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... to think Big Cook's talking shite when he says he works in the "best cafe in town"?

156 replies

specialmagiclady · 06/11/2009 13:46

As far as I can work out, he and the freakishly small one can barely cope with one customer per day.

OP posts:
Fragments · 06/11/2009 18:01

S'its funny I was going to buy them a pint on the basis that they ad provided distraction for dcs.

But then they turned out to be too big for their aprons and mean so I thought fuck 'em. Though not literally, see previous willy size slur.

babybarrister · 06/11/2009 18:04

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ImSoNotTelling · 06/11/2009 18:10

That is somehow very satisfying.

They look like wankers.
They act like wankers.
We speculate that maybe they are wankers.
Fragments confirms that they are wankers.

EyeballsintheSky · 06/11/2009 18:17

You're all such beginners...
Jelly boats and pirates' gold
Princess Pea pie
Carrot cake and fruit smiles
and envelope surprise.
We love our cafe and we love to cook!

ImSoNotTelling · 06/11/2009 18:18

OK ladies here's one to get your juices flowing.

Do or die - big cook or little cook?

kreecherlivesupstairs · 06/11/2009 18:23

I spent many a happy hour watching this and still know the words to the theme song. Me and dh have both commented on how soul sapping it is to be bc or lc, although both me and dd agreed when we were regular viewers that we'd give lc a great big kiss but not big cook.

KnottyLocks · 06/11/2009 18:24

Die Die Die

Them, not me.

pjmama · 06/11/2009 18:25

Big Cook, but I'd have to gag him and shut my eyes.

Sallyallyally · 06/11/2009 18:26

This has cheered up a bit of a dull Friday! So am I to understand that they actually hang out with each other in the real? I didn't think they had much in common...for a start they are such different sizes...

KnottyLocks · 06/11/2009 18:27

Judging by their dancing, they'd both be shite.

smugsy · 06/11/2009 18:54

Lol at this thread! I hate this program...though my DD loves it and does a little dance, knows the words etc while I get ready to blow my brains out!

Fragments · 06/11/2009 19:28

I did find it disturbing to see them together. I could not get this thought out of my head....

ImSoNotTelling · 06/11/2009 19:32

They look a lot more normal in that pic smugsy.

Although luckily we have been tipped off that despite more normal appearance, they will still be wankers

ROFL @ fragments link

bonfirewithaheartofgold · 06/11/2009 19:34

has the whole thread passed without mention of richard herring's classic blog?

HalfMumHalfBiscuit · 06/11/2009 19:42


fledtoscotland · 06/11/2009 19:53

hmmm don't really know how to break this to you but it isnt a real cafe and they aren't real cooks

cyteen · 06/11/2009 19:54

It's only worth watching to see the barely-concealed hostility and resentment simmering away between BC and LC. One day they will show the infamous 'red rage' episode in which a frazzled BC beats his tiny companion to death with the wooden spoon after once more being denied his turn to go out fact-finding.

bettykitten75 · 06/11/2009 20:03

They don't look like they like each other really in BCLC.
I think all the CBeebies actors are fucking weird.
That bloke who "stars" in Mr Maker! Have you seen that look in his eyes? And how they never allow actual children in the room with him?

afterwords · 06/11/2009 20:03

I've seen their comedy act which was rather smutty and very out of place with their BCLC roles. I don't think they anticipated the front row at the Comedy club being full of Mums though, all going "OOOH look, it's Big Cook, Little Cook". Not great for their image.

bettykitten75 · 06/11/2009 20:04

And Chris....despite the smile he looks like he's dying inside and thinking "I fucking trained at RADA.

NotAnOnlyChild · 06/11/2009 20:10

fed up of little cock's 'Way hayyyyyyys!' too, that's all he says!

ImSoNotTelling · 06/11/2009 20:13

Oh I like mr maker. PLenty of time for him.

BCLC wankers though. Wanker wankers wankers.


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babybarrister · 06/11/2009 20:15

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Time2Hibernate · 06/11/2009 20:22

So, I'm concluding we think they are really naff and time for a change to something that may entertain the children?!!! MY DS can't bear them, he say they are 'rubbish'.

Time2Hibernate · 06/11/2009 20:23

Agree Mr Maker is far superior to BCLC

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