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To ask if you see your neighbours having too many people over at christmas will you report them?

429 replies

ShesMadeATwatOfMePam · 17/10/2020 18:55

Just that really. Will you actually report your neighbours if you see they have over 6 people at christmas, if the rule of 6 is still in place?

Yabu: yes i will report them
Yanbu: i wouldn't report

From my point of view, i wouldn't report.

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EmeraldShamrock · 17/10/2020 19:39

No I wouldn't.

Topseyt · 17/10/2020 19:39

No I would not!! The whole world has gone stark staring mad.

I'm not a complete dick, and that would be a dick move!

Funkypolar · 17/10/2020 19:39

No, we aren’t in East Germany.

xanthippe8 · 17/10/2020 19:40

Nope, not even the gobshite who's been flouting the rules since March.

baffledcoconut · 17/10/2020 19:40

Massive party- yes.

No fucking chance if they are just having family.

SunbathingDragon · 17/10/2020 19:41

No, a lot of my neighbours are elderly and live alone and I’ve been quite worried about their mental health recently. I might worry about them but I wouldn’t report them.

Choccylips · 17/10/2020 19:42

Absolutely not even if you hate them you never ever snitch. If the government want to know then they can pay a policeman for every address in the UK. To even think of snitching is disgusting.

FinnegansWhiskers · 17/10/2020 19:42

The rule of 6 doesn’t apply in my area. In fact nobody is allowed to visit anyone else indoors or outdoors.

Would I report a neighbour for having their parents, children or grandchildren over for Christmas? Of course not!

If a neighbour is having a party with lots of guests (and making a lot of noise late into the night) I may think about reporting them.

ForthPlace · 17/10/2020 19:42

No, I wouldn't report but I will be very sad that I'm not seeing my family or my DH's family because I want them to be safe and COVID to be under control as quickly as possible and yet other people are not prepared to make the same sacrifices.

AcornsVsBcorns · 17/10/2020 19:43

Report? I wouldn't even notice...

Halliehallie9828 · 17/10/2020 19:43

Nope I won’t and I imagine I’ll be to busy in the kitchen and enjoying my day to notice how many people are in my neighbours houseWine

Feefifo9 · 17/10/2020 19:43

Go no. Each to their own.

Twofurrycatsagain · 17/10/2020 19:44

No. If someone was holding massive house parties every night maybe. But Xmas day with family not a chance. Both my neighbours, if they invited only their adult children and grandchildren, would be over 6 and I'd say nowt.

pastandpresent · 17/10/2020 19:44


catnoir1 · 17/10/2020 19:44

No I won't be reporting them

tempnamechange98765 · 17/10/2020 19:44

Why would you even ask this when it's two months away and we have no idea of the circumstances?

stretchedmarks · 17/10/2020 19:45

Absolutely not. I'll be too busy with my own Christmas to give two hoots about what's going on up the road.

It's a bit bloody pathetic to report someone over Christmas, tbh. Scrooge vibes don't do it for me.

SchrodingersImmigrant · 17/10/2020 19:45

I wouldn't report, but depending on the number I would reconsider the relationship and level of friendliness... If the situation was still dire like this.

southeastdweller · 17/10/2020 19:46

No, because I’m not some sad sack without a life.

BreconBeBuggered · 17/10/2020 19:46

I'm sure they will. They've been flouting/ignoring/wilfully misunderstanding the rules from the off. Take your pick, I don't know. What's new? No, I won't be reporting them. We're currently in a relatively low risk area, but if somebody gets it, Covid will run through the estate like a dodgy turkey curry.

IcedPurple · 17/10/2020 19:46

Clicked YABU by mistake but no, I absolutely would not report my neighbours.

It's scary how this crisis has awakened the inner Stasi snitch in so many people.

MeadowHay · 17/10/2020 19:46

I love the other posts about police officers not complying themselves, I know one who isn't and we are in tier 3 here!

I would never report any kind of covid related rule breaking tbh well maybe a massive gathering but nothing else.


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slashlover · 17/10/2020 19:47

I'm not planning to be staring out the window, counting visitors,

MsJinks · 17/10/2020 19:48

I honestly don’t know how folk know so much about their neighbours, unless they’re friends. I have no clue who is in any of my neighbours’ houses and if they are complying with rules or not. I’m not sitting on my doorstep all Xmas day with a counter and asking who is a household or bubbling or whatever it is then - anyway I’d miss the neighbours on the side street if I did that! Sadly I worry the police will have enough spiteful, imagination driven calls, alongside the friendly neighbourhood stasi updates to ensure they might miss a genuine emergency 😡

musicposy · 17/10/2020 19:48

No I wouldn’t. I do think As far as possible people should try to stick to the rules, because reducing the spread benefits everybody. But there’s no way I’m going to shop other people, especially at Christmas. I don’t know their circumstances - one might have a terminal illness, one might have been suicidal etc etc. I’m not going to be the person to make that worse.

I will probably keep to the rule of 6 over Christmas if it’s required but I wouldn’t judge others who didn’t.

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