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Why is Sabina Nessa murder not all over the media?

462 replies

postingfortraffichere · 22/09/2021 23:45

Such a tragic killing and sad, truly awful to hear about this murder.

Though I can't understand why, it doesn't get the same media/public attention as Sarah Everard who died in similarly tragic circumstances not long ago.

Both are equally tragic, two young women attacked in similar circumstances - the only difference I can see in these cases is the colour of their skin. Sarah's murder was everywhere - before we knew it was a police officer responsible.

Women had lined the streets in protest to make the country a safer place for women.

I can't help but notice where are these women protesting for Sabina? Or for the Killmarsh murders, or other women of colour?

The media treats women of colour - even to this day - very differently to white women.

It feels like the media are sending a clear message that black lives STILL 'don't matter' quite as much as their white counterparts.

OP posts:
DarceyDashwood · 23/09/2021 07:20

I really don’t get why people are so keen/quick to try to prove there’s no difference in media reporting when it comes to the murder of women of colour compared to white women. I don’t think it’s up for debate! Yes cases do get more momentum when someone is missing for a while before they are discovered, but there’s no denying there’s a disparity of coverage/outrage in certain cases.

I remember at the time of the Soham murders there was similar comparisons made to coverage of a murder of a young black boy that happened at the same time.

Auroreforet · 23/09/2021 07:20

Meanwhile, the narrative that a woman was privileged to have been kidnapped, raped and murdered while white continues and we have a man on here whose first thought is how privileged white female murder victims are rather than looking to the issue of male violence, though he is not alone on MN in being oblivious to that. A thread that was started on that topic is languishing well down the boards with no one interested in discussing the apparently irrelevant topic of male violence.


I don't think Sarah Everard's family will feel privileged.
Surely the discussion can be had in general terms without referencing a soecific murdered white woman's privilege to be in the press. It feels very off to me.

Cadent · 23/09/2021 07:20


First story in the Mail Confused

Why are you confused? Funny how you and others like you post and run. Ashamed? Nothing else to say?

I agree OP, media coverage started very slow, the focus was on an AMERICAN white woman, rather than a BRITISH Asian woman. The sad thing is, I wasn’t even surprised.
Auroreforet · 23/09/2021 07:21


WishingYouAMerryChristmasToo · 23/09/2021 07:22

I think because it was presented, as female white professional vanishes and search and then the resulting horror that it was a police officer.

The two women in the park - I think came across like they were having a party or something so assumptions were drug overdose or something, but yes colour has a part to play.

For this one it was very quiet. Professional woman found dead in a park - I don’t understand the lack of media coverage - it should be all over every page - is there someone or something being held back - I don’t understand the lack of coverage.

The woman who died with the children the other day - killed by it appears a man she knew. But it did pop out at me that the father of the children said a statement which included something along the lines of ‘ex wives shouldn’t stop their husbands from seeing the children’ can’t remember the exact wording - and I thought now is not the time when she is dead - to say they- I read it as the implication that he hadn’t seen the kids as much as he wanted and she had stopped him - she isn’t here to say or what the reason was that he wasn’t involved as much as he wanted. Then a headline saying she was ‘pregnant’ like that might have been a reason for murder. And then victim blaming on here - why don’t women ask for Claire’s law disclosures against new partners - so if we don’t and have they have history of assault - that’s our fault too. We shouldn’t have to do Claire’s law on any potential new partner as men shouldn’t have been violent towards their previous partner. Even then we look at how they are raised - women get blamed for that too - we apparently make these monsters - again our fault. It’s all men killing their wives, girlfriends, strangers - it seems like they are out of control but no one wants to acknowledge the huge problem - which remains violence towards women and victim blaming. Men need to put their own house in order. It needs to come from within. Joking about giving ‘the ones with the big tits a good one’ as office banter needs to involve the other men going - you know what that could be my wife, daughter, mother - that’s disgusting I’m reporting you & we don’t want to work with men that treat women like meat.

Everything from women in high heels - designed to make the leg look longer and more attractive, skirts (easy access), make up - to look more attractive to a mate (sometimes women say …, but I like high heels!) etc men at work are comfy, practical and spend far less then us….. just realised I’m completed off topic, so back to the issue

Women were in a park having a party - breaking Covid rules? Victim blame on both counts. But yes two whites women would have had a different coverage.

I remember someone saying to me about Sarah E - what was she doing out at a friends house during Covid - and actually saying ‘she has no one to blame but herself’ and I’m thinking wtf right back to if you wear a short skirt - asking for it, out alone in the dusk - asking for it etc

Everything just seems to be directed at pointing all blame away from these men.

Runforthehillocks · 23/09/2021 07:23

Also worth remembering that sometimes the police tell the papers what to print/what they can't print, as part of the investigations. We don't see the whole picture. Hope they find whoever did this.

RussianSpy101 · 23/09/2021 07:25

I live near Killamarsh. Terri wasn’t a woman of colour and there has been lots of coverage.

Cadent · 23/09/2021 07:27

[quote Auroreforet]@GCAcademic
Meanwhile, the narrative that a woman was privileged to have been kidnapped, raped and murdered while white continues and we have a man on here whose first thought is how privileged white female murder victims are rather than looking to the issue of male violence, though he is not alone on MN in being oblivious to that. A thread that was started on that topic is languishing well down the boards with no one interested in discussing the apparently irrelevant topic of male violence.


I don't think Sarah Everard's family will feel privileged.
Surely the discussion can be had in general terms without referencing a soecific murdered white woman's privilege to be in the press. It feels very off to me.[/quote]
I think you and that poster have deliberately missed the point. No one is saying the murdered white woman is privileged. Is that really what you understand?

But the lack of reporting of assaults and murder of BAME women is linked to lack of police action over the these crimes against BAME women.

Calling this out does not detract from the memory of Sarah Everard at all. Saying the memory of a white woman is more important than calling out the disparity in reporting between murders of white women vs black women is tacit acceptance of the lack of media coverage.

YouJustDoYou · 23/09/2021 07:30

Society has lived with females being murdered for all of history. Sadly, it's yet another murder, yet another day.

Rainbow0821 · 23/09/2021 07:33

YABU It's all over the news.

Cadent · 23/09/2021 07:34


The two women in the park - I think came across like they were having a party or something so assumptions were drug overdose or something, but yes colour has a part to play.

Are you serious?! There was not even a hint of drugs in coverage.

These attempts to find black women as less deserving of sympathy is truly disgusting.

GammyLeg · 23/09/2021 07:34

"The reality is, if you go missing, you need people to push the case to both the police and the media. With the latter, it’s an easier ‘sell’ if it’s an attractive woman killed by a stranger, sure."

Having someone influential to make a noise on your behalf speaks to privilege. Look at all the indigenous women who have gone missing in Canada. Indigenous communities have been telling us about this for years, how many of us know any of the names of these women, compared to, say, Gabby Petito? It's because they are marginalised. They don't have the resources, or the influential friends, to make themselves heard.

Porcupineintherough · 23/09/2021 07:34

Quite a few people are murdered in the uk every week. Very few get the coverage Sarah Everard's murder got.

Congressdingo · 23/09/2021 07:36


Sarah's case was different as she had gone missing and there was a search. There have been many cases which get similar attention where someone is missing, people wait hoping they are found alive.

This case has started with a body being found

I hope that Sabina's case receives appropriate attention and that her killer is found, she deserves justice.

I don't remember a country wide attention news wise on any of the black women killed.
I dont remember a vigil or March for these women.
I think we can safely say the colour of ones skin matters when you get killed.
And it's more than time this ended.
Maybe we should petition for all news outlets to report every murder/missing woman in the same format, not pick and choose the interesting ones. I would say the pretty ones but actually bibaa Henry and nicole smallman were stunning.
nyktipolos · 23/09/2021 07:37


I live near Killamarsh. Terri wasn’t a woman of colour and there has been lots of coverage.

That's because 3 kids were killed.

You can bet if it had just been her there would have been a small mention at most.
Booknooks · 23/09/2021 07:38

Sarah's family said at the time they didn't want her remembered for the fate she encountered, why people keep naming her in relation to this when white women would be sufficient is quite sad.

ladybrunton · 23/09/2021 07:39

I'm in London. It is all over the media.

TractorAndHeadphones · 23/09/2021 07:43

As a brown person myself I’m torn about this.
On one hand it does look like the coverage was very quiet.
OTOH the first I heard of Sarah Everard was the missing person’s alert. The majority of news stories were ‘updates’ on where she could possibly be. By the time she was found momentum had built - couples with the murderer being a police officer which also sparked a flurry of articles around the Met’s selection criteria, etc etc.

While tragic, Sabina is simply ‘dead woman’s body found’. These still aren’t as common as people think but not as salacious as the above.

Interestingly the majority of homicide victims are men- not women. And Asians are the least likely to be killed (of course this sample size isn’t very big It’s a single year).

MsHedgehog · 23/09/2021 07:44

Those who are banging on about how there is no race element, and it’s only because Sarah Everard was missing, I don’t remember Joy Morgan getting this much attention when she was reported missing.

But yes, let’s continue to find any excuse to ignore away the obvious.

TractorAndHeadphones · 23/09/2021 07:45

Also to add - by ‘quiet’ I mean multiple articles in leading newspapers and links etc in smaller news sites.
Sabina has a decent coverage but not as much as Sarah.

Don’t really use social media so wouldn’t know about that

nyktipolos · 23/09/2021 07:45

I dont remember a vigil or March for these women

As a woman of colour I am aware of the bias. But this is really pissing me off.

There is a vigil planned for tomorrow. Why are people just spouting shit?

It really feels like some people are using race to show how 'woke' they are, how they see issues other people don't just as some sort of virtue signaling. When they haven't even bothered to look at any detail regarding the case.

Cadent · 23/09/2021 07:45


Sarah's family said at the time they didn't want her remembered for the fate she encountered, why people keep naming her in relation to this when white women would be sufficient is quite sad.

Can you quote that? Because Andrea Everard said

“I hope Sarah’s death can bring about some positive change.”
GammyLeg · 23/09/2021 07:47

Right on cue, one of my FB friends has just shared this.

missing indigenous women

Why is Sabina Nessa murder not all over the media?
SquirmOfEels · 23/09/2021 07:48

I would say the case is getting a good level of media coverage, more than say Julia James, who was only walking her dog, or Mee Kuhn Chong who was missing for several days before her body was found.

One difference is that Sarah Everard worked in PR, as did a number of her friends. And they ran a campaign, very effectively. People local to the area were beginning to hear about it on Friday, and it was everywhere by Saturday (social media, posters etc) and of course mainstream media followed

Indoctro · 23/09/2021 07:48

I think because the murderer was a police office it was more in the news

Absolutely horrendous poor women walking home killed because of fucking monsters Angry

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