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‘My husband’s hobby’

172 replies

DNAshelicase · 28/09/2019 09:37

Blah blah ‘my husbands hobby’ or ‘special interest’, they’re always ‘heavily involved in’ or ‘invests a lot of time and money in his hobby’

It’s cycling. It’s fucking CYCLING and more specifically its cycling at bedtime/bath time. Can we all agree that there is no need to be a tease and it’s not even slightly ‘outing’ your husband is one of millions across the country with a beer belly and a Lycra drawer.

YANBU: It’s always cycling

YABU: No, my husband does something even more tragic like tail transport modelling, or pigeon fancying

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P1nkHeartLovesCake · 28/09/2019 10:54

What gets me is the posters that say oh I can’t say the hobby as it will out me. Yes Jane your cycling or golf playing dh will out you on mumsnet to Becky down the road, it’s not like thousands of people do it as a hobby is it now.

It’s always cycling, golf or fishing. Never anything exciting

ExcusezMonFrancais · 28/09/2019 10:56

FactorFifty Sat 28-Sep-19 09:46:07 I admit when I see a middle aged man in Lycra clogging up country lanes I think 'another MN family dodger' blush

Grin Me too!

itsasmallwordafterall · 28/09/2019 10:59

Massive stealth boast here but my husbands hobby is cooking....currently teaching our 2 year old how to make pancakes, he's taking it very seriously, whilst I browse MN. The selfish wanker. Grin I only get to stuff my face afterwards with a cuppa. The downside is that I'm sure if I put Lycra on I'd look like a cyclist.

He did try cycling once and said it was a massive ball ache, quite literally. My BIL is a committed cyclist twat and he goes off all weekend, most weekends.

joystir59 · 28/09/2019 10:59

I loathe cyclists.

OctopusNow · 28/09/2019 10:59

Come to Harrogate, we are overrun with bloody cyclists! They've closed all the roads for a week, no one can get to work and the shops are all losing money, just for a cycle race Hmm

DiseasesOfTheSheep · 28/09/2019 11:00

I have a friend who's into axe throwing. And a few into traditional sword fighting stuff. A lot of my friends are into sickening violence actually, which probably says a lot about me... Some of them are so niche and so well known in their sports it really would be bloody outing to name it!

Not everyone's into bloody cycling :D

Rachelover60 · 28/09/2019 11:03

I suggest the op finds a hobby, even if it's only having a nap :-). Also that she doesn't stick to fixed bath and bedtimes which seems a bit pointless to me.

If he's generally a decent partner why worry yourself about a harmless hobby.

I honestly wish I cycled, I could do with it but far too nervous. I have friends who cycle though, belong to a club. They and their children go out regularly on their bikes and love it.

Lavalump · 28/09/2019 11:03

I wish my husband WAS a cyclist. He is looking for a hobby but can't seem to find one. I think he NEEDS one. Having said that, we do not have children to look after!

Mammylamb · 28/09/2019 11:04

My husband has Lego. But it doesn’t get in the way of family life.

DNAshelicase · 28/09/2019 11:07

These are hilarious

@TwiddleMuff deffo wins, euphonium-ing deserves a surge in popularity

Also- I’m sure DH embouchure skills come in handy sometimes if ya know what I mean Wink

OP posts:
Sn0tnose · 28/09/2019 11:09

Mine’s a golfer, but he’s not obsessed, he doesn’t spend a fortune, he goes out really early to play (I’m partial to a lie in) and he always brings me a breakfast home with him, so I’m happy.

drankthekoolaid · 28/09/2019 11:15

My DH has a non-cycling hobby that would be outing as I think I've taken the piss out of it to all my friends about it many times and I don't know anyone else who does what he does though I'm sure there are some.

One of MY hobbies is cycling though Smile

BikeRunSki · 28/09/2019 11:16

My husbands hobby is cycling.
So is mine.
Thing is, we’re grown ups and we both allow each other time to ride. I also have other interests which DH accommodates.
The dc are pretty handy on bikes as well, we mountain bike as a family.

BikeRunSki · 28/09/2019 11:17

It’s sometimes rugby or golf too.

TommyShelby · 28/09/2019 11:19

Mine has fishing has a hobby... so less Lycra clad, more camouflage from head to toe so those canny fish can’t see the 6ft wally trying to catch them...

And yes... he goes and sits on a bank for days at a time and leaves me to keep everything else running. Yes, there are moments I really want to shove his fishing rods up his arse. Instead, I’ve fought fire with fire and taken up my own time consuming and expensive hobby- horseriding 😂

TheAlternativeTentacle · 28/09/2019 11:20

'Oh, here he goes, avoiding bedtime'.

As one MNetter once said.

Greggers2017 · 28/09/2019 11:24

I got cycling and golf with my hubby 😭😭😭🙈🙈🙈

Ponoka7 · 28/09/2019 11:24

"And it's all taken so seriously. As if it's actually a sport"

I live in a deprived, low income area. The men have to ride a bike for work, they can't afford cars.

My Son in laws used to make me laugh, wouldn't do any lifting, heavy gardening, running up the stairs with washing etc, but would go the gym.

If anyone needs weight bearing exercise, it's Women under 50 (but all women throughout their lives do), but we don't demand the time to do it, the way men do.

itsasmallwordafterall · 28/09/2019 11:25

Fucking hell greggers. And you're still married? Grin You deserve a medal.

Annasgirl · 28/09/2019 11:27

I have the double whammy of Golf and Cycling - in the past it was training for a marathon (he announced on the birth of DC1). Now he's too old and unfit for that but still needs his 5-7 hours per weekend for his "hobby" - and I don't care if it's "outing"Grin

Greggers2017 · 28/09/2019 11:30

Ha! My hobby is hiding in the bath from hubby and the kids. It's where I am now. I tell him I'm cleaning the bathroom as he'll come nowhere near if he thinks I'm cleaning 😂

Annasgirl · 28/09/2019 11:31

And good for all of you Cool Wives who think cycling / golf / marathon running / triathlon training is healthy and just a bit of fun - but most of us on here know it is just a family avoidance technique. And we are long past trying to be cool about it.


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spot102 · 28/09/2019 11:33

Back in the day when I was an enthusiastic cyclist, we used to have a number of SAHMs out on midweek, midday runs it's not all MAMIL!
Have to confess at the time we would be quite scathing of partners who didn't like their OH cycling, but having had family and having to tone it down a bit, now have a bit more sympathy! But seriously, it is good to have some sort of hobby, just keeps you slightly saner. That would be both of you not just OH, that way resentment lies!

TheDarkPassenger · 28/09/2019 11:34

Mine cycles but in his own free time not family time, no cool wife needed I’m just not a cunt about his hobbies. He lets me do mine and I let him do his. We’re probably the happiest couple I know.

Sometimes my hobby means being out at bedtime, oh dear!! Hahahaha no he can manage same as I can without him, they’re kids not fucking demons.

And that’s not even his main hobby but I’ll keep the other one secret.. 🙊😂

ScreamingValenta · 28/09/2019 11:36

YABU but I don't think I've ever had cause to mention any of my husband's hobbies on MN.

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