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Sudden death of my DH

148 replies

echt · 05/07/2016 09:49

Seven days ago my lovely, funny, devoted DH had a stroke and died two days later. I'm up my eyes in funeral arrangements as one might expect, and today is a sort of respite as more is in train.

I had always secretly thought that I would be alone in this country one day that he would go before me, but not so soon. He was only 61.


OP posts:
CiderwithBuda · 07/07/2016 09:13

Oh echt - that is a nice thing. My BIL is waiting for a kidney and I had an uncle who had both a heart transplant and a kidney transplant. He had an extra 20 years. What a wonderful thing to have done.

Thinking of you and DD. Flowers

TheCountessofFitzdotterel · 07/07/2016 09:30

That is wonderful. In all the sorrow, I am so glad that happened.

HumphreyCobblers · 07/07/2016 09:31

That is a nice thing. How wonderful that you got that email.

Thinking of you through all this echt.

JaneJeffer · 07/07/2016 09:34

I'm sorry for your loss. It's must so hard but also comforting knowing his death has given life to someone else Flowers

bookbook · 07/07/2016 10:45

Thats so comforting to know echt -
And what an amazing gift he ( and you) have given to someone else .

3littlefrogs · 07/07/2016 10:54

One of my family has had a kidney transplant.
Such a brave and kind thing to do, to give life to a stranger in the midst of your own grief.

lulalullabye · 07/07/2016 12:12

Oh Echt, I only just read this post as not a frequent user anymore. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It must be so devastating that it is so sudden and he will leave a massive hole. I remember the day we met in that little cafe in Hampton and You struck me as being very down to earth and sensible.
You will get through this, it will be hard, but you can do it. You are not alone hear and feel free to message me anytime. I often think what would happen if I was in that same situation so far way from home, but here is your home now.
Pm me any time xxxxxxxx

saffronwblue · 07/07/2016 12:40

I will be thinking of you tomorrow. What an extraordinarily thoughtful action to donate a kidney. I hope this decision will bring comfort to you and dd in the months and years ahead.

SugarPlumTree · 07/07/2016 20:53

I'll be thinking of you too tomorrow Echt. That is an amazing thing to have done and I'm so glad you got the email.

ExtraHotLatteToGo · 07/07/2016 21:41

Echt your DH & you have done such a kind thing, how lovely to have that email.

You'll have many more friends standing alongside you tomorrow, you just won't be able to see us 💐X

bookbook · 07/07/2016 21:53

You will be in my thoughts tomorrow

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeG0es · 07/07/2016 22:39

I'll be thinking of you too. What an amazing gift you and he have given with organ donation Flowers

lulalullabye · 08/07/2016 06:35

Hi Echt, I hope everything went well today x

StealthPolarBear · 08/07/2016 06:38

Echt I am so sorry for your loss x

echt · 08/07/2016 07:32

The funeral was a good one. I'd never been to the cemetery before, or even heard of it; it's new and made for native Australian planting. In time it will be stunning, with many many eucalypts. Being modern it has the sound system and screens that, well it suited us, though they didn't dial it up to 11 for the final track, as requested Hmm

Standing room only. So humbling. DD made a splendid speech, as did two other friends of my DH. It was funny and sad. So many of my work colleagues turned up, as I had no idea they would, this being school holiday, and I was so moved.
I had the final speech, and managed it without crying (not that that would have been a bad thing).

As a token, the last nine days of unremitting cloud and rain lifted and the sun shone, though still cold. Still thing now, so I will take the dog for a walk. Smile

OP posts:
echt · 08/07/2016 07:33

Still shining! Fat fingers.

OP posts:
BIWI · 08/07/2016 07:36


I think a 'good' funeral is a wonderful thing. Thinking of you

MewlingQuim · 08/07/2016 07:41

So sorry for your loss echt

I'm glad the funeral went well


DiamondInTheRuff · 08/07/2016 07:43

Another from the Allotment thread just wanting to say how sorry I am.

I'm so glad the funeral went Ok.


GrouchyKiwi · 08/07/2016 07:49

So sorry for your loss, echt. Glad it was a beautiful funeral. Flowers

SeaRabbit · 08/07/2016 09:50

I'm glad it was a good funeral, and that the cemetery will be a lovely place for him to be in, and for you to visit.

ExtraHotLatteToGo · 08/07/2016 10:10

That sounds like a lovely funeral Echt 💐

What an amazing place, I'm pleased the sun shone for you & that lots of people were there. I'm glad you & DD got through your speeches ok.

It's a shame they didn't dial the final track up to 11 as requested, but isn't it lovely how we can pretty much have the service we want to these days, not some formal stuffy thing of years gone by. If you don't mind saying what track it was, I'd love to know, but no problem if you're trying to remain a bit anymore still.

saffronwblue · 08/07/2016 10:57

I thought of you when I saw the sun out today. I hope the ceremony, thoughtful words and large attendance will become memories that help.

dudsville · 08/07/2016 11:01

Oh my goodness, this fear of mine is a reality for you and I am so sorry. What a shock it must be for you, and your poor DD.

HumphreyCobblers · 08/07/2016 15:53

Here thinking of you echt. Glad it was a beautiful funeral in a beautiful place. Well done for getting through your speech.

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