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My MiL is worse than yours...

137 replies

SpaceBunInstaHun · 25/01/2023 08:20

Okay, I do fully believe mine is the worst creature to roam this planet, but I'm interested in your stories.
I believe I could write a book on mine without any exaggeration and it would be an unbelievable read.
To clarify we're NC with her now, it was just impossible to have her in our lives in any way.
But if you'd like to tell me something about yours that sounds unbelievable please do.
I couldn't choose even 20 top things that are frankly mental, but my personal favourite is telling anyone who'll listen we stopped her taking her dgc to the park, when in fact she would arrive past 8pm during winter and expect to take my 6 month old daughter out. When I suggested we did daytime at the park i was both controlling and unreasonable.
She doesn't work or have daytime commitments.

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ZeroFuchsGiven · 25/01/2023 08:23

Another MIL bashing thread. How wonderful.

TheDuck2018 · 25/01/2023 08:24

Another MIL-bashing thread.... excellent 🥱🥱🥱🥱

Iwantmyoldnameback · 25/01/2023 08:24

I always scan these to see if I'm on there.

Throwncrumbs · 25/01/2023 08:25

I could throw in a few about my DIL too!

EarthPunchingBack · 25/01/2023 08:25

My MIL is amazing and my mum is an absolute nightmare.

Just for balance 🙄.

Uppitywoman · 25/01/2023 08:27

Oh nice. Another awful thread about MIL’s. 👀

SpaceBunInstaHun · 25/01/2023 08:27

Oh look, another thread that is obvious the content in the title and your could just scroll on but instead choose to moan.

OP posts:
HaveYouSeenNancy · 25/01/2023 08:27

My MIL is lovely and I love her relationship with my children. We're very lucky to have her.

Simplepink · 25/01/2023 08:28

Great MIL here. I really truly hope my only and male child doesn’t end up with someone who hates me.
I get some mils will be nightmares but I do think there are some women who can’t bear another woman in their husbands life

Habber · 25/01/2023 08:29

Mine is bonkers but we just limit interactions a little to save our own sanity. She told me off for emptying the tiny dregs of a soft drinks can onto some grass, next to a full paddling pool that was splashing onto the grass (so the grass was already wet). I was going to put the can into the recycling, it was summer and she then tipped a bottle of dettol into the paddling pool - all the kids cried as it hurt their eyes. We went home soon after that

lipstickwoman · 25/01/2023 08:29

Shall we have a bitch from hell daughter in law thread?

PattyBladell · 25/01/2023 08:29

EarthPunchingBack · 25/01/2023 08:25

My MIL is amazing and my mum is an absolute nightmare.

Just for balance 🙄.

Mine too! This thread also sounds a lot like a journalist fishing for storiesHmm

ZeroFuchsGiven · 25/01/2023 08:30

lipstickwoman · 25/01/2023 08:29

Shall we have a bitch from hell daughter in law thread?

All DIL's are angels dont ya know!

Sageadviceservices · 25/01/2023 08:31

lipstickwoman · 25/01/2023 08:29

Shall we have a bitch from hell daughter in law thread?

the OP can be the first example!

My DIL from hell is so pathetic she starts pointless AIBU threads to garner sympathy about how awful I am

Lambtales · 25/01/2023 08:31

With my first baby when I was due a scan.

My MIL had never had a scan with her own children so I said she could come to one of mine. I was under consultant care and was having several scans.

At the scan she started insisting on knowing the sex even though I said I didn't want to find out.

She would not give up. Even the sonographer pitched in and said "She's the mum, so it's her decision"

My MIL being SE Asian said "Actually I'm the 'mum', I'm more senior and what I say goes"

Yeah, so being very meek and stupid in those days I conceded.

When we were told it was a girl, my MIL poo pooed and said they often get it wrong and it could still be a boy.

dovelove · 25/01/2023 08:34

Let's fill this thread with wonderful stories of great mother in laws!.

Mines lovely. She's the mother I never had. Adores our dc and gc. Even took on my older children from a previous marriage and treats them like her own. We've disagreed over the years but never fallen out. She's thoughtful and affectionate. Everyone loves her.

And I'm now a mil too! And my dil is great! We even go for weekends away together (she is married to my son, trust me she needs the break lol). And I'm very good friends now with her mom. All round good relationships

SpaceBunInstaHun · 25/01/2023 08:34

@Sageadviceservices is that you, jen?

OP posts:
TinyTinyHamsterBalls · 25/01/2023 08:36

lipstickwoman · 25/01/2023 08:29

Shall we have a bitch from hell daughter in law thread?

Yeah you can if you want

SpaceBunInstaHun · 25/01/2023 08:36

@dovelove that's sweet, I'm really pleased for you!

OP posts:
Helendee · 25/01/2023 08:37

Not another MIL basher!
Are there ever any posts from MILs moaning about their DILs on here?

Sageadviceservices · 25/01/2023 08:38

Helendee · 25/01/2023 08:37

Not another MIL basher!
Are there ever any posts from MILs moaning about their DILs on here?

There are sometimes on Gransnet!

But that’s the underbelly of MN!

SpaceBunInstaHun · 25/01/2023 08:38

@PattyBladell oh no, you caught me.

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TinyTinyHamsterBalls · 25/01/2023 08:38

I have a nice MIL.

SIL (brother-in-law's wife) on the other hand is a piece of shit and has alienated so many people and made MIL cry numerous times through her spitefulness.

Soubriquet · 25/01/2023 08:40

No chance. Mine is worse.

When I had my first miscarriage, my MIL “attempted suicide” because my dh was paying more attention to me than her.

She was living with us at the time, and had written a note, and according to the note had taken a shit load of pills.

Dh just called for an ambulance and left her to it. That made her even more furious.

She refused to go to the hospital, and obviously was ok as she’s still kicking about now.

This was one of the many things she did, and this is one of the MINOR things she did.

Obviously we are Nc

Pinkdafodils · 25/01/2023 08:42

Do any of you have children? Then you're likely to be a MIL too one day.

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