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About comments from colleague about me using Facebook

147 replies

CathyTurnbull · 03/05/2021 22:00

I feel a little upset. A colleague of mine (let’s call her Kate) is looking for a new job and I casually asked why as she had always seemed so happy. She was a bit vague saying she’d had a few issues within the department and wanted a change etc.

I was then chatting to another colleague (let’s call her Sam) who said that Kate felt there was a lot of favouritism within the department and it seemed that people are rewarded not by how hard they work or how good they are at their job but how popular they seem to be on Facebook especially with our head of department (let’s call her Anne). I feel this general remark was definitely aimed at me.

At the beginning of the pandemic I felt people in certain sectors had been completely mistreated and did heavily use social media as a platform to get my voice heard to try and represent people.

My colleagues went very quiet as I assumed they didn’t want to get involved which is fine, but Sam has seemed a bit dismissive for a long time. Anne is really nice and supportive but I feel there is some animosity with other colleagues.

Nothing has been said directly to me but now things are starting to resume a bit of normality there seems to be a coldness and distancing. I sometimes hear things said like ‘I’d never post x, y or z as it’s completely unprofessional and lacking in integrity’. Anne posts loads of stuff all the time on SM

I’m not sure if I’m over thinking this? How would you feel if you were me?

OP posts:
SnackSizeRaisin · 03/05/2021 22:58

Your boss sounds like the unprofessional one here to be honest. She shouldn't be getting pally with an employee based on social media. No wonder the others are annoyed.
It's not clear what you've been posting, but if your SM posts have, in themselves, caused your colleagues to dislike you it suggests you have been out of order. I mean no one is going to take offence at sharing a few posts about nurses pay or whatever, so what on earth is it that has simultaneously offended your colleagues but made your boss like you?
I would suggest keeping work and SM strictly separate, and also think twice about what you post. If you wouldn't say it directly to someone's face, don't say it on SM.

CathyTurnbull · 03/05/2021 22:58

I stood up for the 3m self employed people excluded from government support. I too was excluded from financial support but I don’t think it was quite as bad for me because my husband was able to support us as he is a key worker. I felt compelled to speak out and try and support the excluded. I don’t know why my colleagues would have a problem with that.

OP posts:
SavoyCabbage · 03/05/2021 23:00

What did you say about it?

MichelleScarn · 03/05/2021 23:00

What do you mean by 'a strong media presence' is this sanctioned by your employer?

BeenAsFarAsMercyAndGrand · 03/05/2021 23:01


I stood up for the 3m self employed people excluded from government support. I too was excluded from financial support but I don’t think it was quite as bad for me because my husband was able to support us as he is a key worker. I felt compelled to speak out and try and support the excluded. I don’t know why my colleagues would have a problem with that.

Why did you need support as a self employed person when, from the sound of it, you are employed?
Sn0tnose · 03/05/2021 23:03

Don’t you have a code of conduct concerning social media at your workplace?

At the beginning of the pandemic I felt people in certain sectors had been completely mistreated and did heavily use social media as a platform to get my voice heard to try and represent people. I don’t understand why on earth would you think that was an appropriate thing to do. Who appointed you to speak on anyone’s behalf? Did you actually ask anyone if they felt mistreated or did you simply assume? Why would you use social media rather than your company’s HR? Who do you think would be listening to your voice on social media?

My colleagues went very quiet as I assumed they didn’t want to get involved which is fine... Or, they completely disagreed with what you were doing and/or the way you were doing it.

...but Sam has seemed a bit dismissive for a long time Sam has a negative opinion of you.

Anne is really nice and supportive but I feel there is some animosity with other colleagues Your colleagues also hold negative opinions of you.

Nothing has been said directly to me but now things are starting to resume a bit of normality there seems to be a coldness and distancing If your colleagues are cold and distancing themselves from you, you’ve either done something to really upset them or they think being associated with you is going to harm their own careers.

I’m not sure if I’m over thinking this? I don’t think over thinking has been your problem here.

How would you feel if you were me? Mortified.

lottiegarbanzo · 03/05/2021 23:03

This is so weird. Do you use SM in a professional capacity, in publicity perhaps? If not, why are you 'using it' in connection with your work at all? Who do you think your audience is? Who is it in fact? Why do you think SM is the best way of communicating with people at work?

It sounds as though you've been unprofessional. It so, if I were you, I'd be feeling very foolish and would separate my work and personal lives forthwith.

lottiegarbanzo · 03/05/2021 23:06

Stood up, spoke out - to whom? Who were you trying to influence? Are you Fb friends with them anyway? Your MP perhaps, or some senior civil servants? What made you think ranting or posting memes on Facebook would be the best way to change their minds?

SnackSizeRaisin · 03/05/2021 23:11

So are you and your colleagues actually self employed? Perhaps illegally? There must be some reason that this has riled people. Unless it's just the favouritism and the Facebook posts are irrelevant

OverByYer · 03/05/2021 23:12

You sound rather immature

Checkingout811 · 03/05/2021 23:12

Your sound a real martyr OP and frankly, very annoying.
Don’t post attention seeking rants on Facebook, you are not the voice of the people. Don’t have colleagues on FB. Don’t gossip about colleagues.

Marilla27 · 03/05/2021 23:18

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VodkaSlimline · 03/05/2021 23:24

What is this about? Are you posting loads of drivel on facebook about what you've had for breakfast and manager/Anne is liking all of it, and then she's posting tons of selfies and you're writing "OMG so beauts xxx" under them all? Or are you and she discussing work stuff on Facebook for all to see? Either way, probably best for the two of you to take it to Whatsapp.

StillCoughingandLaughing · 03/05/2021 23:51

So if I’ve worked it out correctly:

You and Anne are friends on social media. Anne has liked or positively commented on your posts about the self-employed. Sam and Kate are not interested in your posts, but feel (or at least you think they feel) that Anne gives you preferential treatment because you interact on social media. Is that right?

Do you think there’s any truth in this? Or is Kate just pissed off with the job anyway and having a general moan about work issues?

I’m sure they think all SM is rather silly which makes me feel belittled.

I don’t under why this would make you feel belittled - unless you make a big thing about your social media following. If you do, I don’t think you can afford to worry that others think it’s silly - they’re not the ones who are going to be your followers.

donquixotedelamancha · 04/05/2021 06:44

I stood up for the 3m self employed people excluded from government support.

Nobody is going to dislike you for criticising government policy on self employed support. Frankly the importance you assign to your SM posts is very odd.

The reason Kate is leaving is this:

it seemed that people are rewarded not by how hard they work or how good they are at their job

She thinks Anne ignores her achievements and gives preference to someone who doesn't pull their weight. Presumably for her to leave the job it must be a significant problem.

Only you know whether you are the lazy/ineffective colleague.

Voomster953 · 04/05/2021 06:52

This is as clear as mud. You think you’re favoured because of your ‘strong presence’ on social media. Favoured by who? Your boss? Why would they favour you for that?

Whereas your colleagues, one of whom is now leaving, thinks you’re unprofessional because of it.

And why are you upset?! Confused

Ginfilledcats · 04/05/2021 07:11

I don't get it, isn't Facebook full of people you know? So if you're giving a voice to "the people" - were you just ranting on fb to people you know? How would that make a difference?

I'm also not sure having a strong presence on fb is something to be that proud of. What does it mean? Different on Twitter or Instagram where you more often find people with strong views advocating and bringing awareness to issues - things go viral and gain movement more on those platforms than on fb I thought.

Aprilx · 04/05/2021 07:18


I’m upset because I feel others within my department think I am unprofessional without directly saying it to me.

I do have a good relationship with Anne, and I think Sam and Kate feel pushed out or jealous because of that.

I also feel a bit uncomfortable because I think Kate and Sam feel I am favoured because Anne and I have a strong presence on SM and they don’t. I’m sure they think all SM is rather silly which makes me feel belittled.

You are probably correct that they think you are unprofessional, because most people would think that based on what you have said about your Facebook posting. It is their prerogative whether they choose to say something or not, I know I don’t say everything I think, some things stay in my head.

I didn’t understand the rest of your posting on the thread.
Indoctro · 04/05/2021 07:22

You shouldn't talk about your employment on SM it's very unprofessional

JeanClaudeVanDammit · 04/05/2021 07:22

All sounds a bit gossipy and office-politicsy. Not worth stressing over.

Lweji · 04/05/2021 07:25


I stood up for the 3m self employed people excluded from government support.

Nobody is going to dislike you for criticising government policy on self employed support. Frankly the importance you assign to your SM posts is very odd.

The reason Kate is leaving is this:

it seemed that people are rewarded not by how hard they work or how good they are at their job

She thinks Anne ignores her achievements and gives preference to someone who doesn't pull their weight. Presumably for her to leave the job it must be a significant problem.

Only you know whether you are the lazy/ineffective colleague.

Billandben444 · 04/05/2021 07:44

Don’t post attention seeking rants on Facebook, you are not the voice of the people. Don’t have colleagues on FB. Don’t gossip about colleagues.

This twice.


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bloodyhell19 · 04/05/2021 07:49

Maybe your co-workers feel you're unprofessional because you are unprofessional...? They don't have to champion you, they don't have to agree with you, they don't have to even speak to you. They don't have to like you. That's not their job. You're making a drama out of this, much like I suspect you made a drama out of "standing up for the self employed" on social media even though you appear to be an employee.

LookItsMeAgain · 04/05/2021 07:57

My advice would be not to mix business with pleasure - in this respect, don't post work related (in any way that it could be) posts on social media which I would use for more social related posts.
Or have a feed for work colleagues and then another for friends.

Mellonsprite · 04/05/2021 07:58

Is what you’ve shared on SM relevant to your job in any way? Does it portray your employer in a bad light? If so it is negative and unprofessional.
Or is it you’ve just had a rant on SM and these people can’t be arsed reading it?

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