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To feel sad looking at ex's WhatsApp status and his GF. I can't help it!!

104 replies

whatsappcurse · 06/08/2020 09:04

I’ve written about my ex on here, I left him he didn’t leave me. I just couldn’t deal with his laziness, and there was just a lot that was going on in our marriage. There was no abuse or cheating, just fucking laziness from his part. It wasn’t a bad ‘bad’ marriage as such.

He’s moved on, and he’s the sort of person who likes to take pictures of what he eats or been. He does it whether he’s with his mum, friends or girlfriend. So I know he’s not doing it to ‘show her off’.

But it just hurts like hell to see him post pictures on his WhatsApp status of them being out and about, to nice fancy restaurants. They’ve been eating out since Monday because of the 50% off discount thing, yesterday he took her to this really nice high end steak house in London he’s always talked about going when we were together, but just never went. I could see it was that restaurant because of the menu card on the table. It was so hard seeing her there with her nicely done nails eating steak with him. I’m also jealous that we just never went out like that, but he’s always going out with her.

I can’t block him because we have children together, I’ve tried to mute his WhatsApp status so I don’t see his pictures. But I can still see it, it’s just not at the top with all the other WhatsApp statuses. I find myself constantly looking at his status, I can’t help it. I wish I could just block him. We have an OK relationship apart from this.

I’m just sad that her and her daughter are living the life my children and I should be living. I know I left him, but had it not been for his laziness we would still have been together 😔

OP posts:
dangerrabbit · 08/08/2020 17:12

@whatsappcurse I have indeed! Grin In my case it was my narc SIL who kept posting passive aggressive updates that I wanted to look at like picking at a scab. Now I still have her number as we're in several group chats together and I have her previous chats to me but i can't be irritated by her updates. I know I could just not look at them but it is tempting when you see them there. That's why I avoid social media as a general rule...
Oh and if you did feel like looking at his updates again for whatever reason but didn't want him to know you could just turn off the blue ticks - someone upthread showed how to do this - you can also block individual people from looking at your status or only allow it to be viewed by certain people.
There are people in my contacts who update their status on a daily basis. I'm 40 and most of my friends are similar aged.

HeckyPeck · 19/08/2020 13:49

He’s given up seeing his kids daily for a steak dinner. Go him

That’s a bit harsh. OP dumped him. He didn’t leave her for a new woman. He didn’t want to break u up so it’s silly to say he chose steak dinners over seeing her a kids daily!

OP I’m glad you found a way not to see the stories. Remind yourself that you left for a reason. It doesn’t matter if he’s changed or not. He didn’t make you happy & by not being with him you have a chance to find real happiness. It isn’t to be found by comparing to him, I.e with previous posters saying they bet he isn’t happy/won’t change, but focusing on your own happiness. That’s been my experience anyway!

UglyBoy19 · 19/08/2020 23:18

Those nicely manicured nails won’t last long once he stops doing the few token bits of housework he’s doing now to keep her sweet. She’ll be upto her elbows in dirty dishwater Every evening soon!

Bassettgirl · 19/08/2020 23:35

Thank god you found a way to not see this! Can't believe even whatsapp now has 'stories'. Confused

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