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‘My husband’s hobby’

172 replies

DNAshelicase · 28/09/2019 09:37

Blah blah ‘my husbands hobby’ or ‘special interest’, they’re always ‘heavily involved in’ or ‘invests a lot of time and money in his hobby’

It’s cycling. It’s fucking CYCLING and more specifically its cycling at bedtime/bath time. Can we all agree that there is no need to be a tease and it’s not even slightly ‘outing’ your husband is one of millions across the country with a beer belly and a Lycra drawer.

YANBU: It’s always cycling

YABU: No, my husband does something even more tragic like tail transport modelling, or pigeon fancying

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BarbaraofSeville · 28/09/2019 11:40

I thought darts for the drinking and smoking one but it could equally be pool or snooker.

Whatever it is, it's only an issue if it means that childcare, money or free time in general etc isn't fairly shared fairly and that's not due to the hobby itself, more to do with being the type of man who doesn't seem to consider his DCs or running the house anything to do with him.

And I think that some men actually see the DC and the house as their DWs hobby/interest. I nearly imploded the day that I saw a comment on FB that was something like 'if his wife could have a cleaner then that would mean that he should be able to have a new motorbike'.

Annasgirl · 28/09/2019 11:49

Well I didn't expect to get such vile abuse for suggesting some of us are less tolerant of the incessant cycling and golf.

KurriKurri · 28/09/2019 11:51

It's the 'outing' thing that is so bizarre. 'My DH can't do anything because of his hobby' 'What is his hobby that it renders him so incapable' 'Oh I couldn't possibly say it would be outing'

ICouldBeSomebodyYouKnow · 28/09/2019 11:52

Collecting model trains & building a miniature railway in our spare room

I have found my people.

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 28/09/2019 11:54

My DH has a non-cycling hobby that would be outing as I think I've taken the piss out of it to all my friends about it many times and I don't know anyone else who does what he does though I'm sure there are some.

Hmmmm, tricky one. Is he the life-president of the Malibu Stacey fan club?

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 28/09/2019 11:55

And I think that some men actually see the DC and the house as their DWs hobby/interest.

I think there's a great deal of truth in that.

ICouldBeSomebodyYouKnow · 28/09/2019 11:55

I always thought posters don't specify the hobby because they don't want other posters to be distracted by the specifics, eg:

"Oh, cycling, lucky you, at least you see him for 5 minutes a day - my DH's hobby is polar exploration and I only see him for 5 minutes a year!"

Span1elsRock · 28/09/2019 12:03

DH is a golfer.

I was quite excited he had a hobby, was spending time outdoors and bashing balls out seemed to relieve his stress levels.

Then he started bringing lots of polyester clothing home Confused.

BossAssBitch · 28/09/2019 12:04

Well I didn't expect to get such vile abuse for suggesting some of us are less tolerant of the incessant cycling and golf

I thought the same! A v angry reaction from darkpassenger who clearly isn’t quite as happy as she wants us to believe Grin


Dahlietta · 28/09/2019 12:11

Am I the only one now getting adverts for cycles popping up alongside this thread?

Nah, you're getting those because your husband has been secretly using your laptop to look up cycle porn.

Camomila · 28/09/2019 12:12

Haha this thread is making me feel bad for the looks my dad must be getting off mumsnetters. He has a snazzy bike and special gloves/waterproof trousers etc. He only cycles to and from work though. He also takes DS out on his balance bike.
His hobby is gardening (under DMs orders)

DH likes looking up train/airplane stats online. DS now joins in buy requesting his favourites out of his big 1000 vehicles book (The advanced class 370 passenger train is his favourite)

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 28/09/2019 12:15

bashing balls out seemed to relieve his stress levels.

Well, whatever gets him through the day....

SunshineAngel · 28/09/2019 12:15

Haha, I always say "his hobby" or "our hobby" (same). Because what we do might be outing, as it's not as common!

Solasshole · 28/09/2019 12:18

Ugh cant stand wanky tribes of lycra clad men (and women) on bikes. And I myself love bike riding, but I cant see the appeal of doing it on the road in a massive group??! Much rather go for a leisurely bike ride on the local bike paths with DP (and then stop for lunch at a pub and ride back Wink)

derxa · 28/09/2019 12:21

I live in the country and can never get anywhere fast due to all this family avoiding cyclists. Me too. I've narrowly avoided killing a few of them. Sad

Mrsjayy · 28/09/2019 12:25

bashing balls out seemed to relieve his stress levels.

Well, whatever gets him through the day....


IfNot · 28/09/2019 12:26

I'm with you solass. I like a trundle down the country paths with a picnic in my basket. You can have fun riding a bike as an adult. What you really don't need is a 2000 quid bike and head to toe lycra and a helmet that makes you look like a penis.
GOD I would have to leave DH if he ever wore lycra. I love him but it would just kill my libido stone dead.

QuimJongUn · 28/09/2019 12:26

DH has a hobby which requires expensive equipment, and he does it for 1-2 hours every night and 3-4 hours a day at weekends. And it's not cycling!

IfNot · 28/09/2019 12:26

Me too. I've narrowly avoided killing a few of them. sad
You just weren't on your game derxa.

Bellringer · 28/09/2019 12:28

Could. Be worse, could be cross dressing

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 28/09/2019 12:30

I always thought posters don't specify the hobby because they don't want other posters to be distracted by the specifics

It could well be, or it might just be their way of affirming it as something that they see as frivolous, non-essential and done purely for reasons of leisure and self-enjoyment. If an OP complained that her DH was always out looking at trains all day, it would make a massive difference whether he was an obsessive trainspotter or a full-time employed railway safety technician.

karigan · 28/09/2019 12:30

My DH does C12th reenactment and also runs a HEMA (Basically sword fighting but without wearing the costumes) class midweek. Keeps him fit and happy and brings in extra money and the reeanctment is also mine and my DD's hobby so we're all together in the tent for the event weekends so its definately not an attempt to dodgy family time.

A lot of the men I work with are (overly) committed runners and I don't think I'd like my DH to be out every evening and then doing half marathons most weekends.


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derxa · 28/09/2019 12:30

You just weren't on your game derxa. Well it's usually when I'm driving on the opposite side of the road and a car overtakes the cyclist at speed forcing me to rapidly brake.

thecatinthetwat · 28/09/2019 12:31

I didn't know it was always cycling Grin

I always imagine some sort of historical reenactment or something to do with fantasy elves or something. Those threads always conjure up the image of a sort of weird man child.

I also always wondered whether the OP was too embarrassed to say what it was!

But cycling oh ffs! Grin

Mrsjayy · 28/09/2019 12:31

Do you want us to guess Quimjongun ?

I will go first is it Yachting

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