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To ask if you see your neighbours having too many people over at christmas will you report them?

429 replies

ShesMadeATwatOfMePam · 17/10/2020 18:55

Just that really. Will you actually report your neighbours if you see they have over 6 people at christmas, if the rule of 6 is still in place?

Yabu: yes i will report them
Yanbu: i wouldn't report

From my point of view, i wouldn't report.

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TooTrueToBeGood · 17/10/2020 19:49

I would give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're having a funeral service for the turkey which means up to 15 people allowed.

ShesMadeATwatOfMePam · 17/10/2020 19:50

No, I wouldn't report but I will be very sad that I'm not seeing my family or my DH's family because I want them to be safe and COVID to be under control as quickly as possible and yet other people are not prepared to make the same sacrifices.

It's that kind of holier than thou attitude that's really pissing me off.

Id probably be very suicidal if id stuck to the rules. I was getting pretty close during lockdown. Everyone's circumstances are different.

OP posts:
Fionasmammy · 17/10/2020 19:51

It's difficult to follow rules you don't respect or see the point of. I wouldnt care what they do in the context of covid as long as they aren't rowdy or leave a mess.

TerribleCustomerCervix · 17/10/2020 19:52

Absolutely not.

Aside from the fact I probably wouldn’t notice or care, I’ll have to live beside them for years to come.

I do far too much online shopping to risk pissing them off.

Brunt0n · 17/10/2020 19:52

A raging party? yes.
A few extra people? No, i’m not Scrooge

nottodaytomorrow · 17/10/2020 19:54

Me and my group of 10 family members will be too busy celebrating together to care what others are up to Wink

Eviebeans · 17/10/2020 19:54

No way

userxx · 17/10/2020 19:57

Errrrr no.

2beautifulbabs · 17/10/2020 19:57

No I won't report nor would I even think too.
It's a shocking thing to even consider that somebody would want to stop family and friends seeing each other in their own private property.
The government won't be able to keep this up much longer people will push back especially around Christmas time when it's the most joyous time to spend with your loved ones.

IceCreamAndCandyfloss · 17/10/2020 20:00


No, I wouldn't report but I will be very sad that I'm not seeing my family or my DH's family because I want them to be safe and COVID to be under control as quickly as possible and yet other people are not prepared to make the same sacrifices.

It's that kind of holier than thou attitude that's really pissing me off.

Id probably be very suicidal if id stuck to the rules. I was getting pretty close during lockdown. Everyone's circumstances are different.

Why is it “ holier than thou” to comply with the law or to want to keep family safe?
Eviebeans · 17/10/2020 20:01

What a crazy situation...
After all the MPs who have done the wrong thing with no consequences for them I hope the government wouldn't try to impose fines etc on members of the public

Hormonecrazyhell · 17/10/2020 20:01

No, I would be silently bitter though, sat fuming with only the dc (or rather the backs of their heads as they game) for company for weeks on end. It make me question why I bother with all these rules when others don’t do their part too

myhobbyisouting · 17/10/2020 20:01


riceuten · 17/10/2020 20:01

No, unless they were being incredibly noisy

SchrodingersImmigrant · 17/10/2020 20:10

I honestly don’t know how folk know so much about their neighbours, unless they’re friends.

Community spirit? Having a quick few words chat? Number of cars known to park on a street because if there is 1 more some resident wouldn't fit?😁

waitforitwaitforit · 17/10/2020 20:10

God no.

TiniestFluffiestBunny · 17/10/2020 20:11

My neighbours, who have broken every lockdown rule and are the most abusive harassing people I have had the misfortune to live in close proximity to?

No, they can have as many people round as they like as long as they don't escalate to damaging our property (again)

SchrodingersImmigrant · 17/10/2020 20:12

I am actually quite at awe at how Brits just cannot have Christmas dinner without a massive group. It's kind of nice, and kind of odd at the same time.

Lolly34h · 17/10/2020 20:12

Neighbour one side who has parties at new year with about 40 people yes. Cause quite frankly they are entitled bastards who don't give a shit about disturbing anyone ever! To the point she lets her kids out in the garden as soon as I close my bedroom curtains to get my toddler to sleep. So yes I will be reporting them. But only because they have zero consideration for anyone.

redcarbluecar · 17/10/2020 20:13

Definitely not

TableFlowerss · 17/10/2020 20:14

No I would not!! It’s Christmas for Christ sake and it might be the only time folk get to see their family.

People can make their own risk assessments. If I was a 78 year old, overweight, diabetic, male that snakes then I’d try to avoid people at all costs for a couple of weeks after Xmas.

If I was a 40 year, slim, healthy woman with two teenage kids at uni then I’d not worry so much!

TableFlowerss · 17/10/2020 20:15



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newwnamme · 17/10/2020 20:17

Not on Christmas or any other day, but then I have no plans to be keeping the rules either so reporting would make me a massive hypocrite.

DelilahfromDevon · 17/10/2020 20:17

Absolutely not. I won’t be adhering to it myself therefore it would be hypocritical of me to report anyone else.

ShesMadeATwatOfMePam · 17/10/2020 20:18

Why is it “ holier than thou” to comply with the law or to want to keep family safe?

Because there is more than just covid threatening people's well-being that people need to be kept safe from?

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