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CF at checkout Poundland, AIBU?

156 replies

strawberryharibo1 · 09/10/2019 19:16

On the way home I decided to stop by Poundland to buy a few things with DS3, I'm standing in the cashier queue, the lady before me decides to go to the self service machine, I move closer to the cashier. The woman at the self service needs assistance, and instead of calling for help she just stands there and waits. The cashier is dealing with another woman, and I'm next. And the woman at the self service machine has noticed that the cashier is nearly done with the other woman before me and decided to stand and wait at the self service machine, now the cashier is done with the other customer and I move closer to put my items down, she does the same and says 'I was before you' I tell her it's not my fault the self service machine isn't working and you should have called for help, she says it doesn't matter, I was still before you. I ignore her, and pay. She then shouts at me " what a great example you are for your child"


OP posts:
GinandGingerBeer · 09/10/2019 22:46

How much was it?

ReuT3 · 09/10/2019 22:55

Would have been nice if she'd have said or did something before you put your things down. If you'd put your things down before she realised that they were short on staff maybe it would be nice if she politely asked if she could come back in. If saying 'I was before you' was all she said I'd feel ashamed of myself talking to someone I don't know so abruptly if it was me who was stuck at self checkout, no matter what mindset I was in.
Saying that there are people in this world who have had enough of trying to impress. Letting her go first wouldn't harm much. Machines in England never work, saying you can't help it doesn't mean you can't let her back in. You can mumble about her saying so sooner but it's not true you can't help matters without being a mechanic.

x2boys · 09/10/2019 23:19

Poundland ,s fault for not having enough staff,at my local one the self service tills are constantly breaking down and they only have one of two staff serving it's infuriating,she's not as cheeky though as the C.F. That tried to push in the front of the que when I was shopping in Pound ( world ) one new years eve ,the que was all over the way round the shop ,the cashier as going to serve her too! Until the whole que started telling the C.F. To get to the back of the que!😂

MiniMum97 · 09/10/2019 23:23

YABU She was before you in the queue so you should have let her in front when her till was not working. You were rude and not very nice

FiddlesticksAkimbo · 09/10/2019 23:25


b) Life is too short

Tistheseason17 · 10/10/2019 17:33


She left the queue and rejoined it - you were not in a worse position than you started with. In fact if the till had worked she would have been doing you a favour.

Be kinder.

Celestine70 · 10/10/2019 17:55

She left the queue she should go to the back. Obviously some people don't know the basic rules of queuing. She could have asked if she could jump back in but you would have been in the right to say no.

TheWernethWife · 10/10/2019 17:58

Manning the tills, how bloody sexist, surely the word is Staffing

Sciurus83 · 10/10/2019 18:05

You were 100% in the right, she was in a different queue, any issues with that queue are not relevant to the separate queue you are in, she should have got another staff member to sort her issue. Anyone who thinks otherwise has clearly never been in a shop before because that is how it works. She was a nasty cow as well, I know it's hard to think on your feet in those situations bit a little "yes I'm teaching my child not to let entitled bullies get their own way when they are clearly in the wrong" would have been just beautiful

KUGA · 10/10/2019 18:09

You did nothing wrong and good for you for standing up to her.

Tweefutom · 10/10/2019 18:20

She was in front of you and had been waiting longer. It wouldn’t have hurt you to let her back in, in fact it was kind thing to do.

Instead you didn’t. She was rude. You are upset. Karma?

Nokeysnoentry · 10/10/2019 18:24

Why is there no poll?!

YABU. She was due to be served before you and it isn’t her fault the self service wasn’t working.

This is very different from somebody leaving the queue to go and get another item. If you do that you, understandly, may lose your place, but that’s not the scenario here. Can people not tell the difference?! Yes, she could’ve asked for help, but since there was only one person serving, you would have still had to wait for the solitary assistant to attend to her first before she rang up your shopping.

That said she was rude too and the service in the shop sounds rather poor.

LouH1981 · 10/10/2019 18:25

If you leave the queue then so be it. I definitely wouldn’t expect to be able to jump back in.
Although I might take pity on her and invite her back over depending on how much of a rush I was in. But I think she was wrong to expect it and speak to you like that.

57Varieties · 10/10/2019 18:26

But she didn’t leave the queue. She was trying to pay. It’s not like she got to the front, decided to do more shopping and then elbow in.

I think you were BU OP. She’d already queued and the self service wasn’t working. Even if you press or call for help staff don’t always come quickly. What difference did it really make to you? She could have waited in the cashier queue all along and been in front of you anyway.

Her comment to you was out of order though.

Whattodoabout · 10/10/2019 18:28

The shops fault for not having a staff member on the self serve till. I don’t blame the woman for trying to jump in before you really but she should just have asked for help from the staff member instead. Either way would have held you up by the sounds of it and you clearly weren’t willing to wait an extra two minutes.

I always find it rather remarkable how impatient people are.

gill1960 · 10/10/2019 18:32

She was 100 % per cent wrong

She gave up her space in the queue and shouted at you when the self service was broken

What a silly bitch

Aridane · 10/10/2019 18:35

Isn't this one of those "would you rather be right or kind?" moments?

And with OP being neither and with a strong whiff of a CF about her

IceCreamBrain · 10/10/2019 18:36

She was before you in the queue. You are being unreasonable

Whatafackinliberty · 10/10/2019 18:37

I can’t imagine this happening and being so bothered I started a thread about it. Some people are bellends, move on.

CuriousaboutSamphire · 10/10/2019 18:48

So, those saying OP should have let the woman get served first... what happens when you do that in a car? Decide the approach to a roundabout is quicker --> away; move lanes, realsie it isn't and then just move back int othe ane you came from?

That way lies carnage...

Queueing works in a really simple manner. Choose your lane, stay in it. If you move out you don't have place in that lane any more! Pick another or join in at the end. Sometimes people will be nice and let you in, other times they will smirk at your fickle queue jumping karma Grin

57Varieties · 10/10/2019 18:51

Yeah because standing in a shop queue is so similar to driving Confused

Irisloulou · 10/10/2019 18:52


Today I let someone go ahead of me in Aldi, she had three items, I had a trolley full.

I also let someone go in front of me in a charity shop, I had lots of fiddly bits, she had two teddy bears.

Both ladies were very appreciative and it mad me me feel nice about myself, when really I had only given up two mins of my time. (Win win)

LIfe is too short!


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verytiredandstressed · 10/10/2019 19:00

She was in front of you so let her go before you .
Ffs op must be the same person who will not let me out of my street in the morning even though traffic at stand still because she's first .
Sometimes let people go in front of you it's nice and one day someone will repeat the favour .

Jellybubbamama0987 · 10/10/2019 19:09

I don’t understand these people saying “but she didn’t leave the line” of course she did! She made a conscious decision to step out of one line into another so she left the queue and op had the right to go next. The fact the self scan till ended up being faulty is just tough luck. If this happened to me I would expect to be put to the back of the queue, my crappy choice to use the self scan till and try to cut corners. All these mumnetters saying that they would just let her go next are a lot better than I am because I agree with the op, she lost her place when she stepped out of the line so tough luck. And I’m a doormat when it comes to most things but this annoys me

blueluce85 · 10/10/2019 19:26


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