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To ask at what point you went exclusive with your partner?

139 replies

breadbin123 · 21/11/2020 13:53

Just that really Smile

OP posts:
TWBAEM · 26/11/2020 20:06

I met DH online and we were only ever exclusive. We chatted for a while online before meeting and I didn't even respond to messages from other men on the site once I had started talking to him and he was the same. I wouldn't have wanted to be distracted by considering anyone else at the same time. If it hadn't worked out with him I would have then responded to the other messages I got but again only one at a time. As it was they all got polite messages saying I was now involved with someone.

Afterwards he told me that he had been looking at two women's profiles and decided to contact me out of the two. He didn't contact the other woman simultaneously but if we hadn't have worked out and we stopped dating then he would have got in touch with her. So he had the same attitude as me.

2021optimist · 26/11/2020 20:58

As soon as we met!

Goosefoot · 26/11/2020 22:08

Always, though we broke up for a period and then I dated someone else for a bit.

I do think the multiple dating thing is related to OLD. I'm very glad I've not had to try and function in that environment.

Porcupineinwaiting · 26/11/2020 22:12

From the first date. Anything else would mess with my head.

TeenyTinyDustinHoffman · 26/11/2020 22:18

So, OP and others, you could meet up with Simon on Friday, get along and want to see each other again. But see Mark on Saturday, John on Monday and Liam on Wednesday... And you whittle it down until you figure out which one's your favourite. Okay.
But Mark is also seeing Sarah, Helen and Jane. He likes Helen better than you.
Simon is seeing Julie and Mary. He likes Mary best.
John is seeing Emma and Suzie. Prefers Emma over you.
Liam is seeing Cathy and Eva and Joanna and Dana and Annie (busy man, is Liam) and wants to continue with Eva.

So that hasn't worked.
Of course, maybe not everyone's serial dating. If, after a few weeks you tell Mark that you want to be exclusive and Mark gets a bit put out as he has assumed you had both been exclusive from the start, then what? Do you just try again with the second best?

I'm going to assume that serial dating doesn't involve quite so many people (there will always be a Liam) but I can't see how this is any easier than normal dating.

mineandyours · 26/11/2020 22:22

First date

TeenyTinyDustinHoffman · 26/11/2020 22:23

Also, sorry if this is a bit personal but when you say dating...
Is that just going out for meals, say? Or are you meeting up at home, is there a physical relationship or is it a bit more like a friendly interview?
And, say, if you do meet up just for drinks but end up going home and sleeping together, do you go exclusive at that point or do you carry on with other people?

Anothermother3 · 26/11/2020 22:37

OLD exclusive from the first date because neither of us would date more than one person at a time. I don’t think I have the emotional capacity. We had been emailing for a month prior almost daily. Together ever since.

EThreepwood · 27/11/2020 08:02

OLD 2nd date. He was the only one special enough in my eyes to warrant a second date and we were both crazy about each other.

3 years later we're engaged with a baby on the way.

MozzchopsThirty · 27/11/2020 08:15

Not for a while, maybe a few months
Because we were essentially just enjoying each other for a fuck

He kissed someone else, so did I
I went on a few dates

I'd probably say about 3 months

flaviaritt · 27/11/2020 08:27

First date. For me, you’re either with someone or you’re not. If I was going for coffee or a meal with someone, even if it was technically a ‘date’, that’s not actually going out with them. But if there’s romance (kissing or sexual stuff) then I would consider myself to be ‘with’ that other person. I wouldn’t be sleeping with more than one person at a time. Sounds like vague hard work.

Flower8 · 27/11/2020 09:37

First date. I had been of plenty of awful date's, or date's where i knew i wasn't interested. But with my DP i knew, our coffee date turned into us spending the whole day together. And we both just knew.

OrangeIsTheNewTwat · 27/11/2020 09:40

Immediately. We both knew. Got engaged pretty quickly too. Been together 16 years.

Redred2429 · 27/11/2020 11:41

From the first date

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