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Due in September 2006- part three...count down to summer!

529 replies

Coriander73 · 19/05/2006 18:00

New thread promised!!!

OP posts:
liquidclocks · 30/05/2006 10:42

Homemama - when I was in mothercare yesterday the salesman said that bebe confort are bringing out a base for the creatis so it might be worth following that up to see how much it will cost - especially as the seat's SO much more padded and comfy and if you're spending the money anyway...! I think the P&T's worked out best for me as I rarely go shopping alone and there's always the backpack option or pannier bags, just hope I don't regret it in a years time - expensive mistake to make (as DH keeps reminding me).

Muminaquandry - I bought a bouncer/rocker (cosatto I think but not sure) for DS with a very solid frame that sat totally upright so did till 9 months. Was also great for feeding him in during weaning stage when they're just too small for a highchair but you need them to sit up. My mistake was buying a cream one - no matter how many times I've washed it the grubby paw prints are there to stay! :) Now DS is 19 months and can climb onto the sofa there's nothing he likes better thn sitting up there with mummy and daddy 'all grown up' - I think the toddler chairs are probably a bit of an expensive luxury to look cute in your lounge!

mabel1973 · 30/05/2006 10:56

hi all - well I have to say I feel rubbish today.
We had a terrible night with DS - he fell out of bed at 10pm and got quite hysterical about it, it took us three hours to settle him. So today I feel tired and mierable. I was supposed to be going out with frineds and their DS's for the day, but they've both cancelled, so I now have a day of feeling like a zombie and coping with grumpy DS to get through, I just want to cry am feeling very sorry for myself and really don't know how I am going to manage with 2, as I am going to feel like this all the time.
I know I am feeling sorry for myself and will get myself out of it soon, but I suppose i just wanted to sound off. :(

compo · 30/05/2006 11:48

Aw Mabel, sorry to hear that Sad I keep wondering how I'll manage with two when I'm sleep deprived etc but I guess we will all cope somehow cos we'll have to - not very helpful is it!!!
Dh informed me last night that the inlaws have already booked a b&B for a week down here from my due date onwards. I am evilly thinking how funny it will be if I go 2 weeks over, they'll miss everything!!

mabel1973 · 30/05/2006 12:05

thanks compo - I feel a bit better now - just needed a moan I think.
Hee hee - you are as bad as me re: Inlaws! am very guilty of evil thoughts!
Well my brother and sil's 1st baby is due any time - v. exciting!
Was quite amusing though as they are both paediatric nurses and last time they saw DS my bro said 'is he on the go all time??!!' looking a bit worried! I think because they are used to dealing with poorly children it will be quite a shock to cope with a healthy demanding on the go baby!
My mum said ' it's a good job they break you in gently and aren't born aged 18 months' that would be shock to the system - hee hee!

HelsBels1 · 30/05/2006 12:21

hi all, I'm new to this sie and 1st time pg so was just looking for some advice - I am v_excited looking at lovely baby things and want to buy everything. however dh is more sensible than me and thinks we should wait til nearer the time (due 23 Sept). Have only ordered pushchair so far (quinney buzz) but not sure how much longer I can hold off - any thoughts? also I am very easily fooled by cute advertising, so is there anything I should avoid?Grin

mabel1973 · 30/05/2006 15:10

welcome helsbels!

don't buy your baby a bathrobe - you will never use it! I bought the cutest one from mothercare - didn't use it once.
Also baby baths - it is personal choice, but I never used that either.
I am a bit dubious about bumbo's - we found ours useful when we went on holiday, but most of my friends who bought them said that their babies hated sitting in them and were a waste of money.
Also try not to buy too many clothes - you will be amazed by the amount of clothes friends and family buy you.
Muslins - some people swear by them and the lady in the shop told me I would not be able to live without them. In the end I preferred to mop up sick and dribble with a bit of kitchen towel.
Hope this helps - if I can think of anything else I will let you know!

mandaz · 30/05/2006 16:51

Hi all, hope everyone is well.

I saw a friend today who has an 18month old DD. She's really cheered me up by telling me that her DD woke them up at 4am this morning and refused to go back to sleep, and that 7am is a lie in for her these days! I don't know about coping with 2 compo, I'm quite worried about coping with one! I really don't do lack of sleep but I guess I'll get used to it Grin

Welcome HelsBels, I haven't bought anything big yet but have been buying small stuff along the way, partly to spread the cost and partly because it's just all too tempting. So far I've bought practical things like wipes and bath stuff when I've seen them on special offer. I've also got some dummies and a cot mobile (but no cot yet!). Clothes wise, I'm trying not to go mad and have stuck to sleepsuits, socks, scratch mitts etc. Everytime I go into Mothercare or similar I get something small. I did get a really cute Winnie The Pooh pram suit the other day though which will be part of LO's going home outfit.

I'm still getting back ache but it's not too bad. I'm so looking forward to September. It feels ages away and yet I have so much to buy and organise that it's probably a good thing to have some time to sort it all out in. Smile

homemama · 30/05/2006 19:24

Hope you're feeling a bit better now, Mabel! I am starting to have moments of panic about having 2 under 2. No sending it back now!

Welcome, Helsbels! Totally agree about the bathrobe although def. get the towels with the hood as it helps stop them shivering when they came out the bath.
We used the baby bath for about 2wks then put DS in one of those blue plastic seats where they lie back. They're suitable from birth until sitting unaided and DS loved it. We may use it a little longer this time though until I feel more confident about putting baby in the bath with a splash happy toddler! Grin

Also have to say that the bumbo was a huge waste of money. DS hated it and actually toppled forward and cracked his head on the kitchen tiles. Angry That's not supposed to happen! But then he has always hated sitting still full stop.

We also never, ever used the top and tail bowl thingy that you get to match the baby bath.

I've also never met a baby who's kept a pair of scratch mittens on! Grin

Hope everyone is well!

compo · 30/05/2006 20:08

Ooh Homemama ds loved his Bumbo. My nephew is currently borrowing it but we'll get it back in plenty of time for this lo. It's great for weaning as it's plastic so can just be wiped clean, unlike car seats and bouncy chairs which are material. We are still using our baby bath Blush It's because we only have a shower and 2 year old ds sits in it at the bottom of the shower as he's still a bit scared of the actual shower.

liquidclocks · 30/05/2006 22:34

Maybe the buying of bumbos should wait until you know your baby enjoys sitting! DS loved his but he had reflux and we tried to keep him from being horizontal at all costs.

Re useful/useless newborn buys:

Feeding: I'd say most useful things to get include loads of plastic back velcro fastening bibs - without the plastic and clothes get soaked and the ones with ties are SO frustrating! Also if you think you might use bottles even if just once in a while, don't bother with the cute small ones - by 3/4 weeks they're drinking more than they hold :)

Sleeping: Best buy for us was 2 gro-bags, no kicking covers off, getting legs stuck in cot bars etc. and you just wash one while the other's being used. So much easier than faffy blankets. Also, as we had a sicky baby, putting large size absorbent real nappies under his head at nights saved us countless bedding changes!

Clothing: Buy with all poppers/fastenings on front as ones on back can dig in to skin and you end up with lots of crying :( - found out hard way.

Toys: wrist rattles, though cute, are more for your benefit than the babys'.

...I could go on :) won't bore you though, some things you just have to find out for yourself!

(PS - ear plugs for when DH on 'duty' :o)

liquidclocks · 30/05/2006 22:38

One extra thing - buy unisex everything where possible, save yourself loads of money next time!

Lysettes · 31/05/2006 09:39

great tips everyone! and welcome helsbels!

must admit i too am suffering evil in law thoughts Blush mine are coming from nz and arriving a week before lo due - although consultant now sticking to time frame of 5 weeks early, so am a bit relieved that we will maybe get some time on our own straight after birth. don't think i could bear MIL fussing straight afterwards, or telling me how much worse it was for her 37 years ago.....

and i know you'll all be pleased to hear i managed to have b pressure taken yesterday without being kept in hospital Grin Grin, although i was there for 7 hours while they tested me becuase it was still so high!

fingers crossed for friday - next tests!

i heard the weather was supposed to get better?

mabel - you poor thing - did you have a good cry? best thing to do i find at the moment!

mabel1973 · 31/05/2006 10:41

Lysettes - sorry to hear your bp is still so high, but great that you didn't get kept in!
My sympathy is with everyone who has dodgy in-laws! Mine live 5 minutes away and are retired, which you would think would be an opportunity for them to be on our doorstep every 5 minutes, but quite the opposite - my lovely MIL never offered to have DS once while I was feeling really tired and sicky at the beginning - so she will prob not offer her services when no.2 comes along either - just offer her unwanted advice!
Well following DS's bad night, he went on to be quite under the weather yesterday, the best bit being when DH decided to take him to Tesco last night, for him to throw up over DH's suit in the middle of the shop. I am hoping it's just a little bug, he's managed to keep down his breakfast this morning so far anyway.

homemama · 31/05/2006 10:56

Lol, it just shows you how they are all different. DS was only 5mths when he toppled out and we'd only had it a month so it's brand new. Mind you, he crawled at 6mths so was always trying to get away. Grin

Totally agree that you should never but bibs that tie at the back, no matter how cute they look. Bloody useless!

Also,instead of getting rattles as newborn toys, get them something that scrunches or feels of different textures. They find that much more interesting. Although DS found nothing but the boob interesting for a good few weeks! Grin

Agree about the grobag too. We'd all have had more sleep early on had we started with one. No need to do the feet to foot thing with that either.

No matter what anyone tells you, you will buy a load of useless (but beautiful) crap. But that's ok cause it's all part of the fun of being a first time parent. I found it difficult to control my excitement the first time around. Enjoy! Smile

homemama · 31/05/2006 11:01

Lysettes, hope you can get your BP down soon!

Mabel, hope your poor DS feels better as the day goes on.

I can't get into the MIL convo as I'll still be posting about it come Sept. She bought me a 'how to be a good mother' type book when DS was 1yr old! Angry

Coriander73 · 31/05/2006 12:52

Ha LOL re lack of sex!!!!! DH has only had it once since we conceived in Dec!!!! I asked him how it was going & he said well, I suppose I have the playstation & the pc but I really am getting desperate which I replied what are your hands for?!!!!!! Please....the thought just makes me want to be sick again.....´poor thing...still not long I suppose!!!!!

Have got the Maclaren TT in the end for what it is worth!!! :o

OP posts:
calvemjoe · 31/05/2006 14:59

Hey everyone hope you are well.

LOL Compo at inlaws, my sil booked a week off from my due date onwards with ds and he was a week and 2 days late, and the sick satisfaction that my lo had beaten her was the only thing that kept me sane when I was overdue Grin

Well after sobbing my heart out on dh's shoulder because I'm 26 weeks and feel so unprepared we have eventually gone into the loft and got some clothes down. Very cute, had lots of fun washing them and putting them all away in her little draw. DH then pointed out all we need now is a packet of nappies and we're good to go as we still have everything from ds! Also went to mothercare and brought her outfit for coming home from hospital. Everything is unisex tho, haven't got the guts (or the money) to buy pink!

Well, we're off to center parcs on friday and I'm not sure if I'll manage to get back online before hand so if iI don't manage it I'll speak to you all in a week, look after your bumps x

Marls001 · 31/05/2006 16:38

Congratulations to Compo! Grin Good idea for the baby bath; hadn’t thought of that before.

Don’t know what the Baby Bjorn bouncer is, but the actual Baby Bjorn carrier was well-used with DS and will be again with DS2; as far as toddler chairs, DS likes his simple chair & table set from IKEA!
Agree with all suggestions. We also LOVED our microwave sterilizer for bottles. SO much easier than on the stove.

Homemama – yuk on MIL. Our “problem mom” is luckily, my own! So I can be a bulldog with her if I have to. Grin

Mabel – I definitely know how you’re feeling. Heard having 2 is much harder than 1, and it scares me to death.

Appyday – my solution on knickers has just been not to wear any Blush – when I have to, though, nothing but Cosabella thongs for me. They are very comfortable, despite being thongs – and I’m picky about comfort.

Homemama, DH isn’t denying I’m bigger than with DS either … explained to him it’s like someone’s split me in two at the bikini line, inserted a large watermelon, and then put the two halves back together. Only now there’s tremendous downward pressure all along the line that’s been cut (and that’s the area most used for balance too, so feeling off-kilter).

Welcome Ezridax & Helsbels!

Wow, Tassis, have a great time!! That's on our list for "someday."

We loved Kansas City; had the requisite barbeque and listened to jazz but also surprised they had so many fountains! Great shopping. Even though I couldn’t get anything, it was nice to look. I do miss that about being in a big city.

Cori – I understand; was nervous dropping DS off at new pre-school (for the summer) yesterday, but was immediately surrounded by little girls (!), whom I’m told are the “welcoming committee.” It was very cute, and he didn’t even wave goodbye; later found out he got on well. It’s actually kind of nice they’ve got their own seat on the plane sometimes, though – if it’s a window you can keep them corralled. Grin

Liquid – we have a Baby Trend jogging stroller and it’s been great (bought 3 years ago for DS).

Had a good run today and every week I think it’s going to be my last, but then end up getting so much out of it; really makes me feel like myself again, if only for under an hour. As long as it’s under 80F I will be able to handle it, I think.

Lysettes – Good luck with bp. That plagued me with DS; was under “house arrest” the last two weeks.

Lysettes · 31/05/2006 19:28

just to add to the mil trend.....mine annonced to me the other night on the phone that she never needed any advice books, just did everything perfectly on instinct Grin - apparently all her friends had doctor spock and she never needed anything.

i could have reached down the phone and strangled her there and then Blush

she'll get a shock when she gets here and finds we not only have updated dr spock but also ms ford!!!!!

mabel1973 · 31/05/2006 20:42

wow Marls - hot do you do it - am very impressed that you have been for a run! I walked about 3 miles today and quite honestly was ready to collapse by the time I got home.
Calve - you are so organised. I keep thinking I ought to wash the cover for the bouncy chair, and some newborn clothes, but just keep putting it off. Although we still have a lot of work to do on his room before we start moving stuff in there.
My brother and SIL bought me some really lovely toiletries for my birthday, they are Champneys mother-to-be. There's a great 'beautiful bump collagen boost' cream , which feels lovely and you can really tell the difference in your skin, especially if it's feeling a bit tight. I am normally a Palmers Cocoa butter girl, but I may treat myself to sme more of this when it runs out!

ezridax · 31/05/2006 21:05

Hi everyone,

I had an antenatal appointment today and they found a trace of protein in my urine.

Has anyone else had this experience - if you have where did it lead?

Must say i feel exactly the same as you Helsbels although i've just bought a few bits and pieces. I seem to have spent most of my time researching stuff - how sad am i? Blush
i need help!
How did you finally decide on your quinny buzz?

What's funny is before i became pregnant, when i went shopping with people who have kids they would go straight to the childrens department even when their child didn't need anything, and i'd be like - can we go to the big peoples bit? Now I've turned into them, I walk straight to the kids department!

Although i must say that i've promised to buy myself a nice handbag before little 'un gets here (not designer or anythin but nice). I love buying shoes and handbags - even though you can only wear them one at a time.

Has anyone here given birth in Saint Mary's Hospital in Manchester? What was your experience?

puppy · 01/06/2006 08:07

Hi all not been on for a long time we are really quite busy with work on the house.
Just thought I would pop in and say hi and hope you are all ok, everythings fine here, will come on next week when things are not so hectic and catch up with you all. Smile

Welcome to the new mum to bes'


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mabel1973 · 01/06/2006 08:45

exciting news - my SIL has gone in to labour this morning!
V. excited... Grin

muminaquandary · 01/06/2006 10:24

Hello everyone and thanks for the shopping tips. I still can't decide on a bouncy chair but have definitely decided on the Phil & Ted's. Next question: who to buy it form ? Does anyone have experience of the following on-line retailers:

  • Groovystyle
  • Kiddycare (NOT kiddicare)

Parting with >£300 so want to be sure!!!
Lysettes · 01/06/2006 11:38

mabel - how vvvvv exciting!

ez - i have had a trace on a previous ante natal appt, and they sent it off for testing, and came back all ok. it coujld be that you've been fighting off a very slight infection and not known it - I had been sufferring from a little back pain the day before which i had put down to sleeping akwardly, but could have been a very slight infection.

probably nothing to worry about if it's just a trace - if there's anything more than that they tend to keep you in for other test - blood tests etc.

i bought a rather expensive handbag last night, and am now banned from buying anything more that is not necessary until after the birth!!!!

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