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... to think Big Cook's talking shite when he says he works in the "best cafe in town"?

156 replies

specialmagiclady · 06/11/2009 13:46

As far as I can work out, he and the freakishly small one can barely cope with one customer per day.

OP posts:
AnnieBeansMum · 08/11/2009 12:15

Making some sort of pear rice pudding today. After reading this thread, I cannot look at Big Cook without noticing that the smile doesn't reach his eyes.

I will agree with everything everyone has said about bclc though - it's fecking horrible. Unfortunately DD (22 months) LOVES it

leeloo1 · 08/11/2009 10:53

Also PMSL at this thread! Will not be able to watch BCLC again without chortling! Thank goodness DS isn't old enough to actually request anything on CBeebies - I just Sky+ the not-too-hideous stuff.

To anyone who is forced to watch ITNG - doesn't it reall start to f*&k you off that Makka Pakka washes everyone and everything (ninky nonky, pinky ponk, rocks etc) with the same sponge and doesn't even rinse it in between, oh and that he puts the soap on the floor after using it. Health and Safety anyone??? I had to stop DS watching it cos it started to annoy me so much! Now we watch Waybuloo instead, which is vaguely less annoying!

Oh and I quite like watching Justin (when not in character) cos of trying to learn the signing... agree with the people who say that at least he's clearly raking it in into what he does.

shineoncrazyfirecracker · 08/11/2009 09:15

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TotallyAndUtterlyPaninied · 08/11/2009 09:09

YANBU but I have purposely avoided cbeebies this morning and you have now put the song in my head... thank you soooooooooooo much

I hate 'where shall we look? in the book, in the book, in big cook's book'.. couldn't they fit the words?

MeAndMyMonkey · 08/11/2009 09:03

Piprabbit thanks for the link - Get Stuffed was indeed as bad as I remembered. Deffo inspired BCLC too (I called it Big Cock Little Cock a few weeks ago and DP overheard and really laughed, like I was being really original or funny or something... doesn't everyone call it that?)

WobblyWench · 08/11/2009 07:42

I think he is sexy, his freakishly small teeth do it for me.

KnottyLocks · 08/11/2009 07:23

Ah, Justin Tumble: "Yeeeeessssssss, that's riiiiiiight. Can you say 'demented'?"

edam · 08/11/2009 00:38

Gawd, this is bringing back horrible memories. Am so glad ds has grown out of BCLC. I did once have to supervise ds making some pile of crap off the show - did my best to wriggle out of all previous suggestions but this one time ds really insisted. Even presented me with a pen and paper to write down the ingredients so I felt obliged.

As I expected, it was foul and ds refused to eat it. Still, at least it cured him of any desire to copy BCLC ever again!

kellze · 08/11/2009 00:26

Mu son used to watch it all the time and I had to sing along. Gah. but you know what, it NEVER made him inclined in the slightest to wash and put away.

MadameDuBain · 08/11/2009 00:04

Oh JTG thank god it's not just me who can't stand Lily-Rose. I feel really guilty about it (especially as I think both the boys are great...)

JTGPsmummy · 07/11/2009 23:08

Oh god, I am reading this thread and actually crying, mainly at the alternative words to the BCLC song!!! Soooooo funny. I refuse to even look at Gigglebiz, saw the ads and that was enough. My DS likes BCLC and I really can't work out why. I really really want to stamp on LC sooooo much, and smack the plate of shit they have served up around BCs face. Is it wrong that we get this annoyed by a childrens programme? lol. Also, Lily-Rose on the Green Balloon club! Aggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh! In fact most of the Green Balloon Club. And if I have to watch another episode of ITNG where bloody Upsy Daisy 'sings' or the Tombliboos just twat about on screen for 30 mins then I am going to knock myself out.

SprocketAndTubbs · 07/11/2009 22:58

BCLC - they must be doing something right, as every diner always leaves them a thank you note and a gift - come to think of it, do they have any waiting staff?

As for do or die - I would have to say LC, but purely because if he is indeed still a virgin, there is minimal risk of getting the clap from him

bettykitten75 · 07/11/2009 21:37

I don't know a kid under 4 who doesn't adore Mr Tumbles. What is it about the bloke? As someone well over the age of 4 I really don't get it.......

ImSoNotTelling · 07/11/2009 21:35

DD1 loves anything justin/mr tumble related too.

At least he is enthusiastic I suppose (maybe a bit too enthusiastic). While BCLC, especially BC are hating every minute. And of course, let's not forget, they are wankers.

babybarrister · 07/11/2009 21:30

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bettykitten75 · 07/11/2009 21:22

My eldest is almost 3 but already she's rejecting BCLC as a load of boring shite.
She does however LOVE anything that Justin is in...the guy must be doing something right.

cyteen · 07/11/2009 21:09

I must confess, I have made 'pirate's gold' for DS on a number of occasions and he loves is basically a baked omelette though so am hoping it can safely be divorced from the gruesome two.

Kadiya · 07/11/2009 20:56

I just snorted my tea down myself
You lot are so funny!
Can't stand the show personally and have thankfully never been asked to make one of their awful recipes

PeedOffWithNits · 07/11/2009 20:43

"envelope surprise" was made for a postman, don't know what the surprise was tho.

perhaps it was an empty pastry envelope?!

ImSoNotTelling · 07/11/2009 19:10

I remember get stuffed very well

piprabbit · 07/11/2009 18:35

I remember Get Stuffed.

I think the mystery chefs might have been the original inspiration for BCLC - they certainly cooked like they needed a visit to the tiolet too. However, I was usually as trolleyed as the cooks when watching Get Stuffed.... nowadays I have to suffer BCLC stone cold sober.

I have the book . But it's not going on my list of fav cookbooks.

click here for a memory rush

TheArmadillo · 07/11/2009 12:40

I am so glad ds has moved on to citv.

Though I'll never forget the day BCLC served humpty dumpty boiled eggs

I mean there's shit and then there's just psychotic.

'here humpty, I cooked your brother for you, eat it up adn show your gratitude'.

Fucking creepy.


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MeAndMyMonkey · 07/11/2009 12:34

BCLC are gurning freaks, serving up inedible vom and make me want to lose the will to live. Little Cook just shades it on the vileness front I think...
Plus the programme reminds me of awful student nightmare 'Get Stuffed' - is anyone else old enough to remember that drivel?

ImSoNotTelling · 07/11/2009 12:31

Kathy it looked fucking revolting didn't it.

I said to DH "that looks fucking revolting". He concurred.

Kathyis12feethighandbites · 07/11/2009 12:29

aargh, they just cooked a dinosaur thing for an archaeologist.

I hope she sent it back.

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