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How many of you have broken lockdown rules?

465 replies

vulvic · 09/05/2020 17:27

I'm just wondering. I thought the vast majority had stuck to it but seeing more threads and hearing more stories, it seems there is a lot of people still seeing close family.

Anyway, I'm in the Channel Isles. Still in lockdown but slightly easing.

I'm not interested in shopping, garden centres or more exercise. I'm not even interested in socialising or catching up with friends.
I just want to see my mum.

I think it's badly affecting her mental health now as she was depressive anyway, and my DS is struggling having not seen her for 2 months.

So, I'm just wondering, have any of you still been seeing close family? Or were you sticking to it and now given up and started visiting? Or are you encouraging to stick firmly to it for as long as possible?

I've been a firm sticker to the rules but now starting to feel the negatives are outweighing the positives but still completely paranoid.

OP posts:
Vicbarbarkley · 09/05/2020 17:48

I have used common sense. Yes, I break the 'rules' every day.
I have dogs. One is recovering from injury, the other is an exuberant labrador. I could, and did, wlk from the house, but by driving, at 5:30am, for 12 minutes, i can let the fit dog off to run free, keep the lame one on lead, ans never see another human being. Nor touch gates, styles etc., before anyone jumps in.

To compound my treachery, I also visit my 84 year old father every Monday. I take him food and spend an hour, at the furthest past of his lounge, chatting to him. Tbis is the only contact he has with the 'outside world'. He is horrendously lonely and tbh, If I pass it on to him and he dies, at least he dies happier than he would be.

I make no apology for my breaking of the rules. I am simply using common sense, observing scrupulous hygiene and accepting responsibilty for my actions.

Toilenstripes · 09/05/2020 17:48

We’ve stuck to the rules. Neither of us want to catch the virus or be part of the problem.

Goinglive · 09/05/2020 17:48

We have sort of. A relative has left their abusive partner and has moved in with us.

BirdieFriendReturns · 09/05/2020 17:48

I went to Waitrose and THEN I went on a walk! I expect to be told I’ve murdered babies and old ladies and I’ll be arrested. That’s the Mumsnet way!

cardibach · 09/05/2020 17:49

Greengrass I don’t see how that breaks either guidelines or rules. You posted a letter. You went for a walk later. No breach of anything.

SuddenArborealStop · 09/05/2020 17:50

Stuck to it since Feb with newborn seeing no one. Two of my friends had babies and go to their mothers every day which I don't actually mind but made me wonder why I was following the rules and getting no help when I'm exhausted.
Then over the last week I've seen several groups of mothers barely sat apart while all the kids played together and thought fuck it and saw my mother in the park for a half an hour. I just wanted her to hold the baby and see how much the kids have changed Sad

JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 09/05/2020 17:50

I haven't but my NDN have and it really doesn't bother me. They are a young couple who have just bought their first house, he is a tradesman of some kind (plasterer?) and they have been gutting it and re-doing. His mates from work have all been over helping.

We live in an area with low wages, it's hard to get work. These men won't have been getting paid most likely so I don't begrudge them some cash. They have done a cracking job, house looks great and it's been better than tv for the dc watching cement mixers, diggers and all sorts pulling up.

Vicbarbarkley · 09/05/2020 17:50

Oh fgs.

Can we have a 1 minute edit button. Please😁

Bargainhuntbore · 09/05/2020 17:50

Oh think its absolutely ridiculous that I cant meet my friend for a walk, someone who i work with in an office where we cannot be 2 meters apart, yet im allowed stand in a supermarket where someone brushed pass me?

TheGreatWave · 09/05/2020 17:50

user no it isn't breaking them though, if the shop sells it you are legitimately allowed to go and buy it.

fairynick · 09/05/2020 17:51

I have broke them. Had a barbecue in my garden yesterday and a friend came round. Sat distanced, our reasoning was that we’ve followed in every other way, neither still working or even been to the shops in a while, she lives alone and has been finding things really tough on her mental health. I don’t feel bad about it, seeing posts on social media I understand of course why people are angry about people like myself breaking rules. I think their anger should be directed at the government for not providing proper support and ppe in care homes or hospitals, they seem like the place where people are catching this virus, not in my back garden.

Elmerrrrrrrr · 09/05/2020 17:52

I've been seeing my mum since last week and we will go to stay with her next week.

cardibach · 09/05/2020 17:52

@Vicbarbarkley and @BirdieFriendReturns
You haven’t broken any rules. All those things are allowed. Shopping isn’t your exercise. You can do both. In England a short drive to a longer exercise is allowed. Looking after the health (physical or mental) of the vulnerable is allowed.
No wonder you rail about lockdown if you’ve invented all this nonsense.

Aragog · 09/05/2020 17:53

The only time we've mixed with a family group it was at a distance and only one other family (BILs) at FIL's funeral.

Mil moved in with us at the start of lockdown as FIL was so ill and couldn't be visitors, so she doesn't count as within the rules.

Bil did come and stay for two nights about a month back when FIL was moved to a hospice and passed away. He lives too far away to do the return journey twice in two days. Beforehand he had been isolating because he knew it was coming, as had we do the risk was minimal and it was extreme circumstances.

Only friends we have seen have been at a distance - when they dropped food here as we were in isolation and when DD's boyfriend dropped off a birthday present for her at the door (his parents drove him here and were already coming this way for another necessary journey, they just changed the day to suit) - again about 5 weeks or so ago now.

Greengrassgravy · 09/05/2020 17:53

@Vicbarbarkley I also visit my 84 year old father every Monday. My brother visits my 87 Year Old parents every week - he cleans up the bathrooms, washes the floors, does the bins, stocks their fridge with meals and food, he is very careful with hygiene - if Mum & Dad get ill I will not be holding him responsible.

Janaih · 09/05/2020 17:53

Yes, have seen my dad a few times. Theres no law against having a visitor to your house, it's just advised by the goverment. Who are very much do as I say not as I do, so fuck them.

TheGreatWave · 09/05/2020 17:54

Going live you absolutely have not broken the rules, there is allowance for that. You have done a good thing.

itsnotcakeitsbaby · 09/05/2020 17:54

I have done things where I'm not really sure whether they're against rules or not, but seemed to make sense.

  • Went on walk for exercise with DH, realised on way we needed essential things from shop, both went into shop. Not sure if one of us should have waited outside? But it was late evening and very empty.

  • Went to pick up baby things from friend. It is essential to me as can't seem to get any baby clothes online but was told off by another friend as it's not essential?

  • Went long way back from appointment to allow car to run (battery concern). Not considered essential trip by government but I need car so it is essential to me?
Koddii · 09/05/2020 17:54

I take shopping to my mum. I leave it in her garden for her. She has been coming out into the garden to have a chat with me and ds. She stays far apart from us.

RoobyMyrtle · 09/05/2020 17:54

I've been visited by a friend on a couple of occasions while she was dropping things off for me (a mask, veg plants, books). She stayed 3 metres away but stayed for a 20 minute chat which was lovely but against the rules. I've been very cautious in all other things.

BirdieFriendReturns · 09/05/2020 17:54


It’s not nonsense. They are many posts on Mumsnet where people are accusing others of murder for going outside. That’s a fact. Especially on AIBU and the CV forum.

MarieQueenofScots · 09/05/2020 17:54

Stuck to the rules.

Everybody thinks they’re “unworkable” in some way, I just don’t think I’m special enough to act on that.


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Nicolastuffedone · 09/05/2020 17:55

No. Followed the guidelines.

GlummyMcGlummerson · 09/05/2020 17:55

I've driven to exercise. I've gone to the shop for treats and nothing else. I've had a picnic and sunbathed in the park. All whilst observing social distancing. Technically not rule breaking but I'm sure it's enough to get the Stasi wannabes frothing at the mouth

InkieNecro · 09/05/2020 17:56

I did for 20 minutes at the beginning, a friend wanted to borrow something for his own mental health so came over to pick it up. It had been weeks since we had seen anyone other than our children so we spent a lot of time standing still and hugging.

Since then I have been shockingly good, and I'm miserable about it.

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