra vigilant in any unknown territory where I come across them now you have kindly made me aware of the dangers they pose !!

OP posts:
kiteflying · 12/04/2007 17:11

I went over on my "bad" (old injury) ankle on Sunday and it made me feel very responsible and vulnerable at the same time. You must have been so horrified by such a simple thing turning into a night in hospital.

Mrsshuvel · 12/04/2007 17:15

Definitely kite. I always thought i was one of those lucky people that always lands on their feet whatever the situation. Obviously not

Mrsshuvel · 12/04/2007 17:22

I saw you were all talking about mat leave earlier. Has anyone decided how long they are gonna take?

Hersetta i have had a paddling pool on my shopping list for a while especially for those sweltering days. Just a bit worried as we will have builders contructing our loft extension then. Oh well i'm sure i won't be bothered about them getting an eyeful as long as me and baby cool.

growingbagpuss · 12/04/2007 17:23

I've only been out for one day, and its taken me 20 inutes to read todays postings!!

MRs S - blimey - poor thing

Hello to newbies (actually really one myself still I think) - erm nothing useful to add except just spent 2 hours on M25 in un air conditioned car with tights and jeans on (granny tights) so am a bit sweaty (MITR sorry).

Spoke to Mum the other day who says likes the name "Bunny" - I was joking to her that we'd call LO that as she jumps up and down so much. Mum gave no response at all to Evie as a name so clearly isn't impressed. Oh well.

growingbagpuss · 12/04/2007 17:24

I'm taking my 9 months paid and due back at work in April 2008 (!!!) - work for NHS so fairly good mat pay. Looking 4ward to Xmas off.

funbun · 12/04/2007 18:00

Am teacher so working til end of July, means my mat leave won't start til Sept1st even if I've had it - please god I have by then. Planning to take 9 months and head back in May in time for nice summer term and then hols again.

kiteflying · 12/04/2007 18:04

I have just been sent our firm's ML policy so I am going to have a read over tonight to see how much I can afford to take off

MrsBadger · 12/04/2007 19:03

definitely 6m and possibly a further 3 - all depends when/if a nursery place comes up...

Washersaurus · 12/04/2007 19:30

Hi everyone - I have been away for 2 weeks and despite hours of reading have not been able to keep on top of all the news...sorry

I have been very busy with my housewifey chores lately and haven't had time to put my pc on ! I think I have started with my 'nesting' again as found it necessary to clean every inch of woodwork around the house yesterday..WHY?? When I was pregnant with DS I tidied out and cleaned all the kitchen cupboards with bleach to ensure super cleaniness (needless to say nearly 2 years on they haven't been done again )

I hope everyone is OK - sorry if I have missed any important news!

loler · 12/04/2007 19:36

I'm planning to take a year off - with two lots of nursery fees and after school club I would only be earning about £100 per month so not really in any rush to get back!

Someone (sorry brain/brian has let me down again!) was saying earlier about finishing work, I feel like I should be panicking about getting work done by time I leave but keep thinking that I've only got a few months left so what's the point in starting anything new!

Washersaurus · 12/04/2007 20:15

My maternity leave never ended; I changed my mind at the very last minute about returning to work. I didn't really like my job that much anyway TBH. I completed a 4 year law degree just before DS was born - originally I was hoping to change career direction...well I definitely took a change of direction!

We are struggling a bit financially at the moment as DH's business went under at about the same time I discovered I was pregnant again. It gets me down a bit as we were doing quite well before and me not working wasn't an issue as DH put plenty into my bank account for I feel a bit useless as I am not able to contribute financially

GillL · 12/04/2007 20:53

I'm only taking 4 months. I got sooooo bored last time and couldn't wait to get back to work. Also, I think we would be bankrupt after 9 months on maternity pay. I can't afford lose 2 thirds of my pay for that long. We need most of mine and dh's wages to pay the bills.

tokentotty · 12/04/2007 21:09

Oh Wash that sounds like it must have been very stressful to have happened at the same time as finding out you were expecting again. How are things now ?
I'm planning on starting maternity leave at the end of June to give myself time to get organised, rest up and catch up with people while I'm still 'on my own' as it were. Have said to everyone that I'm planning on going back to work but only part time although have no idea whether it'll be pretty soon or in a year's time. When did other's decide that they just didn't want to go back ? I just wondered whether you pretty much knew as soon as your baby arrived or it kind of grew on you ?

OP posts:
Washersaurus · 12/04/2007 21:17

Gill, I think if I had actually been enjoying my job at the time I would have been the same about returning to it . TBH though I found myself so busy with DS and all our "activities" I hardly ever got bored...just a bit lonely sometimes when DS was really little.

That isn't so bad now that DS is 21mths - at least we have some level of communication and we have lots of fun going to the park, doing the shopping, playing in the garden, arts and crafts activities etc.

If it weren't for the finance issue it would be perfect - I really love the time that I get to spend with my little boy and plan to make the most of it while I can. I must admit though if it weren't for being pregnant again I probably would have started looking for some kind of work again by now!

Washersaurus · 12/04/2007 21:21

Hi TT, sorry x-posts! Things are a bit crap with money at the moment, we have fingers crossed that DH will land super paid job next week! He is currently contracting temporarily but the pay isn't quite what we are used to (not that we were ever loaded or anything!)

I had every intention of returning to work after maternity leave, I had my hours sorted and everything, but 2 weeks before I was due to go back I sat DH down and told him that I just couldn't do it as it would make me too sad; the job wasn't what it should have been and that would be bad for all of us. Thankfully DH agreed!

Washersaurus · 12/04/2007 21:23

Am currently hiding out under duvet from the bank who have been calling me about 50 times a day.........

tokentotty · 12/04/2007 21:35

That's rough Wash but I'm guessing you'd still say that you don't regret making that choice and going without at all ? I really feel that until Peanut's here I'll just have no idea whatsoever how I'm going to be so I'm going to hang on, make no decisions now and see how things pan out for me.

OP posts:
Washersaurus · 12/04/2007 21:50

That was always my plan; you just can't tell how you will feel when it comes to going back to work.

I certainly don't regret ditching the job even though I had worked for the same place (in different roles) for 10 years - they didn't appreciate my talents enough anyway (and were probably grateful I didn't return)

Hersetta · 13/04/2007 09:04

I'm only taking 4 months after the baby has been born. My boss has said I can work at home right up to when the baby is born so i can take advantage of the pretty crappy MP here (6 weeks at full pay then £150pw). I am the main earner in our house (earn 5 times what dh does) so being on £150pw is pretty much a disaster for us. DH is giving up work to look after baby when I go back to work in January 2008.


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Mrsshuvel · 13/04/2007 10:11

Big hug for Washersaurus. Fingers crossed DH finds super paying job and you can stay at home with DCs.

I'm planning to take the year off. If we can afford it. gonna have to sit down and do our sums. In the process of juggling finances to make monthly out goings less and looking for new lodger which should help. If they can put up with a new baby.

I'm not sure when i want to start ML. Was thinking off going a month before EDD as i have to get trains etc to work and its a nightmare now let alone when i'm even more massive than i am now and its even hotter. Although i am starting to get offered seats if i rub the belly and make builder sucking noices. Not sure if i'll be bored with a month off though. Won't take me a month to nest as have started that already, like wash i had the kitchen apart last sat cleaning from top to bottom. Gonna do the bathroom tomorrow - can't wait

kiteflying · 13/04/2007 10:50

Morning everyone.

Good to see you back Washersaurus and sorry you have had such a worrying time of things financially. I am guessing you have not qualified as a lawyer yet as you just finished your degree before your son was born (quite an achievement I would have thought!) but could you look at maybe getting some paralegal work part time while you are still pregnant? You could lie and say you are interested in X firm for training contract etc etc and was hoping for some paid work experience. Not sure if it would be worth your time away from your son (or whether you would have to pay for childcare).

Fingers crossed your DH has a windfall and you don't need to worry about it all. Especially as you seem very busy cleaning! (Are you sure you should be using bleach?)

I am in the same boat as hersetta - my salary is five times that of my boyfriend and we cannot afford to lose it really. I have found on reading the ML policy that although some salary trickles in (less and less the longer I have off) the firm pays lots by way of coming back to work bonuses instead. We are still possibly going back to Aus before bubs is six months old (i.e before night and day switching around is a big problem for sleeping), which would mean my looking for a new job straight away with tiny bubs being looked after by someone new in a new house in a new country. Not enticing.

I am going to wait and see. I would rather make decisions totally on the basis of how the baby and I are doing together rather than looking at money, but how can you help it?

I am hoping to work as close as poss to due date. We will have everything by then (I have actually already bought a supply of nappies). I just want a couple of days, or up to a week to relax in the sun and talk the baby into being relaxed and prep us both for labour.

jem1969 · 13/04/2007 10:55

I'm planning on taking a year I think unless I get super bored. Not sure whether I will go back or not- am lucky in that can afford to live on Dh's salary (albeit with cheaper/no holidays etc.)but I don't know if I want to be without cash of my own.
Am having particularly s**t day at work today- wish I could start my ML NOW, but if I am going to take so much time off I think I better earn while I can...will probably go 4 weeks before EDD- depends on the weather a bit I guess. My mum had my brother in August 1976-v v hot summer. Not pleasant apparently...
Have a rich sister in law with a swimming pool- maybe I can just hang out there wallowing all summer

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