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‘My husband’s hobby’

172 replies

DNAshelicase · 28/09/2019 09:37

Blah blah ‘my husbands hobby’ or ‘special interest’, they’re always ‘heavily involved in’ or ‘invests a lot of time and money in his hobby’

It’s cycling. It’s fucking CYCLING and more specifically its cycling at bedtime/bath time. Can we all agree that there is no need to be a tease and it’s not even slightly ‘outing’ your husband is one of millions across the country with a beer belly and a Lycra drawer.

YANBU: It’s always cycling

YABU: No, my husband does something even more tragic like tail transport modelling, or pigeon fancying

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thecatsthecats · 28/09/2019 12:33

My dad's hobby was fishing, and he always took me with him, whilst my mum took my sister to church.

I miss it, actually!

Crunchymum · 28/09/2019 12:34

There is a snooker / pool / darts hobby thread currently running. None of those are cycling Grin

  • OP didn't confirm which one but its definitely one of them!
Londonmummy66 · 28/09/2019 12:35

Mine plays the organ - has the advantage that it pays quite well. Also, when DC were little he'd take them with him, send them to Sunday School and I got a lie in.....

omikron · 28/09/2019 12:37

I haven't read the thread because it's already been done to death here

...n. Please. Just say what your husband’s bloody hobby is.

QuimJongUn · 28/09/2019 12:37

@Mrsjayy he plays guitar! Mind, so do I. Just not as much as he does 😂

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 28/09/2019 12:38

I can kind of see the attraction in things like cycling, golf and playing in a band etc, but some of them just seem so strange that I wonder how anybody ever just begins to 'get into' them.

Endlessly painting little soldiers is one of those. Not even showing any artistic flourish or individualistic flair - just painting 3,000 identical members of the 'blue' team and then 3,000 of the 'red' team'. Surely you could just buy them ready-prepared churned out by a factory and save yourself countless repetitive hours, couldn't you? Am I missing something?!

Vulpine · 28/09/2019 12:40

Id rather my dh cycled than played golf or war games. At least cycling would keep him fit and prolong his life as cyclists generally do live longer

Sindragosan · 28/09/2019 12:41

When we had one dc, dh used to take her out on the bike so I got a rest. Cyclists aren't all family dodging nobheads.

It really doesn't matter what the hobby is, 'my DH spends all morning cleaning the pigeon coop' is no better than 'my dh spends all morning cycling'. If they're not there, they're not there, wanting to know what the hobby is just pure nosiness.

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 28/09/2019 12:41

Could. Be worse, could be cross dressing

Or well-dressing. Derbyshire is full of them - could take him away from home for months!

12548ehe9fnfobms · 28/09/2019 12:42


equivalent of this thread is my wife gets nothing done/doesn't engage with me/the children/RL because she wastes so much time on mumsnet.

I'm sure someone will have linked to this thread on singletrack world by now. They particularly enjoy the centreparcs/anal sex threads.

IfNot · 28/09/2019 12:52

Well it's usually when I'm driving on the opposite side of the road and a car overtakes the cyclist at speed forcing me to rapidly brake.
No, I meant it like, better luck next time! Bad joke...

WorraLorraDoshaGot · 28/09/2019 12:53

YABU, sometimes it's golf or fishing! (Or footie.)

As a few posters have said, with some men, it's anything that will take them away from family commitments.

derxa · 28/09/2019 12:56

No, I meant it like, better luck next time! Bad joke... Shock Grin

1forAll74 · 28/09/2019 12:57

In the sixties, I used to cycle to work, wearing my very short mini skirt and heeled shoes, and all the men cycling to work, were wearing quite baggy trousers,with turn ups, and had cycle clips round the ankles., It was a much more entertaining cycle experience,as opposed to being surrounded by all these lycra clad numpties flashing by. Nobody had flashy water bottles, we just had some fish paste sandwiches,stashed in a saddle bag at the back of our bikes.

ClownsandCowboys · 28/09/2019 13:02

I'm female, and a cyclist. I never cycle for commuting only for exercise and fun. I wear lycra while I do it. I often do it at bedtime because I work full time!

PumpkinPieAlibi · 28/09/2019 13:03

Cycling is not really a thing in my country (Commonwealth) so I was surprised by how common it is in the UK. Having said that, a lot of expat Brits here are into cycling so maybe it really is a Brit thing. Grin

My DP's hobbies are drawing, working out, learning Japanese, video games and board games.

PippiDeLena · 28/09/2019 13:07

My ex was obsessive about brewing his own beer. Every fucking cupboard in our house was filled with bottles and tubs and weird beer making equipment. Once a batch of beer was ready, he'd produce a dusty brown bottle from the airing cupboard with a flourish and tell me all about the provenance of the bottle caps, and why they were far superior to the previous caps he'd used. After admiring the cap for 10-15 minutes he would ask for silence as he opened the bottle, holding it close to his ear so he could hear the 'pssssshhh' noise of gas escaping, then another 10 minute lecture about the quality of the 'psssshhh' and what that said about the beer. This continued at every stage of the process: selecting the perfect glass for this particular style of beer, how to pour the beer, looking at the light shining through the beer, then, eventually, taking a sip. The entire process would take at least an hour, at least with cycling he would have gone off to do it outside, for this he wanted me to be a captive audience admiring his beer prowess.

It's been seven years since we broke up and my eye still twitches whenever anyone talks about hops or craft beer.

salsmum · 28/09/2019 13:08

My son who has 3 dc under 5 works his butt off stage managing different peeps and is away from home a lot ( sadly) when he's home he's very hands on with his dc but when he does get a spare hour he likes to cycle around the countryside yes he has all the gear but he has also done some amazing charity bike rides so if you see him 'down the country lanes' please do not judge. Grin

AnneElliott · 28/09/2019 13:08

I agree op - MN has changed my perception of cyclists too.

My cousin is married to one. He did a cycle race abroad when their DS was about 4 weeks old. Apparently he'd always wanted to do that particular race. Why he didn't do so before their DS arrived is anyone's guess Hmm

Hugsgalore · 28/09/2019 13:10

Or my ds/dd does het hobby.... Hmm

Goatrider · 28/09/2019 13:26

My ex was one of these clichés. And had an affair (at least one I know of) with a fellow cyclist.

Seems to attract a lot of type A (arsehole) personalities. As does triathlon (mega family avoidant).

Stayawayfromitsmouth · 28/09/2019 13:32

My dh cycles. But so do I mtbiking though which is a proper sport and takes longer.


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madcatladyforever · 28/09/2019 13:39

The trouble with these tedious hobbies is when your husband is out again and you realise that actually it's so much nicer without him in the house and you'd really like to make that permanent.

ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 28/09/2019 13:50

It’s not the hobby it’s the fact that the hobby takes priority over the family and that their partner doesn’t get the same consideration or choice.

So cycling, golf, ninja needlework - irrelevant
Absent half of the weekend and spending 10% of the family budget - relevant

And no, most hobbies are not outing

mawbroon · 28/09/2019 13:53

Last weekend I saw a lycra clad bloke cycling on a steep country road, but he was towing one of those enclosed trailers with a toddler in it.

It was probably a MNetter who had come up with the genius idea.

Sure! Off you go cycling, you won't mind taking the kid along too. Extra training for you dear. Go out for as long as you want 🤣🤣

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