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How hurt (if at all) would you be if someone you were fairly close to told you they were pregnant and the due date was your wedding date (which had been booked for 2 years)?

134 replies

GirlsAreLOud · 16/09/2009 13:47


OP posts:
angelene · 16/09/2009 14:02

The idea that anyone can plan their sex life/contraception around someone else's diary is a bit mental if you ask me.

Angelene waves wildly at 50ft Queenie as a fellow PJ Harvey fan

GirlsAreLOud · 16/09/2009 14:03

Why do you want me to worry about ttc and growing a baby?

Strange advice.

OP posts:
FabBakerGirlIsBack · 16/09/2009 14:04

I wouldn't be hurt at all.

I would be disappointed that they might not be able to come to my wedding.

You sound a bit precious tbh. I doubt she had your wedding date in mind when she was trying to conceive.

francagoestohollywood · 16/09/2009 14:06

I'd be happy for them, of course.

And if it was me being pregnant and the wedding not too far away, I'd go to the wedding even if it was on my due date!

PrincessToadstool · 16/09/2009 14:08

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

grumblinalong · 16/09/2009 14:09

I didn't mean worry about it as in sit around worrying, I suppose in a roundabout way I was saying don't worry about your cousin's wedding, your pregnancy is much more important to you, focus on that.

GirlsAreLOud · 16/09/2009 14:09

The quickest way to get a response is to put it here though.

OP posts:
juicy12 · 16/09/2009 14:15

So if you got pregnant, your due date could be on your cousin's wedding day - is that right? I'm sure she'll be fine - why wouldn't she be? You're allowed to get pg when you want and she's allowed to get married when she wants. My due date was a week before a really close friend's wedding. I called her to tell her and everything was fine. We went wedding dress shopping together, I had my DS on her wedding day and we spoke to each other on the day to mutually congratulate. Can't understand why people who are close friends/family wouldn't just be pleased with someone else's good news

GrimmaTheNome · 16/09/2009 14:16

Well, after all that I jolly well hope you do get lucky with the TTCing and then you can report back whether your cousin minds or not

Good luck!

GirlsAreLOud · 16/09/2009 14:18

thanks Grimma.

OP posts:
Indith · 16/09/2009 14:22

Wouldn't be hurt at all, I wouldn't expect people to TTC with my wedding in mind! Where would you stop? Not have sex so you didn't have a due date 3 months either side to avoid being massive/having tiny newborn? Friend of mine ended up with a due date 2 weeks before her brother's wedding, given that she had gone 2 weeks late with her first she was a little worried She ended up going to the wedding with a lovely 4/5 week old

Besom · 16/09/2009 14:22

I couldn't go to my brother's wedding (abroad) because I was too close to my due date.

We both knew this was a possibility when he booked the wedding and I'm still a bit gutted about it, but what can you do? I wanted a baby and he wanted to get married.

TigerFeet · 16/09/2009 14:31

I can't go to my sister's 18th birthday party on Sunday because I'll be having a baby any day now. We're both really sad about the timing but she's not upset with me. And she's a teenager

No reason why you can't carry on TTC imo

KIttyWalker · 16/09/2009 14:33

I wouldn't be hurt at all. That's life - literally

I invited my friend to my wedding, her due date was the day after, she had every intention on coming until her beautiful DD arrived at 8am on the morning of my wedding - we were delighted for her

cyteen · 16/09/2009 14:37

Not hurt at all, unless she then said that my DH-to-be was the father.

AnnieLobeseder · 16/09/2009 14:40

Hurt? That would be bizarrely bridezilla! People can't be expected to plan babies around other people's weddings!

Go ahead and do the deed! Babies don't pay much attention to due dates anyway....

puffling · 16/09/2009 14:44

Unless you're spectacuarly fertile, it's likely you probably won't conceive anyway. don't worry about it.

BitOfFun · 16/09/2009 14:45

Why don't you ring your friend and check? If she lets you have sex then she can't complain nearer the time...

YanknCock · 16/09/2009 14:57

I also couldn't go to my brother's wedding because it was too late in the pregnancy for me to fly. After 3 years ttc and one miscarriage, there was no way we were going to skip a month trying for anything. Brother completely understood.

Hulababy · 16/09/2009 15:09

I would not be hurt at all. They are hardly likely to have planned it to be on that exact day after all!

I would congratulate them.

I keep bearing this one in mind, Been TTC for 5 years unsuccessfully for #2. My sister gets married next June in Las Vegas. My 7y DD is bridesmaid. We have flights and hotel booked. But should I be actively doing something to ensure I don't fall pregnant in this time (think the next 3 months are the problem months with regrds travelling now). TBH I have done nothing. If it happens, it happens. I am sure mys ister would be just happy for me and DH to have finally achieved the pregnancy. My DD, however, would probably be rather upset at not being able to go!

SausageRocket · 16/09/2009 15:10

No, of course not. She would have to be one HELL of a planner to have done it on purpose!

Tortington · 16/09/2009 15:13



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brettgirl2 · 16/09/2009 15:28

That said, my SIL's MIL had a go at her for exactly this!!!!

thedollshouse · 16/09/2009 15:38

I may be a little sad that they can't make the wedding but I wouldn't be offended or hurt in the slightest.

LIZS · 16/09/2009 15:39

surely it is just the way it goes sometimes [puzzled]

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