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Due in September 2006- part three...count down to summer!

529 replies

Coriander73 · 19/05/2006 18:00

New thread promised!!!

OP posts:
Bella23 · 23/05/2006 12:57

Calvemjoe - too late, have purchased the contented baby book and the baby whisperer.
To be honest your advice sounds very sensible, no doubt I about the confuse myself.....

Bella23 · 23/05/2006 12:57

Calvemjoe - too late, have purchased the contented baby book and the baby whisperer.
To be honest your advice sounds very sensible, no doubt I about the confuse myself.....

Lysettes · 23/05/2006 16:30

bella - let us know what you think of GF!

agree about HK - hope everything is ok

saw the yummy physio today! apparently it was all to do with me retaining so much fluid around the calf muscle, and i'd strained the muscles as a result! and made my muscles seize up too. no wonder i was in so much pain when i was walking. it's much better now and one more appointment next week.

also had second uterine doppler scan today, and the notching has got more pronounced, so the likelihood of pre-eclampsia is even higher, as is the prospect of only going to 35 weeks - as i'm 25 tomorrow, it's coming around far too quick! Not sure if I'm ready either!!! Iguess there's only one way to find out Grin

is anyone else getting quite nervous???

Lysettes · 23/05/2006 16:32

also, if anyone is interested, there are loads of products on - even car seats (so once you've checked on which one fits you can get it on, and the are doing regular double points offers!!

TopBanana · 23/05/2006 17:38

Hi everyone, well I'm in loads of pain but very happy today!! I had my theory test earlier and passed Grin
BUT, after having a chest infection for about 3 weeks I started getting an awful pain in my side which suddenly got worse on Saturday after coughing quite hard. Went to the doctors yesterday who says I've cracked my rib Shock. So, I'm off work for a week and have lots of paracetamol. And it does bloody hurt....

Homemama, keeping everything crossed for you, hope it all turns out for the best.

Hellkat, hope you are ok.

I started to get nervous when reading this thread, can't believe I've only got 16 weeks left Shock and I want to pass my driving test before then.... ha ha ha no chance!!!

Marls001 · 23/05/2006 20:46

Homemama, so sorry to hear. Am hoping you'll hear the very best news as it becomes available to you. Hopefully it'll either heal on its own or be correctible via surgery. Surgery's not a fun experience, granted, but, if it helps you to know, our DS had 2 separate surgeries very early on (born with a hernia in diaphragm (guts headed toward bladder), and also only one tear duct). The teams knew exactly what they were doing, and DS did not seem to be in as much trauma as his worried parents. At 4 months and 6 months, he just slept it off, and has been fine ever since. Again, hoping for the best for you and your family.

Wow Topbanana - do hope that rib will heal soon! What a crazy thing.

Compo, do agree having choices is a good thing! Though if you refuse an epidural here, everyone thinks you're insane. Smile

Had a crying jag last night to DH and he was great about it, all soothing and assuring. Thankfully that's not me very often, but I stupidly had had nothing but junk food yesterday so maybe it was a sugar crash. My woe was the whole "how are we going to cope with another child" thing, that sends me and my overactive hormones spiraling into the abyss at night, and then leaves me wondering what I was quite so upset about in the morning. Still tired, yes, but somewhat Blush. Thank God DH understands (or seems to understand) me right now. Another concern was these horribly large breasts - I don't mind the stomach nearly as much as I mind them. Can't wait for them to recede again. If you're normally 5'3" and 114 pounds, to be all midsection, even when you know it's healthy, is quite disconcerting. Usually doesn't bother me. But last night I felt very fat and overwhelmed. BlushSmile

Coriander73 · 23/05/2006 21:24

Homemama...fingers crossed..:)

Gina Ford..well, two things a) read half of it then through into the fire...b)the only bit I used was getting a blackout blind for DD´s nursery which has worked a treat even though the bloody thing cost a fotune as DD`s window is really wide..!!!!! We got into our own routine when she was 8 weeks old & haven´t looked back -except a few weeks ago if you all recall! Also, the woman doesn´t even have any kids of her own!!

Am in Madrid with DD for a few days rest. I hadn´t realised how hard the trip over would be given that she sat on my lap & being 6 months pg would mean not being able to get comfortable at all..& no she didn´t sleep one wink!!! I am also huge all of a sudden. When I took DD swimming last week the instructor looked at me & said "sure your not carrying twins"...IDIOT...grrrrrrrr!!!!

Marls, can´t believe he c-section rates are so bloody high!!! Gosh...makes you wonder what people did in the good old days....!

OP posts:
HellKat · 24/05/2006 09:37

Morning girls.
Ohhhhhh you're all sweethearts for worrying! Smile Sorry to have worried you all just been resting up. Spd & pelvic pain been bad plus last couple of days just have'nt been arsed to do anything (feel very lazy lol).
How's everyone?
Got freaked out the other day. If this lo arrives the same time as ds2 then I'd only have 10 wks left Shock!!!!! I hope I make it to due date.
Homemama- Wishing you loads of luck & fingers crossed.
Hiya every one else!!!!!!!!!

Bella23 · 24/05/2006 09:42

Topbanna - gosh, a cracked rib...poor you !!Shock Hope it heals pretty sharpish as does sound very painful indeed!!
Congrats on the theory test, any view when you will take the actual test?

Coriander - have started the GF book last night so will see how it goes. If nothing else it will be nice to know what gets people so outraged as there are so many threads about her!

Marls - arh, sounds like your DH is lovely. I must admit to having mini panicks about all the stuff we have to do before the birth. We've bought nothing yet - I think we need to start purchasing some stuff and then it will make me feel less stressed.

Well another wet day here in London, very boring.........come on bring me Summer!!Grin

Bella23 · 24/05/2006 09:43

Hellkat - good to see you and hear all is ok. Being a lazy cow is totally allowed !!Grin

Lysettes · 24/05/2006 10:41

TopBanana - well done for theory test. I must confess that i am supposed to be starting to learn to drive, and have been dead scared of it and put it off and off - is the theory test really difficult, and how hard is learning to drive while pregnant???

HK - good to hear you're just putting your feet up, even if it pain induced!

Marls, you poor thing, but at least DH sounds v sensitive and understanding! We're all allowed moments of mad panic - I have them frequently Grin.

DH outdid himself last night (onto less sensitive ones now....) - went out for work drinks and swore blind he was leaving at 9pm. I spoke to him at 915 and he said he was still there but leaving soon. He then informed me he had no keys but as he was only going to be half an hour or so that really wasn't a problem..... Then I next called him at 1130, when he informed me that they were just finishing dinner and he would be in a cab soon.

Aaaaaaargh I could have strangled him (in the nicest possible way)!

Rant over and done with now Blush

have a good day everyone - i got caught in the downpour earlier on way back from gym - soaking wet!

mabel1973 · 24/05/2006 10:44

Good to hear from you HellKat and glad all is ok.
Marls - I can totally understand how you feel - DH and I had a chat last night and decided that we need to get into a routine straight away once the baby is born and that he will get DS up, fed and dressed before he goes to work, so I can deal with the baby and get myself up and dressed.
We weren't nearly so organised last time and it took a phone call from me at about midday one day crying down the phone that I'd not even had a cup of tea let alone any food, that made us realise that organisation is key! I got breakfast in bed every day after that!
Also the Boobs thing - I am a 34 E/F and although I'm tall I am not particularly big anywhere else (except bump obviously) and while DH thinks they're great, I hate them and would love them to shrink to a nice manageable C cup - why anyone chooses to have their breats enlarged is beyond me!

Normsnockers · 24/05/2006 10:57

Cori, from the heated GF threads I have gathered that GF is not a parenting expert, but writes books on babycare/childcare. It appears that despite having looked after hundreds of other peoples' babies and children, sometimes in sole charge, she has no kids of her own but I also picked up somewhere that this was not by choice so felt a little sad for her personal circumstances.

I couldn't do the strict routine thing as it's just not me but having read a couple of "be completely led by baby's needs and fit anything else in around this" books I knew this wouldn't work for me either and quite how you make that work with a second/third/fourth child I'll never understand. I used a lot of GF's insights from her years of childcare experience to good advantage and felt more in control of things as a result which left me calmer to deal with ds's needs.

Who knows what will work for us this time but I will be brushing up on my GF insights and I want to read the baby whisperer book also. I think hired help may be my salvation - must find a cleaning lady or mother's help type person soon !

I would say don't hurl GF across the room but be confident enough to cherry pick what will help you/ your family and have confidence in yourself as mum to get to know what your baby wants. The same goes for those 100% babycentred parenting books.

P.S. the friend who recommended reading the GF book said I should wear incontinence pants whilst reading it as I'd either wet myself with fright at "Matron's" way of doing things or wet myself laughing at them. It was still worth reading though.

mabel1973 · 24/05/2006 11:32

completely agree Norms - Some of the ouraged GF threads I have read on here have amazed me - anyone would think she was saying corporal punishment was ok for children or something. The 'be led by your baby approach' wouldn't have worked for me and I think routine is good for babies and children as it makes them feel secure. Each to their own I say!

TopBanana · 24/05/2006 11:47

Thanks Bella, it'll probably be the end of august when I take my test if all goes to plan!!
Lysettes, you should really learn!! Its going to be great having freedom when I pass. The theory wasn't that hard, I was worried about the hazard perception but I shouldn't have been. On my lessons its sometimes a bit uncomfortable when I'm practising manoeuvres but its not too bad learning while pregnant. Just feels like I'm under pressure to pass by September! I was nervous but when I had my first lesson the instructor put my mind at rest and now I can't wait to get out on the road.
Glad you are ok Hellkat Smile

homemama · 24/05/2006 14:35

Hi everyone,
Thank you for all your kind messages. We are staying positive and preparing ourselves for all the eventualities.
Marls, thank you for sharing about the surgery.Smile

I totally agree that a routine is important but for us the GF routine was just too much. Both DS and us were much happier with the BW routine. She advocates the black out blinds and 7am wake up too. The key difference is that whilst she also believes that baby needs to settle himself she suggests you shouldn't leave them alone to do it. I'm sure this way takes longer than the GF approach but was easier for us. So I'd say to first timers, pick and choose, use the book that fits you best but definately do the black out blinds and the 7am get up. They really do help everything else fall into place.

Well done, Top Banana! Good luck with the practical. I can't imagine not having my car even though since we moved I hardly use it as the village is so self contained.

Hope your SPD isn't getting you down too much, HK!

Normsnockers · 24/05/2006 15:05

Am definately going to get the baby whisperer book for a good reading session then homemama

Lysettes · 24/05/2006 17:13

plunge taken! driving lessons booked - first one on 14th june.

my stomach's doing butterflies already, and don't think it's the lo either!!!!

homemama · 24/05/2006 17:13

Norms, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I found her second book more useful. It's the slightly larger beige book. For me, it contained everything the blue book has plus more. I just found it easier to read. Check out ebay or the used section on amazon for a good deal.
How are you feeling BTW? I've had a sicky feeling for 3 days now although nowhere near as bad as before. Still yucky though! Smile

homemama · 24/05/2006 17:21

Well done, Lysettes! I'll change your life!

homemama · 24/05/2006 17:23

That should be it'll not I'll! I've got enough of my own life to sort out! Blush Grin

TopBanana · 24/05/2006 17:23

Nice one Lysettes Grin You won't regret it!!!


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Coriander73 · 24/05/2006 19:31

I liked the BW....however like with everything bits here & there & above all trust your own instinct. I resent the implication that as I didn´t have a routine as such until 8 weeks that I was baby led & that we were "obviously" in disarray...actually as any first time Mother will tell you I was shattered & coping with the after affects of an emergency section plus 4 hours of surgery where I neary died. That in itself is enough to throw you for a few weeks!

I am convinced though that baby no 2 will slot into DD routine rather than other way around. At least we all know what we´re doing this time -although I appreciate it´s going to be difficult at first.

My feet have swollen in the heat here. Just despatched DD to bed who even if she´s goes to bed a bit later will still wake up at the same time!! The kids here are still playing in the park at 8-9pm when DD is normally in bed by 7pm. The family I´m staying with just don´t understamd why I insist on trying to mantain some sense of normality!!!!

OP posts:
Lysettes · 24/05/2006 20:08

Cori - my yummy physio had a good go at my feet and calves yesterday and said best thing to do is to lie on your back (i know we're told not to do it but it's not for too long), and with your feet up on at least three pillows, flex them, so you "pump" the fluid back through your system. it's really worked for me last night and today, as my calves were seizing up from the extra fluid.

thanks for the support ladies - let's see how i go and if i have any major crashes while learning!!!

and cori - heat there????? it's been raining almost non stop here in london - send some of the heat our way!

Bella23 · 25/05/2006 09:33

Lysettes - oooh could do with a yummy PhysioGrin

Coriander - where abouts are you? No heat here, we are lucky if we just manage to get through the day without rain!

Well not a lot else going on here, stupid article in the Metro this morning which I shouldn't have read. It was saying how IVF treatment can lead to low lying placenta and then giving horror stories about that.
So basically started me back on the whole worrying thing about my low lying placenta when there is bugger all I can do about it until my next scan in July. Its just a constant niggle in my mind.....

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