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CF at checkout Poundland, AIBU?

156 replies

strawberryharibo1 · 09/10/2019 19:16

On the way home I decided to stop by Poundland to buy a few things with DS3, I'm standing in the cashier queue, the lady before me decides to go to the self service machine, I move closer to the cashier. The woman at the self service needs assistance, and instead of calling for help she just stands there and waits. The cashier is dealing with another woman, and I'm next. And the woman at the self service machine has noticed that the cashier is nearly done with the other woman before me and decided to stand and wait at the self service machine, now the cashier is done with the other customer and I move closer to put my items down, she does the same and says 'I was before you' I tell her it's not my fault the self service machine isn't working and you should have called for help, she says it doesn't matter, I was still before you. I ignore her, and pay. She then shouts at me " what a great example you are for your child"


OP posts:
FurnitureAndBackgammon · 09/10/2019 19:52

I think you should've let her in as she was before you.

CalmdownJanet · 09/10/2019 19:55

I actually think you are the CF in this situation and rude too. She was before you, you knew it, you would have been no longer than you were when you originally joined to queue, why would you not just be nice/political normal and leave her go ahead to get served. Yabu

ilovesooty · 09/10/2019 19:56

I think you should have let her in before you.

Can't see that it's any kind of important issue though.

SunglassQueen · 09/10/2019 19:59

I agree with CalmdownJanet, you should have let her go before you

Pharlapwasthebest · 09/10/2019 20:01

Why wouldn’t you wait for her to be helped, you knew she was before you?

Drogosnextwife · 09/10/2019 20:01

I agree with CalmdownJanet. She was infront, she left the queue to pay for her items, not her fault the machine didn't work. She was before you, so should be given assistance first.

CalmdownJanet · 09/10/2019 20:01

That should say polite not political Blush

Witchend · 09/10/2019 20:02

She didn't leave the queue did she though? She was before you, and if the self service till had worked then you'd have been quicker, as it didn't you didn't lose any time.

It's exactly the same as if you're queueing for two tills and as you go up to one, they say "sorry, love, I'm closing". You wouldn't expect to go to the back of the queue would you?

daisypond · 09/10/2019 20:02

She left the queue in order to pay and get out quickly, then pushed back in. She wasn’t before the OP in the queue at all. She should have gone to the back of the queue or found another staff member to help, not push in.

DisneyMadeMeDoIt · 09/10/2019 20:03

If the light was flashing for assistance (and there was only one cashier staffing the manual/ self service tills) OBVIOUSLY the cashier should have finished serving their current customer, gone to help the woman on the self service till, then come back to serve you. She was next in terms of staff attention and didn’t ‘leave the queue’ if that cashier was also responsible for the SS tills

Bluntness100 · 09/10/2019 20:03

Can't see a situation where I'd get the arse about this, and then lost a thread in mumsnet about it, because id the arse so much.

Guess we are all different.

thesongaboutsquares · 09/10/2019 20:04

I can't believe, in the grand scheme of things, that people get worked up about stuff!

BNSY · 09/10/2019 20:04

This is the most 'Mumsnet' thread i have ever seen hahahahaha

CactusAndCacti · 09/10/2019 20:08

She didn't leave the queue though. Seriously 1-2 minutes, really not worth getting worked up about.

AlrightTreacle · 09/10/2019 20:09


brightonroc · 09/10/2019 20:10

One life. ONE LIFE.

And you choose to spend it like this.

YoTheGinPussyOfStMawesOnThigh · 09/10/2019 20:10

CFs are rife in Poundland OP. I was in a store earlier in the week and there was a queue. One self service machine strewn with goods. Person in front asked if she could use it and was told the customer had ‘gone to get her purse’ so not in use. Still the same situation so I suggested why not cancel absent customers transaction and keep the queue moving. Was duly done, I used self service checkout and as I was leaving CF burst back in waving purse. Massive tantrum because she had to queue again. I laughed and walked out.

LL83 · 09/10/2019 20:12

Yabu. If the cashier till broke would you expect to go to back of queue? Or next available self service?

Raphael34 · 09/10/2019 20:18

You are being the cf. She was before you. I’d have helped her alert the staff to the self service issue, because I’m not a bellend

TheSecretJeven · 09/10/2019 20:22

I'm not perfect by any means but to reduce my irritation in this instance, I would have probably asked if she wanted to go to the cashier as the machine wasn't working, particularly if I wasn't in a real hurry. If someone is huffing and puffing, trying to cut the line, offering them the place often cuts the ground from under their feet and they wind their necks in. At the very least, they might realise that you know what they're up to.... etc.

TheNoodlesIncident · 09/10/2019 20:29

I would've indicated to her to come back in front of me, and said something like "They really should open more tills when it gets busy, shouldn't they?"

Not worth getting stressed over, imo.

LoyaltyBonus · 09/10/2019 20:30

Isn't this one of those "would you rather be right or kind?" moments?

She stepped out of the queue and it could be argued lost her place. OTOH, she suffered some bad luck and didn't receive good service.

I can't imagine doing anything except a sympathetic smile as she got back in where she left off? You haven't "lost" anything as she was originally in front of you.


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SchadenfreudePersonified · 09/10/2019 20:36

Yes. You leave the queue you don't get to just jump back in when you fancy it.

Damn right!

listsandbudgets · 09/10/2019 20:40

You were quite happy for her to use the machine. If it had worked it would have saved you time. However, through no fault of her own it didn't so she resumed her rightful place in the queue and got served. Ultimately you lost almost no time as if shed waited she would have been served at the till before you anyway.

She shouldnt have been rude and you shouldn't have been so ungracious.

By the way what would you have done if the machine didn't work and staff weren't coming over? Cheerfully gone to the back of the queue?

DisneyMadeMeDoIt · 09/10/2019 20:43

I would consider OP that the way you repeat how you ‘moved forward’ does sound like you were ‘trying to get one over’ and if there was only one member of staff (like you said) then the ‘right/kind’ thing would have been to let them attend to the woman who was ahead of you. I do think your behaviour was a little cheeky if I’m honest. I imagine you may be the type of person who blocks side roads in traffic rather than letting cars out ahead of you.

I don’t think it’s ‘right’ that she shouted at you but I would give careful consideration to the type of example you are setting for your DS. Imagine there were two servers in his school lunch queue and the child ahead of him went to one, only for them to go on break, should he think ‘tough luck’ and just carry on to the available server? Because that’s what he saw mummy do in pound land today! Or should he let the child ahead of him still go first because he understands that could easily have been him and people should be kind?


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