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Sudden death of my DH

148 replies

echt · 05/07/2016 09:49

Seven days ago my lovely, funny, devoted DH had a stroke and died two days later. I'm up my eyes in funeral arrangements as one might expect, and today is a sort of respite as more is in train.

I had always secretly thought that I would be alone in this country one day that he would go before me, but not so soon. He was only 61.


OP posts:
Dumdedumdedum · 05/07/2016 10:50

Yes, echt, my username is indeed for "The Archers". I had listened regularly for about 50 of my 60 years, on and off, depending on where I was and what was going on in my life. I stopped listening deliberately round the time of the Brookfield moving to "Northumbria" in ridiculously unlikely circumstances storyline, listened again occasionally and gave up completely when Arsula came on the scene. I occasionally listen if it's on when I'm in the kitchen but the minute I hear the ghastly Rob's voice, I switch off. From time to time, I read Lowfield but am disengaged now, probably should change my username.
I don't know what more to say to you, I often wake up in the night to check my own husband is breathing, it is my fear to be left alone in a country far from home.

insan1tyscartching · 05/07/2016 10:50

So sorry Echt,in my thoughts and prayers Flowers

WorraLiberty · 05/07/2016 10:52

So sorry to hear this Thanks

ohfourfoxache · 05/07/2016 10:57

I'm so sorry echt, so so sorry

We're all holding your hand xx

MamaBear98 · 05/07/2016 11:00

so sorry to hear that Echt Flowers Sad

3littlebadgers · 05/07/2016 11:04

I'm so sorry echt Flowers all of our thoughts with you and DD

CrushedNinjas · 05/07/2016 11:05

What an awful shock for you. I guess it must feel terribly unreal and nightmare-ish at the moment. I'm glad you have good friends & family helping with the practical stuff.
Sending you loving hugs from here in south west Ireland. Flowersxxx

echt · 05/07/2016 11:11

CrushedNinjas, yes, the dreamlike quality is spot on. Being driven home a few days ago, the whole street we live on looked, well, weirdly different. As if it had been lit for a film. Thanks for the hugs.

OP posts:
SugarPlumTree · 05/07/2016 11:13

Echt I am so sorry Flowers I always thought he sounded like such a lovely man and I can't imagine the shock for you all.

I was at my Mum's funeral in Thailand virtually a few weeks ago via an app called Line which is similar to Skype. Maybe this could be something for your friend who can't be at the funeral ?

BluePitchFork · 05/07/2016 11:19

so sorry echt must be double tough in a strange country where customs/regulation are very different.
big hugs to you and dd

echt · 05/07/2016 11:20

Thanks for this, Sugar, though I've just been told by the wankbadgery funeral directors that the whole funeral service can be streamed world-wide.
:o Shock

OP posts:
DramaAlpaca · 05/07/2016 11:21

Sorry for your loss echt Flowers

HooseRice · 05/07/2016 11:26

Sorry for your loss echt Flowers

danTDM · 05/07/2016 11:27

Very, very sorry Flowers

SeaRabbit · 05/07/2016 11:41

My dear echt, I am so sorry. I know you and your family from the gardening thread, and as others have said he sounded a lovely man and 61 is no age. It's so unfair. Lots of virtual flowers and hugs to you and the others who loved him.

YellowBucket · 05/07/2016 11:49

Flowers I am truly sorry to hear of your loss

TheFairyCaravan · 05/07/2016 11:50

So sorry for your loss echt Flowers

BettyDraper1 · 05/07/2016 12:02

Oh god, you poor thing. Try to take care of yourself through this difficult period Echt Flowers

Lynnm63 · 05/07/2016 12:06

I'm so sorry for your loss. Flowers

saffronwblue · 05/07/2016 12:11

Echt I am so sorry to see this. Such a young age. I think we live in the same city so I am sending you my thoughts on this chilly day. Feel free to pm me if you are short of real life support.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeG0es · 05/07/2016 12:45

I'm very sorry to hear of your loss Echt.Flowers

HumphreyCobblers · 05/07/2016 12:45

Oh Echt, I am so very sorry to read this sad news.

fattyfattytoadgirl · 05/07/2016 12:55

So very sorry to hear this. You must be in tremendous shock.

I am new here and we haven't chatted before, but I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am all the same.


HandbagHelper · 05/07/2016 13:04

I'm so sorry for your loss. It must be so difficult to get your head around the suddenness of it all.

blossombottom · 05/07/2016 22:56

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