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CF at checkout Poundland, AIBU?

156 replies

strawberryharibo1 · 09/10/2019 19:16

On the way home I decided to stop by Poundland to buy a few things with DS3, I'm standing in the cashier queue, the lady before me decides to go to the self service machine, I move closer to the cashier. The woman at the self service needs assistance, and instead of calling for help she just stands there and waits. The cashier is dealing with another woman, and I'm next. And the woman at the self service machine has noticed that the cashier is nearly done with the other woman before me and decided to stand and wait at the self service machine, now the cashier is done with the other customer and I move closer to put my items down, she does the same and says 'I was before you' I tell her it's not my fault the self service machine isn't working and you should have called for help, she says it doesn't matter, I was still before you. I ignore her, and pay. She then shouts at me " what a great example you are for your child"


OP posts:
PepsiMaxCherry · 11/10/2019 07:10

I was in costco the other day, staff member calls out to customers to come over to till. 2 people in front of me go to the left till, my husband and i go to the till on the right. There was a staff member at the till on the left but she wasnt open but we were accused of pushing in because we went to the till on the right. Not our fault, YANBU

cinnabarmoth · 11/10/2019 07:49

My go to response for situations like this is "Actually I believe I was next but please do go ahead." Moral high ground taken, and at the end of the day you'd presumably have had to wait, what, an extra minute to be served?

Toomuchtrouble4me · 11/10/2019 08:17

Poundland at fault - not enough staff. BUT
If there was only 1 member of staff to man both till and self service, and she was before you, then you pushed ahead of her and YABU. It depends entirely on the role of that member if staff.

PrincessPain · 11/10/2019 08:42

All my local poundland only have one queue that looks like this.
So to me, she never left the original queue.
Obviously your local layout could be different.
The diagram makes me look very over invested, but to me I wouldn't see the other customer as leaving the queue tbh.

CF at checkout Poundland, AIBU?
BlackberryNettles · 11/10/2019 08:46

Yanbu. If you leave to use self check-out and then want to use the till because it doesn't work, you go back to the back of the Q or you ask staff to help you. I wouldn't dream of doing what she did.

BlackberryNettles · 11/10/2019 08:51

Poundland are usually set up as one queue to multiple tills, would you say someone left the queue if they saw a customer leaving a till so they moved forward only to be told by the worker that they were closing/the till was broken etc? Most times people would accept that the person was still in the queue as they had not yet been served and would allow them to walk the few steps back and return to their space at the head of the queue.

That takes about 5 seconds. This woman started using the self check out and scanning things before it broke.

londonrach · 11/10/2019 09:07

Yabu. Good manners let her go before you as she was before you but had a problem with the till.

57Varieties · 11/10/2019 09:11

So assuming a single queue situation - to reverse the scenario - if you OP had been at the manned till after waiting in said queue, and that broke during the transaction, would you have then gone to the back of the queue and queued again or just jumped onto the self service and scanned and paid?

Sometimes these single queues that filter off into the self serve and and till can be quite long, I don’t believe anyone who says they’d happily queue again for another 5 minutes having already done so just because the till they went to was not functioning properly, which isn’t their fault

BlackberryNettles · 11/10/2019 09:14

you OP had been at the manned till after waiting in said queue, and that broke during the transaction, would you have then gone to the back of the queue and queued again or just jumped onto the self service and scanned and paid?

Personally I would ask the staff at the manned check out whether I should jump straight onto the self check out or not

57Varieties · 11/10/2019 09:20

Personally I would ask the staff at the manned check out whether I should jump straight onto the self check out or not


I don’t believe anyone who says they’d meekly slink back to the end of what could be a very long queue, having already queued in the same queue. If you would, you’re a mug.

BlackberryNettles · 11/10/2019 09:22

Why wouldn't I ask? I'll be a mug idc, unless I have somewhere to go it's no skin off my nose, just bad luck.

Bibijayne · 11/10/2019 09:24

She was rude. But it's really the shop's fault. They should have had someone monitoring the self service area.

Billben · 11/10/2019 09:28

What a great example you are to your child

But you were a great example in showing them to not let CF get away with their bullhsit. 😀

my2bundles · 11/10/2019 09:31

You watched her having problems but refused to let her back in. I would have asked her to come back in front of me if I saw that happen.

Jellybubbamama0987 · 11/10/2019 09:50

No wonder you never see Saints on the streets, they all appear to hang out at Poundland lol

jennymanara · 11/10/2019 09:53

No not saints, just people with manners.

Miaowing · 11/10/2019 09:58

She left the queue - she goes to the back

But then if I’m in a queue and a new till opens - I’ll make sure I’m first in line even if I was at the back of the old queue.

As a young single shopper I’ll be much quicker than the dodderies and the people herding kids.

Alls fair in live and shopping queues

jennymanara · 11/10/2019 10:00

Christ there are some horrible people on this thread.

Witchinaditch · 11/10/2019 10:01

She was there before you and it would have cost you what 2mins? So I would say YABU however, why get so angry over a non issue to the extent you write about it on MN? Don’t let the little things get you down.

57Varieties · 11/10/2019 10:09

Why would you need to ask though, @BlackberryNettles? Surely you’ve got enough about you to work out how to pay for a basket of shopping without having to ask the staff what to do.

browneyes77 · 11/10/2019 10:20

She didn't leave the queue though. Leaving the queue is when you go back into the shop, not when you walk a few steps towards a machine.

She did leave the queue. She left the queue and went to another part of the shop to use a self service machine instead. Doesn’t matter how many steps away it was. So she left the staff serviced queue and went to a machine so that she could serve herself instead so she didn’t have to queue.

She had scanned several items before the self service machine started playing up. So it wasn’t a quick step away and a quick step back. If you’re standing at a self service machine long enough to scan some of your items, then you have officially left the queue.

BlackberryNettles · 11/10/2019 11:42

Why would you need to ask though, @BlackberryNettles? Surely you’ve got enough about you to work out how to pay for a basket of shopping without having to ask the staff what to do.

Because I don't assume the rules of how the shop operates. Maybe they expect me to slip back to self check out or maybe they want me to go to the back of the Q, I don't know.


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57Varieties · 11/10/2019 11:45

But that’s kind of my point. It’s a shop. They want you to pay for stuff. Surely you can fathom that out for yourself without having to ask the staff what to do?

57Varieties · 11/10/2019 11:47

This thread is nuts. No one would stand in a single queue for say 5 minutes, get to the front, find the method of payment was broken, and then go and join the back of the queue again, and do another 5 minutes. No one. Absolutely bonkers.

AutovillaGirl · 11/10/2019 15:13

She was in the wrong. She should have waited for assistance from the self-service staff. That's how it works in my local Poundland, there is a member of staff just overseeing the self-service. There is always a dedicated self-service staff member for all self service tills I've seen anywhere. Rudeness is everywhere, just don't let yourself sink to their level Smile.

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