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How hurt (if at all) would you be if someone you were fairly close to told you they were pregnant and the due date was your wedding date (which had been booked for 2 years)?

134 replies

GirlsAreLOud · 16/09/2009 13:47


OP posts:
neenz · 18/09/2009 23:04

Givememoresleep - I have never really understood the 'groom's sister must be a bridesmaid' thing so just wondered whether it was that. I would have been mortified too!

vinblanc · 18/09/2009 20:44

I would be shocked at myself and embarrassed that I felt so petulant about the coincidence.

Then I'd be happy for the couple that they were having a baby.

daisy5678 · 18/09/2009 20:42

neenz a combination. Wasn't that hurt tbh as the whole reaction to my (very stressful, unplanned) pregnancy i.e. seen as an inconvenience to the wedding made me lose quite a lot of respect for her anyway. But was a bit mortified!

curiositykilled · 18/09/2009 20:14

Why would you be hurt?!

neenz · 18/09/2009 20:06

Givememoresleep. Was SIL a good friend or were you only the bridesmaid because you were the groom's sister?

daisy5678 · 18/09/2009 17:46

I was supposed to be SIL's maid of honour. She cried when I told her I was pregnant "as the dress wouldn't look right". I was then demoted as we walked in to the ceremony itself. First I knew of my demotion was when SIL asked the other girl to come to the front "as you're the maid of honour"

poshsinglemum · 18/09/2009 17:40

Oh come on now- you cannot be serious!

colditz · 18/09/2009 17:37


nappyaddict · 18/09/2009 17:37

I can't believe people have demoted their bridesmaids over this

nappyaddict · 18/09/2009 17:32

GAL Do you mind missing the wedding? If it's something you really want to go to then I might consider holding off this month. If you're not really bothered then go ahead.

GirlsAreLOud · 18/09/2009 17:25

I'm loving the fact that to some posters I'm now always going to be the OP who got cross that someonne's due date coincided with my wedding date

OP posts:
thesecondcoming · 18/09/2009 15:11

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

scottishmummy · 18/09/2009 14:27

post on AIBU and people will skim read and pile in

that is the way it is

Longtalljosie · 18/09/2009 08:10

I do wish people would read the whole thread properly... The OP is worried about upsetting her cousin, not her own wedding...

Rollmops · 17/09/2009 22:52

This certainly takes the Utterly Ridiculous OP award of the year.... [rolls eyes]
You simply can not be serious.

bruffin · 17/09/2009 22:26

My sister got pregnant a month after I anounced my wedding and she was supposed to be a bridesmaid. Her due date was within a two weeks of the wedding but she was 2 weeks early and my lovely little niece was 4 weeks old. My sister wasn't my bridesmaid but I wasn't bothered.

cornflakegirl · 17/09/2009 22:11

I did actually put TTC on hold when my BF announced that she was getting married in 9 months. But, as GAL has said, that was more because I wanted to be there than because I thought she would be upset. We'd only been married a couple of months at that point, and had only just started trying, so it really wasn't a big thing to delay.

spiralqueen · 17/09/2009 21:53

Girlsareloud only a bridezilla would get the hump. I suspect more brides might be upset at having a tiny baby at the wedding as they tend to draw some of the attention away from the bride and that seems to be a big no-no in many brides books.

Have you posted your query on a wedding site? I suspect the responses might be quite different

KIMItheThreadSlayer · 17/09/2009 21:32

DHs niece was 4 days old at our wedding,
I think someone would have to be a bit mad to get upset about someone having a baby at the same time as a wedding, as long as you are not meant to be a bridesmaid I don't see why it should be a problem

blueduck · 17/09/2009 21:17

Good Lord ! What ???

pooka · 17/09/2009 11:59

Good lord - I would not be hurt at all!

xmasfairy · 17/09/2009 11:58

I was going to be bridesmaid at my best friends wedding, fell pregnant after trying for ages and she told me she didn't want me to be bridesmaid anymore as I wouldn't look right in the photos!


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thatsnotmymonster · 17/09/2009 11:36

Wow can't believe how rude and aggressive a lot of the responses on here are!

To the op- I think the general consensus is that she shouldn't mind. It is very considerate of you to be thinking about it tho!

My SIL and BIL only came to our wedding for a couple of hours (they flew to Scotland from Down South) because they didn't want to bring their 9mo baby and didn't want to leave her overnight with her GPs. I thought that was a bit odd and most of the family were sad because they wanted to see the baby!

BikeRunSki · 17/09/2009 11:20

My due date was 2 weeks after my brother's wedding, 400 miles away. I didn't go, mainly because I couldn't face an 8 hour drive. Just as well as DS was very nearly 2 weeks early. And after several hundred years of his family being Yorkshire born and bred, DH would have been devastated if DS had been Cornish!

Anyway. My brother sulked, and told me I was being selfish. His wife understood though (she has a child herself) and sent us a huge box of lovely baby clothes - an outfit per season for a year. And accesories.

GirlsAreLOud · 17/09/2009 11:10

Sorry for shouting but I think a lot of people have missed the bit where I said:

THE WEDDING IS 200 MILES AWAY. So all the can still go if early/late comments don't really apply.

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