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How hurt (if at all) would you be if someone you were fairly close to told you they were pregnant and the due date was your wedding date (which had been booked for 2 years)?

134 replies

GirlsAreLOud · 16/09/2009 13:47


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thesecondcoming · 16/09/2009 16:05

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alfiesmadmother · 16/09/2009 16:10

ridiculous. Self absorbed, does the world revolve around you?

lovechoc · 16/09/2009 16:15

you don't always fall pg when you want to, so you may still make it to your friend's wedding. sorry haven't read all the thread.

Fimbo · 16/09/2009 16:16

Hula - would your dd not be able to go with your parents instead if you did conceive?

duelingfanjo · 16/09/2009 16:19

I wouldn't be hurt. Stuff happens and they can't control that.

lainey1802 · 16/09/2009 16:36

Due dates are just a guideline - babies come when they are "cooked" - it may be an entertaining outcome if her waters broke during the speeches etc but it's not for you to worry about - at least she would never forget to send you an anniversary card - she couldn't say she forgot the date!!!

Enjoy the wedding - enjoy the baby!!!

Joy27 · 16/09/2009 17:14

I was a little worried about missing my best friend's wedding when we started ttc.

As it turns out, it took much longer than I'd thought it would to conceive. And she postponed her wedding by several months (not because of me or my uterus, or any scandalous reason. Just logistics).

As it turns out, we both got there in the end. Her wedding will take place three months after our baby is born. It's going to be lovely.

But I'm very glad I didn't try to plan a baby around it!

Longtalljosie · 16/09/2009 17:23

It's up to you, GAL. If you're only just starting TTC and you have plenty of time / no fertility issues you might put it off for a month to go to the wedding. It would be a nice thing to do for your cousin and family weddings are nice...

OTOH, if you're keen to crack on with it, crack on with it. She can't possibly object without being universally condemned as a bridezilla.

Hulababy · 16/09/2009 17:26

Fimbo - possibly if we could change the booking. But have to say that I'd not be overly keen - long way away for a week from us; I am a known whittler! Plus she'll have only been back from a school residential week a week earlier. Would depend on timing too as may prefer to be around if new baby.

TBH though it is very unlikely to happen and chances of it happening in next 3 months even less likely.

devotion · 16/09/2009 17:36

Only 5% of babies come on time so very unlikely she would give birth on your wedding day.

it would probably be a welcome distraction for her, she should bring her hospital bag and notes and her dh should stay sober just incase.

i dont see why you would be hurt anyway, you should be happy for her.

i know you said she is a good friend but on your wedding day you are so distracted by whats going on, you dont really get to chat or appreciate all yoru guests, the day goes do quick. you hardly notice who is there anyway.

this is just what my friends have said - i am yet to marry.

if i was and my friend announced this then i would not be upset about it.

think you're being a little selfish, make sure you dont show your friend this disappointment, that would be upsetting for her.

i assume you are a mother being on here, are you not into kids?

a birth is more important then a wedding!

WidowWadman · 16/09/2009 17:37

My future sister in law actually arranged her pregnancy with our wedding date in mind. We gave 18 months notice, so she decided she'd have to conceive in the next 2 months or put it on hold for 3 months or so (getting married abroad and travelling after 28 weeks is often not liked by ferry companies). She conceived straight away, so our little niece will be about 5 months old.

I would have never dreamed of asking her to put ttc-ing on hold to avoid getting in the way of our wedding. That was all her idea, but then she's more of a bridezilla type person than I am. I would have been chuffed for her, as I am for one of our friends who can't make it due to pregnancy.

It's your life, don't put it on hold for someone else's sake. Especially as they surely really wouldn't mind.

devotion · 16/09/2009 17:38

excuse pregnancy typing x

Portofino · 16/09/2009 17:40

I missed my OWN wedding because I got PG! Well not missed it exactly but had to cancel it. It involved flying to Colorado and going up a mountain on a snowmobile. Not really recommended at 8 months gone

Portofino · 16/09/2009 17:41

Half of me WAS upset!

kathyis6incheshigh · 16/09/2009 17:43

I missed my brother's wedding because I gave birth. Thought it was quite unluckly because my baby came bang on time, which is pretty unusual especially with first babies.
I really don't think he and SIL held it against me!
Oh, also, it meant my mum turned up in the maternity ward slightly drunk and overexcited and I couldn't get rid of her

Nancy66 · 16/09/2009 18:06

I think people that spend two years planning their wedding are a bit unhinged anyway...

twopeople · 16/09/2009 18:19

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mumblechum · 16/09/2009 18:21

What sort of loon plans a wedding two years in advance???

Rindercella · 16/09/2009 18:22

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theslightlypeckishcaterpillar · 16/09/2009 18:48

I had this exact same situation, I was due 5 days after my friends wedding.

I was sacked as bridesmaid/maid of honour.

I was incredibly hurt.

slowreadingprogress · 16/09/2009 19:51

you'd have to be ridiculously, monumentally self absorbed to be hurt by that

Romanarama · 16/09/2009 19:58

I missed a wedding because I was 2 months pg and too vomity. If the baby had been either not yet born or 1 day old I could have gone.


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popsycal · 16/09/2009 20:03

i was due to be my friend's bridesmaid then got pregnant with ds1 and was due 2 weeks after her wedding but had hima few weeks early

nowt you can do about it

thedollshouse · 17/09/2009 09:41

There is nothing wrong in planning a wedding 2 years in advance, we spent 3 years planning ours and some venues were booked up already.

If you don't have pots of cash you have to pay the wedding as you go along so it makes it easier if you have a long time in which to save.

CyradisTheSeer · 17/09/2009 09:50

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