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Dh wants to know: AIBU or is he? It's about doing the weekly shopping, opinions please!

139 replies

WideWebWitch · 28/07/2008 20:22

Dh and I both work ft oth. We have 2 children. DH drops them both at childcare every morning and collects them both at night.

I commute 4.5 hours each day
We have a cleaner twice a week
We're still both knackered a lot of the time

For ages I have done the weekly online shop. A while ago I asked dh to start doing it 50% of the time. He said "fine, but you'll have to accept that I will do it differently to you. I will actually GO to Tesco instead of shopping online". I said hmm, ok.

We tried it briefly but I got irritated at his going out on a Saturday and taking an hour or more to do the shopping. He would usually (but not always) take dd but not ds.

I think he should do the shopping to my satisfaction, which would involve logging onto Ocado and shopping from favourites. It would mean less time wasted doing a boring chore when he could be here with me and the children.

I don't WANT to have to be the only one who thinks about whether we need olive oil or tuna but I AM atm because I do the shopping. I think this is unfair.

I also think one of hs arguments, which is about "the food we get sent online isn't as good as that I'd chose myself" is spurious since it seems to be good enough if I DO IT and there's Ocado food in the fridge.

So, AIBU? TIA. All opinions welcome.

OP posts:
moondog · 29/07/2008 18:09

Fucking hell. You commute nearly as much as you work. How dreadful.

FluffyMummy123 · 29/07/2008 18:10

Message withdrawn

amidaiwish · 29/07/2008 18:14

i "do" ocado most weeks but still have to pop to the shops every couple of days...

what am i doing wrong?

insights please.

p.s. when dh goes shopping he buys stuff for the next meal only and then goodies. www think yourself lucky (or a good trainer).

BreeVanderCampLGJ · 29/07/2008 19:01


WWW is not petty.

scottishmum007 · 29/07/2008 19:09

I would never shop online, can't pick items like fruit myself, i personally find it better going to the supermarket in person. wouldn't trust someone else to do the shopping.
YABU, let him do it his way. you have your way he has his way.
i've learned quite quickly it's easier to accept that DH/DP has his own way of doing things, doesn't make it wrong, just different.

chipmonkey · 29/07/2008 20:36

toast in car = crumbs on suit.

WideWebWitch · 29/07/2008 21:30

Hello all! lol Marina, how on earth did you know? Dh read this thread after I'd gone to bed last night nad said he was not being a slow typist, he was being "considered" oh ok thne. He also told me off for posting that it was a climbdown, oops!

Md, yes, my commute is mad. BUT I have recently discovered route with air con and not going right into Oxford Circus, so it's better. I used to eat toast in the car, now I am on India and NEris I eat sausages.

OP posts:
WideWebWitch · 29/07/2008 21:31

and lol at these phone phobic men!

OP posts:
TheHedgeWitch · 29/07/2008 22:05

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn

mumeeee · 29/07/2008 22:11

YABU. He is is helping you by doing the shoping so you should let him do it his way.
I omly very occansionaly do my shopping online. This is because I like looking around and choosing stuff myself especailly things like bananas. Also I don't like paying a delivery charge.
I did do an online shop yesterday and it tok me an hour.

pooka · 30/07/2008 17:48

He isn't helping WWW.
They both work full-time. The responsibility should be shared.

WideWebWitch · 30/07/2008 17:52

Thanks Pooka, agree, I hate the word HELPING when applied to adults who both live in a house.

OP posts:
chipmonkey · 30/07/2008 20:22

Yes, it's like a dh "babystitting". Drives me mad!

chipmonkey · 30/07/2008 20:22


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