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‘My husband’s hobby’

172 replies

DNAshelicase · 28/09/2019 09:37

Blah blah ‘my husbands hobby’ or ‘special interest’, they’re always ‘heavily involved in’ or ‘invests a lot of time and money in his hobby’

It’s cycling. It’s fucking CYCLING and more specifically its cycling at bedtime/bath time. Can we all agree that there is no need to be a tease and it’s not even slightly ‘outing’ your husband is one of millions across the country with a beer belly and a Lycra drawer.

YANBU: It’s always cycling

YABU: No, my husband does something even more tragic like tail transport modelling, or pigeon fancying

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Pleasedontdrawonyoursister · 28/09/2019 10:35

YABU - where I am from its always fishing drinking beer and eating burgers in a bivvy by a lake

MaidenMotherCrone · 28/09/2019 10:35

Mine is fishing. Not the nice sitting at the side of a river/lake/pond fishing but sea fishing. This involves boats ( more than 1). Trailers, motors, fishing kayaks, a big shed full of related shite and half the freezer taken over for bait.

I do like my own company though Wink

Igotthemheavyboobs · 28/09/2019 10:36

The one I’m reading currently I strongly suspect it’s pool or snooker!

I think it's Darts 🤣

cricketmum84 · 28/09/2019 10:36

it’s not even slightly ‘outing’ your husband is one of millions across the country with a beer belly and a Lycra drawer.

Bahahahaha!! This with bells (a bike bell of course) on!

meccacos2 · 28/09/2019 10:37

Exactly, however some people talk about gaming being a hobby, or watching football a hobby.

I would leave anyone who had a “hobby” that made them behave the way some of these men who belong to mumsnet women behave.

cantfindname · 28/09/2019 10:37

I was cycling home this morning (normal bike, necessary for transport, no Lycra!) when a couple of Lycra clad men came tanking towards me at high speed on our narrow, windy lane. No 'Hello' or acknowledgement like normal cyclists give, not even a wave as they went by.

I might have laughed when they flew round the bend and there was much loud swearing as they hit the patch where the farmer had been hedge trimming. Loads of blackthorns Grin

I bet as they are sat mending punctures and extracting thorns they wish they had helped their wives with the weekly shop Wink Grin

dudsville · 28/09/2019 10:38

I too get bored by all the mystery. If it's really so incredibly niche and outing then just lie. We're the internet, you can lie to us.

PicsInRed · 28/09/2019 10:39

No, my husband does something even more tragic like tail transport modelling, or pigeon fancying


And, yes, it's always cycling.

Unless they're trying to have an affair, in which case it's a middle aged beer gut jogging group ... with a couple of keen dog whistle girls thrown in. 😉

BringOnTheScience · 28/09/2019 10:41


I go LARPing with DC2. If you can't beat 'em ...

MsAwesomeDragon · 28/09/2019 10:41

@maidenmothercrone it's actually my DD who does the reenactment. She spends hours every week at combat training and craft sessions. But she wears a wimple when not actually fighting rather than making you rip off your own wimple. Sorry.

papaver · 28/09/2019 10:42

Am I the only one now getting adverts for cycles popping up alongside this thread? 😁
Mine also did the cycling thing - expensive bike, panniers, special cycling sunglasses?!! 2 special waterproof cycling jackets ......... He rode it sporadically for about 3 months and it has been taking up space in garage ever since.

Sewbean · 28/09/2019 10:42

My dh actually does have a hobby that is so niche it would out me to anyone who knows me irl. I wish I could tell you what it is but I can't be bothered name changing. He does it at home in a large walk-in cupboard he has converted for this very purpose, the kids are not allowed in. He shares his hobby with equally nerdy instagrammers around the world so he only occasionally leaves the house for hobby purposes but when he's in his workshop (cupboard) he cannot be disturbed so might as well be out cycling 200 miles in lycra.

Littlebelina · 28/09/2019 10:42

A fun car game to play on the way to the west country or near a ferry port is to look for a car with a single (usually expensive) bike strapped to it and then count the car occupants. More often than not it's a couple with two kids. Bet it's rarely her bike and the husband is expected to entertain the sprogs in a caravan on a grey day in Devon.

See also surfing

Ronnie27 · 28/09/2019 10:45

We both cycle / triathlon competitively as do the kids. Both bikes cost more than a lot of cars. But at least we take it in turns early weekend mornings so it’s equal in our house? Grin

dudsville · 28/09/2019 10:45

But you see sewbean, or doesn't matter to us, it's not integral to the point of those kinds I'd thread. Lie to us, don't weave in some mystery, just say my oh runs/cycles and aibu to resent xyz?"

tttigress · 28/09/2019 10:45

When did cycling become a thing? Can't stand it personally, often find the cyclists become very self important.

Surely golf, going to the pub, trainspotting etc. are preferable to cycling?

PinkIndustry · 28/09/2019 10:46

I haven't been on Mumsnet for ages but this thread reminds me why I love it so much! Crying with laughter. My husband was nearly all of the above - but only for 5 minutes at a time. Once a small fortune had been spent on the equipment........well, the novelty often wore off after that. Why is it always hobbies that require equipment, too?? Luckily, he's my ex husband now.

Ktay · 28/09/2019 10:46

TBF these days I think there are as many of these threads complaining about undisclosed hobbies as there are threads with undisclosed hobbies...

nettie434 · 28/09/2019 10:47

I’m like factor50. Unless the cyclist is under 12, I think they are a MN Family Dodger. In fact next time a cyclist rides through the pedestrian lights when I am trying to cross the road, I will fantasise shouting out ‘You should be at home helping put your children to bed (insert child care activity appropriate to the time of day)’.

Also liked that you specified YABU YANBU DNAshelicase. It’s not always obvious.

Mrsjayy · 28/09/2019 10:49

Mine is fishing. Not the nice sitting at the side of a river/lake/pond fishing but sea fishing. This involves boats ( more than 1). Trailers, motors, fishing kayaks, a big shed full of related shite and half the freezer taken over for bait.

That all sounds a bit Deadliest Catch Grin

DontDribbleOnTheCarpet · 28/09/2019 10:50

Mine is fishing. Not the nice sitting at the side of a river/lake/pond fishing but sea fishing. This involves boats ( more than 1). Trailers, motors, fishing kayaks, a big shed full of related shite and half the freezer taken over for bait.

I have one of these. He takes the kids, he brings me lobsters, what's not to like?
I'd bloody love it if he did historical re-enactment stuff, with associated crafts. I've always wanted an excuse to sew myself an authentic costume and get all wenchy of a weekend, but sadly I'd be on my own and that spoils the fun somewhat.

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 28/09/2019 10:50

DH is a Briney and collects My Little Ponies. He gets mad if DS brushes their hair in the wrong direction or mixes up their names grin

Wait.... what.... really?! You MUST tell us more. How many does he have? Does he dress up as one?

I saw a TV 'documentary' about Bronies (I think it might just have been a section on Inside Out, actually) and I did wonder just how many of them there were around. Going on the ones they showed, I got the impression that they weren't necessarily the sort to be interested in relationships (i.e. with other humans, obviously yes with the MLPs).


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GooseFeather · 28/09/2019 10:51

Ktay yes, we had this exact thread very recently.

In my DH case, it is cricket. We have sons though, so it is rapidly becoming a family affair and I have learned to love it because I love my family.

Most of the time when an OP is complaining about a hobby, the activity itself is irrelevant. It is a surrogate for the real issue - that the DH is disengaged from his kids, and prefers to be anywhere other than supporting his wife.

CardiFree · 28/09/2019 10:53

*I just don't understand how a person can thin saying their husband is a cyclist is in anyway outing
Me neither, it's hardly niche.

Katherine Ryan has a v funny take on it in her Netflix stand-up.

Rachelover60 · 28/09/2019 10:54

Well he surely doesn't have a fixed bath or bedtime. Cycling is very good exercise, I don't have to tell you that, and there's nothing unwholesome about it so why worry? He can fit his ablutions and sleep around his bike riding.

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