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About comments from colleague about me using Facebook

147 replies

CathyTurnbull · 03/05/2021 22:00

I feel a little upset. A colleague of mine (let’s call her Kate) is looking for a new job and I casually asked why as she had always seemed so happy. She was a bit vague saying she’d had a few issues within the department and wanted a change etc.

I was then chatting to another colleague (let’s call her Sam) who said that Kate felt there was a lot of favouritism within the department and it seemed that people are rewarded not by how hard they work or how good they are at their job but how popular they seem to be on Facebook especially with our head of department (let’s call her Anne). I feel this general remark was definitely aimed at me.

At the beginning of the pandemic I felt people in certain sectors had been completely mistreated and did heavily use social media as a platform to get my voice heard to try and represent people.

My colleagues went very quiet as I assumed they didn’t want to get involved which is fine, but Sam has seemed a bit dismissive for a long time. Anne is really nice and supportive but I feel there is some animosity with other colleagues.

Nothing has been said directly to me but now things are starting to resume a bit of normality there seems to be a coldness and distancing. I sometimes hear things said like ‘I’d never post x, y or z as it’s completely unprofessional and lacking in integrity’. Anne posts loads of stuff all the time on SM

I’m not sure if I’m over thinking this? How would you feel if you were me?

OP posts:
GlassBoxSpectacular · 04/05/2021 08:40


Let’s call you.... Karen

Ah, lovely. A nice display of internalised misogyny to start the week off. Hmm
caitQ · 04/05/2021 08:40

Having read all your posts... It's never appropriate to stand up for your colleagues on social media, because that's bringing your work life into your personal life and making it public. However, I don't think you were talking about your colleagues, were you? You were just making comments on furlough generally?

That being the case, I think you've skated around the line of what's OK, but your profile shouldn't link back to you, and should make clear that your views do not represent your employer.

I also don't think you should be connected to any colleagues on any social media other than LinkedIn. It is unprofessional otherwise.

LIZS · 04/05/2021 08:43

I don't get where perceived favouritism comes in though. Unless your sm stance breached company policy but your employer let it go while others were disciplined? Your colleagues do not have to agree with or like you but have the right to be treated fairly.

HerMammy · 04/05/2021 08:44

I stood up for the 3m self employed people excluded from government support
Did you? bet they’re grateful 🙄
You sound so full of yourself, I can see why colleagues aren’t keen, have a word with yourself.

Chickychickydodah · 04/05/2021 08:45

You don’t talk about work on social media

AbsolutelyPatsy · 04/05/2021 08:46

it is over a year since your FB post?

KingdomScrolls · 04/05/2021 08:50

I'd get fired for that kind of post, my employer has a very very strict social media policy.
You'd irritate me as a colleague, ranting on FB achieves nothing other than empty virtue signalling. Did you write to your MP? Organise support in your local area for those suffering as a result of government policy? Are you generally active in your local community? Do you organise co-ordinated political action/ involved in local political campaigns? I know people who do all of the above and I'm happy to see a rant from them as I know they put the work in to try and actually create change, others just rant and sit on their phones, I have no time for this people.
If she feels she is better at the job than you but being overlooked because you and your boss share a love of FB sanctimony I can see why she's leaving.

AbsolutelyPatsy · 04/05/2021 08:53

either speak up or speak to a manager op.
this is nasty school play ground behaviour

AbsolutelyPatsy · 04/05/2021 08:54

oh wrong thread

emilyfrost · 04/05/2021 09:01


You sound sanctimonious. Your colleagues have backed off from you because it’s unprofessional and they don’t want to deal with the vocal drama llama.

OwlBeThere · 04/05/2021 09:10

I think that @CathyTurnbull is getting a right kicking unnecessarily here, the post is confusing but to say she is unprofessional and whatever when the post doesn’t even clarify what she said is ridiculous.

FrangipaniDeLaSqueegeeMop · 04/05/2021 09:12

I think this is far too vague to really give a proper answer - someone might be leaving due to favouritism because of social media posts? What?

Lostlittlelady · 04/05/2021 09:12

Of course there are also lovely people but in my experience they are few and far between.I don’t want to return to my workplace because I find my colleagues completely idiotic and self involved
Maybe they know your username on mn and have seen some of your postings.

Muchasgracias · 04/05/2021 09:16

I think you sound a bit immature OP.

You are making a lot of assumptions about what these two colleagues think of you and your FB posts (although they are apparently not active social media users, so I’m not sure how they are so aware of what you post). And are feeling “belittled” by it....when they haven’t actually told you what they think! A lot of conjecture.

Take a step back. Work is work. Leave FB and any personal campaigns you have going on out of it.

Keep your head down and get on with your job.

AfterSchoolWorry · 04/05/2021 09:17

The other colleagues probably feel you and Anne are a bit vacuous on Facebook virtue signaling and perhaps focusing on that rather than work.

Did you get a promotion? Was it fair?

You say Anne is supportive, is she the same to everyone? If not it could be seen as preferential.

Also I casually asked why as she had always seemed so happy

It kind of sounds like you can't believe someone could be unhappy if you are. You seem a bit oblivious to others around you. Also asking why someone's leaving this utopia, sounds a bit lickarsey.

Beefcurtains79 · 04/05/2021 09:20

Are your posts bashing the goverment/Tory party? And your boss is of the same opinion? If that’s what’s been happening then I can see why the others might feel uncomfortable if they don’t share your and ‘Kate’s’ political views and they are being seen as the ‘baddies’.

HeddaGarbled · 04/05/2021 09:37

use social media as a platform to get my voice heard to try and represent people

Ha! You spouted off on Twitter and used three fashionable misused phrases in a row to justify it: “platform”; “get my voice heard”; “represent people”.

HeddaGarbled · 04/05/2021 09:40

Sorry, Facebook, not Twitter. Which makes it even sillier really, because the only people ‘hearing your voice’ are your mates.

SchrodingersImmigrant · 04/05/2021 09:45


Of course there are also lovely people but in my experience they are few and far between.I don’t want to return to my workplace because I find my colleagues completely idiotic and self involved
Maybe they know your username on mn and have seen some of your postings.

I am usually not for outing through as, but this is gold🙈
Gingerwhinger1 · 04/05/2021 09:48

I felt people in certain sectors had been completely mistreated and did heavily use social media as a platform to get my voice heard to try and represent people.
That sounds like you are voicing your opinion outside your own sector, not specifically about your employer, so don't see that as being particularly unprofessional, unless you hold controversial views and your employer is tied to your profile.
If your relationship is professional with your manager, again don't see what the problem is. It just sounds like gossip. Colleagues aren't friends and they bring their own shit to the job - which isn't your problem. As long as you are doing your job and keeping your relationships professional, let Kate crack on with her job search and stay away from Sam.

ElphabaTWitch · 04/05/2021 09:53

Don’t know. Why are you disussing work / work relationships on SM? Can’t anybody do anything without plastering it all over SM?? if you’re boss was included in / agreeable with your ‘posts’ and vice verse, I’d think you were a brown noser and can see why your colleagues have the attitude they do. Sorry. I can’t back you here. Think you’re out of line.

HeyDemonsItsYaGirl · 04/05/2021 09:54


I stood up for the 3m self employed people excluded from government support. I too was excluded from financial support but I don’t think it was quite as bad for me because my husband was able to support us as he is a key worker. I felt compelled to speak out and try and support the excluded. I don’t know why my colleagues would have a problem with that.

You're practically Rosa Parks

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LobotomisedIceSkatingFan · 04/05/2021 09:58

I'm inclined to agree with you, @OwlBeThere: OP very clearly states 'certain sectors' in her first post, and as we now know that means the self-employed, it's not like she's badmouthing her employer. I suppose it's bit like when people from all professions turned out in support of junior doctors.

That said - I hope the OP is a good deal more more coherent at work, as much of this remains incomprehensible, and she hasn't really clarified in subsequent comments. I suspect they don't like you because you're too matey with Anne and swan around like a latter-day 'Norma Rae' (I strongly doubt your online presence is as strong as you think it is). You do come across as a bit smug.
If you're genuinely pretty good at your job, and work hard, I'd suggest you stop chumming about with Anne so much, and dial the 'call to arms' shit down when you're at work.

AfterSchoolWorry · 04/05/2021 10:09


Saw that too.

OP if you think your colleagues are 'idiotic and self involved' they'll notice and that's why they're being cold and distant.

That and the virtue signaling on FB, no wonder they're avoiding you!

StillCoughingandLaughing · 04/05/2021 10:34


I think that *@CathyTurnbull* is getting a right kicking unnecessarily here, the post is confusing but to say she is unprofessional and whatever when the post doesn’t even clarify what she said is ridiculous.

I agree that some of the responses assume knowledge the poster doesn’t have. A lot of people have assumed the OP specifically referenced her role or the company; one even suggested the OP was posting on an official work account! We can’t assume any of that is true.

Now obviously I don’t know any more than any other poster, but the way I’ve interpreted it is that the OP is very active on social media, so is Anne, but her colleagues aren’t - which is one possible reason they think OP is getting special treatment.

OP - if your colleagues think you’re being favoured, that’s why they have issues with you. They probably don’t give a damn what you put on Facebook.
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