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CF at checkout Poundland, AIBU?

156 replies

strawberryharibo1 · 09/10/2019 19:16

On the way home I decided to stop by Poundland to buy a few things with DS3, I'm standing in the cashier queue, the lady before me decides to go to the self service machine, I move closer to the cashier. The woman at the self service needs assistance, and instead of calling for help she just stands there and waits. The cashier is dealing with another woman, and I'm next. And the woman at the self service machine has noticed that the cashier is nearly done with the other woman before me and decided to stand and wait at the self service machine, now the cashier is done with the other customer and I move closer to put my items down, she does the same and says 'I was before you' I tell her it's not my fault the self service machine isn't working and you should have called for help, she says it doesn't matter, I was still before you. I ignore her, and pay. She then shouts at me " what a great example you are for your child"


OP posts:
MrsBethel · 11/10/2019 15:59

When you switch queues, you don't have an 'option' on the queue you left. You just don't. So YANBU.

If she'd asked nicely, or even just made eye contact, I suspect you'd have let her in anyway. I would. But if she tries to dart in there like a CFer? Nope.

Jesus, no one knows how to queue in this country anymore!!!

What I really hate is when there's a queue for an escalator, and some people skip the whole queue and try to start a new 'offshoot queue' right by the escalator, and then weedle their shoulders in front of the next person in the real queue. Happens all the time on public transport where I am.
They try that with me and I just pretend to have not seen them and walk straight on (possibly smashing the fuckers into the moving rail, but that's their lookout).

BlackberryNettles · 11/10/2019 16:36

it’s a shop. They want you to pay for stuff. Surely you can fathom that out for yourself without having to ask the staff what to do? I do know that, but as you can see some people would think it rude for me to cut into the self checkout and how do I know if the staff think that or not and would rather I reentered back of q instead.

ffswhatnext · 11/10/2019 16:51

Anytime this happens in a store that overlooks the self-checkout. Cashiers call me to the till as soon as they have finished with a customer when short-staffed.
When they are manned either another self-scan till, or front of the queue at a till or customer service.
I see it all the time happen with other customers as well.

It's not like she left the queue because she had forgotten something. She just saw an empty till and made a choice to do it. Had the machine worked I bet you wouldn't be complaining about the woman using the machine, freeing up a bit of your time.

CircleofWillis · 12/10/2019 09:56

My closest pound land has a set up exactly like princess's excellent diagram (what is the small yellow circle next to the third circle in the queue btw?)

It is a single queue with the option of going to a self help till or the staffed till.

The staffer at the till also deals with self service issues at quiet times of day. So if the shopper had called the staff member over to help it would have made no difference to the OP. Instead the OP insisted on being served first. YABU

browneyes77 · 12/10/2019 10:59

So if the shopper had called the staff member over to help it would have made no difference to the OP. Instead the OP insisted on being served first.

But what if, in your imaginary scenario, the staff member had helped the woman AFTER she’d served the OP. The OP would’ve been served first anyway, so it would’ve made no difference to the shopper?

CircleofWillis · 13/10/2019 17:40

But what if, in your imaginary scenario, the staff member had helped the woman AFTER she’d served the OP. The OP would’ve been served first anyway, so it would’ve made no difference to the shopper?

I meant that as the shopper was ahead of the OP whether the staff member served her at the staffed till or at the self service would have made no difference to the OP. The OP was complaining that the woman hadn't signaled the staff member for help instead she tried to nip back in front of OP.

By going to the self service she potentially reduced the OP's wait but by returning to the queue she only returned OP's wait to what it would have been originally.

Obviously by having to wait for the OP to be served the woman's wait was lengthened to longer than the OP's as she was in the queue before her. In the meantime the OP's has been shortened at the woman's expense.

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