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to not want to get dd from uni?

377 replies

Noideawottodo · 22/10/2020 17:12

She's been isolating at her bfs house for 14 days. He and all his flatmates tested positive for covid. She developed symptoms, fever, cough, sore throat. Didn't get tested just assumed she had it. That was 10 days ago.

She wants to go back to her own house in a couple of days when she's done 14 days. But a flatmate in that house has just tested positive, if she goes there she will have to isolate again for 14 days.

She's really struggling. She's had a row with her boyf and can't bear to stay there for much longer. Her proper house mates didn't want her there as one is vulnerable.

Anyway she wants to come home. I don't want her home as I can't risk my other dcs getting it before they are due to go back to school in 10 days (they are having a 2 week half term). She says she'll self isolate in her bedroom, but i will have to collect her in the car and drive her home for 2 hours so if she still has it I will catch it?

I'm very confused and don't know what to do for the best.

OP posts:
Ddot · 25/10/2020 06:32

Get a test, if negative go get her she sits in back of car both wear mask all windows open. Isolate in bedroom for a week. Wash all her things. Clean car. Sorry if I sound crazy but tests aren't infallible. Daughter must also clean bathroom every time she uses

Noideawottodo · 25/10/2020 07:25

I'll get her to cancel the cheque as well shall I

OP posts:
Ignoringequally · 25/10/2020 07:27


I'll get her to cancel the cheque as well shall I

ParlezVousWronglais · 25/10/2020 08:53


She hasn't got nowhere to go, she can go to her proper house but will have to isolate as one of her original flatmates has it. She's run down and exhausted.

She's also in Wales and we're in England.

So she’s completed her isolation and now you’d rather send her to a house with active infection rather than have her home?

Very odd this.
dementedpixie · 25/10/2020 08:56


Ignoringequally · 25/10/2020 08:56

So she’s completed her isolation and now you’d rather send her to a house with active infection rather than have her home?

Well no, because if you read even just the OP’s posts you’ll see that she picked her daughter up on Friday.

ParlezVousWronglais · 25/10/2020 08:58

She's home! Drove home with a mask on.

Good! Well done.

ParlezVousWronglais · 25/10/2020 09:01


So she’s completed her isolation and now you’d rather send her to a house with active infection rather than have her home?

Well no, because if you read even just the OP’s posts you’ll see that she picked her daughter up on Friday.

It’s a long thread. Sometimes when you start reading one you can feel strongly enough to react before reading it all.
shinynewapple2020 · 25/10/2020 09:25

Glad your DD is home safely. I agree you had a difficult decision with your other DC but I think the way you did the journey and letting your DD rest in her room at home will keep everyone safe and well .

Noideawottodo · 25/10/2020 09:25

Always a good idea in a long thread.

to not want to get dd from uni?
OP posts:
Ddot · 25/10/2020 11:37

Hope you all keep safe and stay well x

Kimbob33 · 26/10/2020 11:06

@CremeEggThief’s hardly about spoilt brats being mommies, it’s more like giving a crap about our kids wellbeing and mental health and actually caring about our kids regardless of age. Jesus some nasty people these days!!

Ddot · 26/10/2020 14:58

Sorry nothing to do with thread but I need to vent, just had district nurse for mams flue jab. She walked in then put mask on, told my mam she didn't need a mask then took hers off to fill in the bloody form. I went mad and told her she was wrong. Just said she had to put on at door and take off as she left and had to leave mask and pinny in mams bin. Fine but your not leaving your sat on my mams bloody sofa. Hair dresser took more precautions than district nurse. Thanks feel better now.

IloveJudgeJudy · 26/10/2020 18:51

For all of you being so blasé about Covid-19, DD most likely had it in March and still isn't properly well (I say most likely as at that time there was no test and now she can't get an antibody test). It was a very frightening time. She SI off her own bat thank goodness. She lost stones in weight and her voice is still very feeble.

I think the OP was being sensible about being worried about her other DD. I'm glad her DD1 is home now.

Twowilldo50 · 31/10/2020 07:57


Even in the car? I suppose not fair to make her get public transport

If you think she may be infectious then certainly not fair on potentially vulnerable people also using public transport.
Noideawottodo · 31/10/2020 08:58

Can't believe this is rumbling on Grin

She's been home for a week now, keen to return in a week but hopefully Wales will let her back in!

She's very well and none of us have developed any symptoms so all my worrying was unfounded.

OP posts:
Ddot · 31/10/2020 10:27

I know just let people vent

QueenOfPain · 31/10/2020 10:38

I can't drive, but if I could, not a fucking hope I'd be doing a 4 hour round trip for DS, for nearly any reason.

Wow, one of the worst things I’ve ever read on here. Why did you bother having them?

PoorMansPaulaRadcliffe · 31/10/2020 11:04


I can't drive, but if I could, not a fucking hope I'd be doing a 4 hour round trip for DS, for nearly any reason.

Wow, one of the worst things I’ve ever read on here. Why did you bother having them?

So they can smoke weed together and 'giggle', apparently . . . 🙄
Noideawottodo · 31/10/2020 11:10


I know just let people vent

Start your own thread.
OP posts:
Ddot · 31/10/2020 12:00

Noideawattodo eh!

chocolatemademefat · 31/10/2020 12:48

Go and get her and bring her home. She’s your child - let her isolate in her room. How must she be feeling thinking she has no where to go. Have a heart!


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Ignoringequally · 31/10/2020 12:58


Go and get her and bring her home. She’s your child - let her isolate in her room. How must she be feeling thinking she has no where to go. Have a heart!

She’s been home for a week.
Storyoftonight · 31/10/2020 13:01


OP, I agree about people needing to read the thread and glad she's home and ok.
I can't quote for some reason but your comment in regards to the woman doing the triathlon is tone deaf. People have died.

Dangermouseis42now · 31/10/2020 13:35

DDot ... Start your own thread.

I laughed when I read this being written to another PP

It's a fair comment

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