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DH insisted I come shopping and then basically chinned me off..

138 replies

Emyem · 04/07/2020 13:56

DH announced a couple of days ago that we're all getting the train to nearby shopping district today with his eldest two to go shopping for birthday presents.

He said he wanted himself, me and our two to go, collect the older kids then gets the train.

Yesterday he then asks If my DM would mind minding our two for a couple of hours so we can go without the pram.

DM jumped at the chance as she hasn't seen much of the babies since lockdown.

We collect his eldest and get the train to the shopping district and within 5 minutes of arriving he tells me to go off and do my own thing for a bit, bare in mind I didn't need anything and only came because he insisted.

If he wanted to spend some time with the eldest alone then why insist we, and then I, come in the first place.

He wanted me to wander round aimlessly until they had finished shopping then to meet back up.

I think it was rude and I'm pissed off at having wasted my day when in all honesty I would've rather stayed home in the first place and only came because he asked me to.

I'm having a sulk coffee now and feel like getting the train home and leaving him to it. I don't want to meet back up with him because I'm in a foul mood and don't want his kids to pick up on it.


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Am I being unreasonable?

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NoSquirrels · 04/07/2020 17:57

Well, whether he got it today cos he sensed you were annoyed, or whether he was going to do it all along, a) you’ve got the bag you wanted and b) he’s either noticed you were cross & fixed it quickly or was just being thoughtful in the first place.


Emyem · 04/07/2020 17:58

I've told him I was seriously annoyed at the way he went about it as it spoilt my day, he said he understands that and is sorry

OP posts:
Emyem · 04/07/2020 17:58

Yes alls well that ends well. I bloody love the bag Grin

OP posts:
magicstar1 · 04/07/2020 18:04

It sounds like he was trying to do a nice thing, but went about it arseways. You’re the only one here who knows him OP, none of the people saying he only did it because you caught him out know if he’s like that.
Enjoy the bag!

pictish · 04/07/2020 18:06

Make sure you get a present on the day too mind. Wink

FizzyGreenWater · 04/07/2020 18:11

Yep bag doesn't change twatty antics.

In fact, it's not beyond realms of possibility that bag was bought precisely to deflect from other spending. Glad OP still had words.

LillianBland · 04/07/2020 18:20

Oh, that’s a lovely end to a day that started shity. I’m very happy for you, OP. Now, you have to show the bag or I’ll tell everyone you’re a troll... granted, you wouldn’t be a very good one, but meh. 🤷‍♀️

Thinkingabout1t · 04/07/2020 18:25

I'm glad there was a happy ending! But poor DH, trying to give you a nice surprise and it went wrong. Maybe give him some sort of treat tomorrow and you'll both feel good. Enjoy the handbag!

LegitSnack · 04/07/2020 18:29

Can we see the bag?

LegitSnack · 04/07/2020 18:29

Can we see the bag?

pictish · 04/07/2020 18:31 us the bag!

BumbleBeee69 · 04/07/2020 18:31

I call bullshit OP.... he's realised toot sharp that he's fucked up.. and has presented your beautiful birthday gift months early... very calculating... enjoy your bag though Flowers

Heidi1976 · 04/07/2020 18:35

Why would he invite you along if you weren't providing anything to him (a lift, money, spend quality time with, etc any reason why would you would be required to be there!) Then shoo you off? It just makes no sense? Unless he just gets a kick out of wasting your time and making life difficult for you?

Heidi1976 · 04/07/2020 18:37


Why would he invite you along if you weren't providing anything to him (a lift, money, spend quality time with, etc any reason why would you would be required to be there!) Then shoo you off? It just makes no sense? Unless he just gets a kick out of wasting your time and making life difficult for you?

I've just read to the end....ignore this post!! Blush ha
back2good · 04/07/2020 18:41

Enjoy your bag and be glad you didn't tell him off in your text. Grin

AMCoffeePMWine · 04/07/2020 18:45

Yes, show us the bag, or post a link to it. Inquiring minds need to know.

pictish · 04/07/2020 18:47

Yes we need to know.
I love a good bag.

Alsohuman · 04/07/2020 18:48

Enjoy your bag and ignore the cynics who insist on seeing the worst in everyone and everything.

Emyem · 04/07/2020 18:48

Mind the crushed velvet bedding Its my thing Grin

DH insisted I come shopping and then basically chinned me off..
OP posts:
gamerchick · 04/07/2020 18:50

So it isn't my birthday present he took the opportunity to buy it for me now because we were going to the shopping centre and he wanted to treat me to something nic


Once I was late for work (again) years ago and new I'd get my arse kicked. So I stopped off and bought her a birthday card because luckily it was her birthday.

Guess who didn't get her arse kicked?

Be firm about your expectations for th future so he doesn't pull the same stunt again.

ilikemethewayiam · 04/07/2020 19:16

Awwww, bless him. His heart was in the right place even if he went about it in the wrong way. And he apologised! Nice one! Sorry if I missed it earlier but did you point out the bag to him previously or did he choose it. It’s really nice, I like it!

BeautifulCrazy · 04/07/2020 19:24

I suspect it's an excuse to make you feel guilty because he knew he’d treated you badly by fucking off by himself with the kids (he had not intended to give it to you today)

Maybe. I think only OP will be able to judge that. If he’s usually a considerate, nice husband then he’s probably telling the truth. If he’s usually a selfish arse then maybe it’s an excuse.

I like the bag OP.


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Emyem · 04/07/2020 19:25

I pointed it out as something I wouldn't mind for my birthday Smile

OP posts:
Lockdownsucks · 04/07/2020 19:43

I think its 'binned' off, not chinned off.....

Emyem · 04/07/2020 19:48

No it's definitely chinned off. Perhaps it's a regional thing.

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