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How many of you have broken lockdown rules?

465 replies

vulvic · 09/05/2020 17:27

I'm just wondering. I thought the vast majority had stuck to it but seeing more threads and hearing more stories, it seems there is a lot of people still seeing close family.

Anyway, I'm in the Channel Isles. Still in lockdown but slightly easing.

I'm not interested in shopping, garden centres or more exercise. I'm not even interested in socialising or catching up with friends.
I just want to see my mum.

I think it's badly affecting her mental health now as she was depressive anyway, and my DS is struggling having not seen her for 2 months.

So, I'm just wondering, have any of you still been seeing close family? Or were you sticking to it and now given up and started visiting? Or are you encouraging to stick firmly to it for as long as possible?

I've been a firm sticker to the rules but now starting to feel the negatives are outweighing the positives but still completely paranoid.

OP posts:
M2B19 · 10/05/2020 20:25

I’ve followed the rules to a tee. To the point where this last week I have only just visited the shops or gone for a walk. However if come the end of June we still aren’t allowed to see family then I’m afraid I’ll have to break some. I will be taking my daughter to visit my mom as she will be caring for her when I return to work from ML in August. I am not going back to work having not socialised my child. It will be awful for everyone and a horrible transition. It may be wrong but unfortunately there is no other option IMO.

Maybelatte · 10/05/2020 20:26

Stuck to it but I’m seven months pregnant and it’s a real worry for me.

Tubs11 · 10/05/2020 20:29

We've not broken lockdown, but family live abroad so it's easy from the point of view. My sister did break the rules to go see my dad and we were pleased she did. It was a well thought out plan with SD measures. He's in his late eighties and lives alone, and honestly it was the boost he needed. We get that there's a risk, but it's a tall order to ask him to not see anyone for weeks on end. Our neighbours had a party at the weekend and had their friends around. They're in their late 20's, live in a top floor flat. I don't know then so can't say if they were flouting the rules or maybe keyworkers blowing off some steam

Shona52 · 10/05/2020 20:38

Only once and my mum came into my house. We went to pick my father up from hospital (minor op) He has driven himself to hospital only to fine he was admitted. so my mum needed to go to hospital to collect car and drive home home, but he wasn’t ready. Couldn’t stay at hospital so brought her back to mine for the 2 hour wait to go back and drop her off. We worn masks the whole time.

Tomasinabombadil · 10/05/2020 21:08

So sorry about your dog. I'm sending heartfelt thoughts & love to you & your dad. Flowers

Tomasinabombadil · 10/05/2020 21:23

I live on my own, no family at all & no friends nearby. I haven't broken any lockdown rules, have only been out food shopping every 9-11 days.
Had to collect prescribed meds yesterday from my local independent chemist, after a telephone consultation with my Doctor, I've got an outbreak of shingles, stress related the Doctor said. My age is between 65-70 but I'm not in any vulnerable category.

OneTooManyBathtimes · 10/05/2020 21:44

Met my mum in town so she could watch the children while I did my shopping as I need the push chair to take it home, but can't push a trolley and a push chair at the same time.
DH is a key worker and extremely paranoid so I've had to do the shopping as he refuses to do anything more than he needs to. Mum is also a key worker so she has to go out and about.

Other than that we've kept to it.

Scorpio75kaz · 10/05/2020 22:25

@Greengrassgravy thank you xx

lionsandwhales · 10/05/2020 22:52

My FIL died from covid early into lockdown. Have not broken any rules as a result of what I experienced and still hard to deal with. If you have experienced it, I doubt you would break the rules.

Thurmanmurman · 10/05/2020 23:02

Mainly stuck to rules but have had a couple of picnics whilst out on a walk. It was in the middle of very quiet countryside though with nobody else around

Girliefriendlikespuppies · 10/05/2020 23:21

I finally cracked and started to see my mum again last week, I'm a single parent and she's on her own , we both need company and support. The alternative would have been to move in with her which I considered.

I can't see how it's more risky to see her once a week then move in and live with her all week?

I personally don't feel it's reasonable to not be allowed to see close family members for months on end.

higgypiggy · 10/05/2020 23:29

I'm moving to my mums tomorrow, my marriage is over. I have to get out so my only option is to break the rules

fatimashortbread · 10/05/2020 23:53

I have stuck to the rules

jillybeanclevertips · 11/05/2020 00:53

We have stuck firmly to the rules and not once gone against the recommendations. This is what everybody should be doing, it's no good half the people in the boat rowing one way and the others rowing in the other direction. Together we can and will beat this monster.

twinkledag · 11/05/2020 00:57

I have stuck to the rules.

Poliann · 11/05/2020 02:22

I've sat in my mum and sons garden a few times over the hot weather, never in the house and always 2mtrs apart for about half an hour each time. It was for my own mental health and helped me a lot, sorry, not sorry.

FrenchFancie · 11/05/2020 05:52

For those saying it’s unworkable you should try living abroad where the rules are stricter and there’s huge fines for breaking them!!
Until last week I had to get text message authorisation from the government to leave my house, €300 fine for not having this authorisation. Only one text a day will be authorised so you have to plan your ‘trips out’ carefully. There’s little to no supermarket etc deliveries so if you go to the supermarket you can’t go somewhere else. Curfew at night. Everything (parks beaches churches schools etc) shut. Oh and my family are back in the uk and we’ve had to come to the realisation that we won’t see any of them in person for months on end.
But.... it’s worked. Our infection rate is way way down (under 10 new cases a day, only 10 deaths in total). If you scale up for population to the size of the U.K., had lockdown been as fast and as strict, you’d have had maybe 650 deaths in total and only about 5,000 - 6,000 total cases.
Yes it’s been hard but as we don’t have a spare €300 kicking about for the fines, we have stayed the hell at home except for once weekly supermarket trips. I have an only child who is doing her but being at home but 🤷‍♀️

Bluesheep8 · 11/05/2020 07:08

Stuck to it. Only go out once per day for a walk and pick up shopping at the same time if needed. Haven't seen my 70+ mother who lives 2 hrs away.or my father in a care home. It's hard but it's what I have to do.

Bluesheep8 · 11/05/2020 07:11

I don't get why people think it's ok to sit 2m apart for a period of time with people. It's 2m apart if you're going to pass someone in a street or stand in a queue. Not sitting for a whole afternoon Hmm

sunnybean60 · 11/05/2020 08:35

The people who don't care are simply selfish and they actions speak louder. If they were trying to protect a vulnerable family member they probably would care enough to behave responsibly. They don't care about the NHS workers who are on their knees and they don't care about those who this virus is a killer to either. My aging mother is lonely too but she understands and comes from a tougher generation who lived through some pretty hard times.

IceCreamAndCandyfloss · 11/05/2020 08:44

FrenchFancie, I wish we’d had the same lockdown. It would have been so much better for our numbers and maybe then people would have taken it seriously rather than what we have now were many aren’t following lockdown.

InTheShadowOfTheMushroomCloud · 11/05/2020 08:52

Until yesterday morning I haven't been out of the house except to walk 5 mins to my allotment.

Yesterday my DH drove me to get our click and collect shopping. I didn't need to go but I fancied a five minute escape. I didn't get out of the car until we got home.

I realized I hadn't been in the car for over seven weeks. I had a panic attack....

I haven't been to see any of my relatives ...they haven't been to me. Not even sat outside or a wave as passing by.

My DH is a keyworker and will still strip off tonight when he gets in, he will put his clothes in his bucket and go straight up to shower. No kiss hello or cuddle until he has done so.

When we are allowed to socialize I think I am going to find it difficult...

So no....I haven't gone against any rules.and I think I will be continuing the original rules for a while longer. My business has collapsed and is one that will be the last to be reinstated so I have nothing to lose now...


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Calm33 · 11/05/2020 10:35

I have not.
It has been very hard and like some I lost a dear friend who was dying from cancer, I wanted so much to jump in the car and go and give her a hug, she was closer than family.
In being forced to stay at home I do feel as though I have gained an inner peace without the hustle and bustle of daily life.

I have had very slight symptoms that seem to be getting better then return, my doctor informed me that he has had a lot of his patients have the same and it has lasted more than 4 wks. I was told when the last symptom has gone count 7days. Its been a nightmare trying to get food but it is not for me that I have stayed in. I realised after talking to my doctor that there may be people that carry Covid19 and do not know, or maybe ignoring their slight symptoms, so yes I have obeyed the rules just to keep others safe.

The young girl in Scotland that seemly had a kidney infection after going to the doctor and went to the hospital that night, was kept in for observation and the following day her kidneys and heart were failing and she tested positive for Covid19.
Perhaps they should inform us of all the 20-40 year olds that have been admitted to hospital and how they leave in a wheelchair and have to learn how to speak or walk again. When Covid19 attacks the young it is not so easy to recover from and leaves scar tissue on organs.

On a lighter note my hair has to be kept up with a scarf around to hide the roots as it is looking UGH...

Scruffyoak · 11/05/2020 10:39

Stuck to the rules and it won't work unless people do.

Ablemaybel · 11/05/2020 11:29

DH gets the shopping. I went to Tesco a couple of days ago, 1st time since 21st March. Strange experience.

I speak to DM daily on the phone, as she can't face time. She was 87 back in April. I drove to her house approx 20 miles, with present and card, dropped them at her door, knocked then sang happy birthday from the end of her drive. She's shielding so the only people she sees are neighbours dropping shopping. She was so happy to see me, I'm glad I did it.

That's the closest I've come to breaking the rules, but I never at any time came into contact with anyone, I was far more than 2 meters away from DM for the 15 minutes or so that I was there.

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