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To think Tamara Ecclestone is the luckiest woman alive

193 replies

plumcake2924 · 15/04/2024 07:33

2 healthy and happy children, adoring husband, lovely relationship with sister, health, all the money in the world. I follow her on instagram and she seems like a lovely mum.

Only slightly jealous that she's constantly taking her children all around the world during school holidays and always going to lovely places constantly. I do wonder why she posts on instagram so much though, surely, it's not like she needs the instagram advertising revenue.

Is she the luckiest woman humanity has ever seen?

OP posts:
WowIlikereallyhateyou · 15/04/2024 07:34

Oh well, if her life is perfect on instagram then it must be the truth 🙄

Saisong · 15/04/2024 07:35

Don't fall for the Insta gloss. She may or may not have the most charmed life, but what you see on Insta most certainly is not all it is.

Aussieland · 15/04/2024 07:36

Zero desire to be her and no I don’t think so

VestibuleVirgin · 15/04/2024 07:39

What a pointless post.
Who the hell cares?
Although, it is sad that you believe social media lives are real lives. No wonder the world is falling to bits, people have no idea how it woks, not how to exist in it

NeverEnoughPants · 15/04/2024 07:40

It must be lovely to have an elderly father who has been done for tax fraud and has a seventeen month custodial sentence (although it is suspended, so as long as he keeps his nose clean for the next year or so, he won't have to actually do jail time).

Elebag · 15/04/2024 07:41

No she is not. She travels between London, dubai and Disney all the time. I don't think she's actually with her husband much. It seems like a very empty life.

MsKirby · 15/04/2024 07:41

When I watched her show years go filmed after her older child was born. You coulkd tell she had postnatal depression and no one on her team was saying anything. She was struggling in plain sight. That was one of the most baffling things, and it was part of the reason why I stopped following her. It was a very uncomfortable viewing .

plumcake2924 · 15/04/2024 07:41

It's a light hearted thread, no need to be so rude. Of course we don't know what goes on behind closed doors just like anyone else, however all things being equal she seems a lot luckier than most of us!

OP posts:
CoCoBeeBee · 15/04/2024 07:43

She had her home broken into and a load of jewellery stolen must be awful to live in fear of safety in your own home...

ssd · 15/04/2024 07:43

I think she is a great mum and she seems to have a happy relationship.
And she's loaded!!

Of course she's lucky.

Catinmyshedoh · 15/04/2024 07:44

There are plenty of rich people and celebrities living the life she does, she's no better off than most of the rest of them.

ssd · 15/04/2024 07:45

Not surprising most posts here are very negative , her lifestyle inspires a lit of jealousy.

Whowhatwherewhenwhy1 · 15/04/2024 07:46

She is probably very lonely. Always under pressure to look and behave a certain way or be shredded by the media. Often the more perfect a life appears on socials the less perfect it is. Living in a gilded cage and a high risk kidnap target probably is not that much fun.

BoobyDazzler · 15/04/2024 07:47

Being born in to so much money you never have to lift a finger sounds like an incredible life to me, but she won’t appreciate it as she’s never known any different.

Lentilweaver · 15/04/2024 07:48

Anybody who craves constant Insta validation does not have a perfect life. I am not jealous because I don't follow her and know nothing about her.

WowIlikereallyhateyou · 15/04/2024 07:49

Whowhatwherewhenwhy1 · 15/04/2024 07:46

She is probably very lonely. Always under pressure to look and behave a certain way or be shredded by the media. Often the more perfect a life appears on socials the less perfect it is. Living in a gilded cage and a high risk kidnap target probably is not that much fun.

Exactly, I think it would be a horrible life. Why is it that if people aren’t impressed by vacuous people and materialism that in commenting they are branded “jealous”? Depends on what you value in life really doesn’t it?

LetsGoRoundTheRoundabout · 15/04/2024 07:49

Yes, she’s lucky in a lot of ways, but to call her the luckiest woman in the world is a bit odd to be honest. You have no idea whether or not she is actually happy!

NeverEnoughPants · 15/04/2024 07:49

ssd · 15/04/2024 07:45

Not surprising most posts here are very negative , her lifestyle inspires a lit of jealousy.

I don't think the negative posts are at all 'jealous'. Do you think people are jealous of post natal depression, a burglary and a criminal father?

I think they are trying to inject a little reality into an opening post that suggests that she has no worries at all. That's not how money works!

Lentilweaver · 15/04/2024 07:50

Also this must be the umpteenth post on MN envying women who don't work and have a man who has given them money.

That's not my idea of a great life.

C1N1C · 15/04/2024 07:51

Lol, I bet even Katie Price has a warm, homely vibe on Instagram.

I wouldn't believe everything you see.

plumcake2924 · 15/04/2024 07:52

Lentilweaver · 15/04/2024 07:50

Also this must be the umpteenth post on MN envying women who don't work and have a man who has given them money.

That's not my idea of a great life.

She doesn't work for money, but can choose to do 'work' that she chooses, that must be so nice.

OP posts:
SleepingStandingUp · 15/04/2024 07:53

I'm sure there are women with her wealth, healthy kids, good husband etc without the publicity. They seem luckier to me. Not having to live out the perfect life because of the cameras. Not having to worry about the safety of your kids cos no one knows them etc.


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EveryoneJapan · 15/04/2024 07:54

She seems perfectly pleasant. Not the specific lifestyle I’d go for if I had her kind of money but horses for courses. Good
luck to her!

PS - I’m sure she does have issues, as everyone does, beyond the well-curated social media life.

greengreyblue · 15/04/2024 07:55

You can’t tell if she’s a good mum from insta. Nonsense.

Willmafrockfit · 15/04/2024 07:56

i dont know who she is,
google tells me she is a model and socialite.
her father is bernie

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