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How many of you have broken lockdown rules?

465 replies

vulvic · 09/05/2020 17:27

I'm just wondering. I thought the vast majority had stuck to it but seeing more threads and hearing more stories, it seems there is a lot of people still seeing close family.

Anyway, I'm in the Channel Isles. Still in lockdown but slightly easing.

I'm not interested in shopping, garden centres or more exercise. I'm not even interested in socialising or catching up with friends.
I just want to see my mum.

I think it's badly affecting her mental health now as she was depressive anyway, and my DS is struggling having not seen her for 2 months.

So, I'm just wondering, have any of you still been seeing close family? Or were you sticking to it and now given up and started visiting? Or are you encouraging to stick firmly to it for as long as possible?

I've been a firm sticker to the rules but now starting to feel the negatives are outweighing the positives but still completely paranoid.

OP posts:
FastnetLundyRockall · 09/05/2020 17:56

No. Two of my neighbours have died of c19 and two colleagues have died this weekend, so I will be minimizing risk to us and others for a good while I think.

BirdieFriendReturns · 09/05/2020 17:56

A few weeks ago, one poster wrote they were “literally shaking and sobbing” as somebody else on the thread had purchased a single chocolate bar that wasn’t an essential item. Apparently they were causing others to die.

So yes, people are posting on Mumsnet saying people are MURDERING others.

vanillandhoney · 09/05/2020 17:56

Nope, I've stuck to it. DH has been in to see his parents round the corner a few times, though he has stuck to the social distancing.

My parents are both retired medics and have banned me from going anywhere near them Grin I've stayed home - gone out daily to walk the dog but that's it. Food shopping has been delivered.

We're very lucky though as we have a nice back garden that gets the sun. I may not have been so compliant in a flat.

happymummy12345 · 09/05/2020 17:57

I haven't been outside since before lockdown started in March. Dh does the shopping and takes ds for exercise as we thought it best for just one of us to go out.
We are non contact with most of the family so not an issue for us. And those we do speak to live hundreds of miles away so couldn't see them anyway.

ShinyMe · 09/05/2020 17:57

I've stuck to all the rules. I really want to see my mum though and if she lived nearer (she's 4 hours drive away) then I would have visited. But I suppose if she lived half an hour away, then I would be able to visit and distance and stay within the rules.

CrochetBug · 09/05/2020 17:58

I think weve stuck to the rules. My mum has dropped essentials off a couple of times and we've chatted from opposite ends of the garden path. And my brother and his DC parked outside for 5 mins so his DC could talk to my DC. They usually see each other at least once per week and were struggling. That probably technically broke the rules actually. But they were out anyway and we kept 2m apart.

sunflowery · 09/05/2020 17:58

Kind of. I’ve been doing my mums shopping for her and when I dropped it round yesterday she had left me a G&T on the deck where I normally leave it. So I sat there and had a drink with them from 2m away and it was lovely. She’s shielding as underlying health conditions but if she’s happy to risk it so am I. It was lovely to chat even if just for 30 mins.

Badhairday101 · 09/05/2020 17:59

Yes been to visit my mum weekly and sat in the garden much more than 2 meters apart. If I can stand in a queue for much longer with strangers to get in to B & Q for none essentials then I don’t see how it is more of a risk. It’s just that visiting family doesn’t have an economic benefit.

AllieAct · 09/05/2020 18:00

I think part of the issue is that the government weren’t clear enough and didn’t enforce enough (if they wanted people to stick to it.

Like right now - we’re not supposed to be social distancing in general. We’re only supposed to be observing social distancing when it’s essential that we leave the house and so contact can’t be avoided I.e. at the supermarket.

But from this thread and others, that doesn’t seem to be people’s understanding of it. A widespread believes to be that social distancing with friends/families/neighbours is ‘safe’. (I have no idea if it actually is or not).

ElizaCrouch · 09/05/2020 18:00

Stuck to it apart from once when a friend was struggling and came to the garden.

Lynda07 · 09/05/2020 18:00

I'm quite enjoying the peace to be honest, have always preferred my own company and fairly self sufficient. Extended family and some friends I keep in touch with online or by telephone. My adult child I see at 2m distance when comes to pick things up or deliver. That's quite enough for me and I won't be breaking the rules.

I do however have sympathy with those for whom this is very hard and for their sakes, will be glad when it is over. However seven weeks isn't that long.

lljkk · 09/05/2020 18:01

Main sin is I tend to go out at least twice/day for exercise.
Also have driven for exercise (not allowed in my English county)

Greengrassgravy · 09/05/2020 18:01

Also the teens friends have popped along for a chat while they are out exercising - it's a bit Romeo and Juliet. DD sometimes talks to her friend from her bedroom window, while he talks to her from the pavement. He struggles with his mental health so it's been good for him.
I think people imagine they're a couple as they got lots of cutsy reactions from people as they passed by!

IndecentFeminist · 09/05/2020 18:02

Define rules per se? We have driven for exercise to go to the beach to walk, I've done a few non essential journeys, and been to a shop for more than bare essentials. Have also stood on my parents' drive and said hi. All perfectly sensible stuff, but I'm sure others would disagree.

Mcvitoes · 09/05/2020 18:02

A lot of people don't seem to think they actually have broken rules simply BECAUSE they know the 2 metre rule and have stuck just to that part.

I haven't seen anyone on social media saying they're not abiding by lockdown rules or won't do them.

I've seen loads saying, 'Went for a SOCIALLY DISTANCED walk with mum and dad today" or "I saw loads of people getting too close to each other outside my friend's house - obviously WE were socially distancing ourselves".

It suits them to act like they weren't told to stay at home except to shop for essentials (as infrequently as possible), work (only if they cannot at home) or to get some exercise (alone or in a household).

Mummyoflittledragon · 09/05/2020 18:02

No we haven’t. So many people seem to have done so. Dd has shown me tons of TikToks. The only minor “infringement” was dropping off a gift for dds friend 10 mins down the road, it not being an essential journey in the strictest sense. We stood well away from the front door and social distance chatted.

Vicbarbarkley · 09/05/2020 18:03

@cardibach I am not railing about lockdown🙄 But I am doimg things that many find unnacceptable. Poll 50 people and you will find that more than half are outraged that i spend time inside my dads house, drive to exercise dogs, shop in person ( there are 0 click and collect or deliveries available here).
I give not a toss personally, but have been knocked on more than one occasion for (being solely responsible for) extending lockdown by behaving as though rules do not apply to me.
Believe me, i give not a shiny shit😉

Midsommar · 09/05/2020 18:04

Does a two hour walk alone count as breaking the rules...? Other than that I've been good, I don't feel comfortable meeting people until Bozza says we can.

Figgygal · 09/05/2020 18:04

I had until yesterday
Went out for the socially distanced VE Day garden festivities dh and I managed to keep away from people the kids within 5 minutes were playing with 4 other kids and not distancing. I didn’t feel comfortable with it and won’t allow it again but didn’t feel I could say much in front of the neighbours when the mum of some of the kids is a GP and she wasn’t stopping them.
Back to isolation now.

CaryStoppins · 09/05/2020 18:04

I've been going round to my parents' most weeks and chatting to them from the garden. Other than that have stuck to it.

I've also been out more than once a day - taking the kids for a walk then going for a run later myself.

Mcvitoes · 09/05/2020 18:05

we’re not supposed to be social distancing in general. We’re only supposed to be observing social distancing when it’s essential that we leave the house and so contact can’t be avoided I.e. at the supermarket.

This is exactly the point I was trying to make, but explained better while I was still faffing with examples.

BigusBumus · 09/05/2020 18:05

Nope not stuck to it as I am a volunteer for our village and am doing about 4 vulnerable peoples/families shopping for them as well a my mums. So i am out shopping 5 days out of 7. I have also had wine with a neighbour across the fence several times and VE day yesterday could hardly have been described as Lockdown in our lane!


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KnightError · 09/05/2020 18:05

I have been seeing my partner every day (non resident). I have been shopping for non-essential items. I have met a friend for a walk. I have been applying common sense and reasonable judgement to a lockdown which I believe to have been a mistake.

One of my teenagers went to stay with a friend for a few days, because he was invited and I could see no sensible reason for him not to.

If any friends apart from DP had been willing to meet at their homes, I'd have been there like a shot. DP and all his friends have carried on seeing one another for drinks, dinner etc.

TwoZeroTwoZero · 09/05/2020 18:07

Me. I went to my sister's and we went together to my dad's. I've taken him to town a few times too. I've had to, though.

Menora · 09/05/2020 18:10

I’ve been to a few supermarkets yes and not all essentials have been purchased.
I have also had to work in a CV related area
DC have been to their dads house a few times

I haven’t met any friends or family though and have abided by all the other rules

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