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AIBU to be pissed off with Greggs?

144 replies

RaspberryRippleCrisps · 25/08/2019 19:24

So,two weeks ago I go in my local branch of Greggs to buy my usual vegetable bake. Sorry says the 12year old boy man behind the counter,but we have no vegetable bakes today. The same thing happened again the next day,and the next. On the fourth day,I asked the manageress what was the problem with the vegetable bakes. Apparently,they hadn't been sent any,and wouldn't be for the 'foreseeable future'.
I am not a vegetarian or a vegan,but I am not a big meat eater. I don't like beef,lamb or ham. I like chicken,but I am not a fan of most of their chicken sandwiches/baguettes etc as they are smothered in mayonnaise which I detest.
Then yesterday,I read in a newspaper that Greggs are in the process of 'substantially extending their vegan range'. Apparently,their vegan sausage roll has been so successful,that they are going to be rolling out a load more vegan options in their stores. (Just for the record,I can't eat the vegan sausage rolls as they contain quorn,and quorn makes me ill).
I am annoyed by the fact that they have stopped selling their vegetable bakes,but are increasing their vegan range. I appreciate that the veggie bakes are probably not vegan,but am I right in thinking that those of us who are vegetarian and not vegan,or like me,aren't much of a meat eater,are being sidelined,while they fall over themselves to extend their vegan range?

OP posts:
GeraldTippett · 26/08/2019 09:54

I thought this was going to be lighthearted.

I'm now worried that it's not...

LynetteScavo · 26/08/2019 10:11

@GeraldTippett There is nothing light hearted about not being able to get your favourite pasty!

This is why we all need to chill or there will be lots of angst in the run up to Christmas.

Starlight2004 · 26/08/2019 10:16

I'm still peeved that the vegan sausage rolls are made with palm oil! Many vegans don't want to eat palm oil and I really think they should have come up with a alternative! I mean it was years in the making!

LynetteScavo · 26/08/2019 10:32

I agree @Starlight2004

I'm not vegan and I don't want to eat palm oil.

HugsAreMyDrugs · 26/08/2019 11:15


Using that logic, meat eaters shouldn't eat pork sausage rolls either because there are plenty of natural meat products...

HugsAreMyDrugs · 26/08/2019 11:18

It's funny how people are okay with pigs, cows and chickens being processed into burgers, sausages and nuggets.

God forbid anyone process plants into those things though...Wink

BentBastard · 26/08/2019 11:20

Actually there is a general point in what OP is saying. I'm vegetarian but can't stand vegan as they almost always use that god awful vegan cheese or quorn.

Lots of places aren't bothering with vegetarian anymore, hoping to kill two birds with one stone but making everything vegan, but that doesn't really work for a lot of vegetarians.
It has limited my rating out options substantially.

So the veggie bake aside, this is a pin in the arse for veggies generally.

HugsAreMyDrugs · 26/08/2019 11:29

But the vegetarian options are still there. Nobody is taking them away. You can still go onto Greggs and have a cheese pasty or cheese pizza. You can go into a coffee shop or Boots and still have a cheese or egg sandwich. You can go into Pizza Express, Nandos and anywhere else and still have your non vegan vegetarian food. Why would these places also having a few vegan options (which veggies can also eat) mean there are less options for vegetarians? It's like saying that places having more vegetarian options (Which is what you've said you want) means less choice for meat eaters.

The only vegan things which I can think of which contain Quorn are the sausage roll and the new KFC burger. Likewise with vegan cheese; I can only think of pizza places and that toastie in Cafe Nero. Everything else seems more based around pulses and vegetables (and a shit tonne of hummus and sweet potato!).

Toneitdown · 26/08/2019 11:30

The manageress? Are you from before the war?! I haven't heard anyone say that in a bloody long time...

BentBastard · 26/08/2019 11:35

I don't go to Greggs so can't speak for that and Pizza express is one place that will make any pizza you want so yes, you've found an example of a place where it doesn't matter but my personal
Experience of the bakeries and pub restaurants where I live is that vegetarian options ARE being replaced with vegan. Some places have No vegetarian option at all, only meat and vegan.

I guess large chain restaurants can offer a few more options but my local choices are much more limited.

BentBastard · 26/08/2019 11:38

Look, I'm not saying vegans shouldn't have options or even that they're options shouldn't be prioritised over vegetarians but this whole idea that veggie food doesn't matter because veggies can just eat vegan is wrong and is why veggies fewer options so I guess I've just like to have that acknowledged rather than treated as bullshit.

HugsAreMyDrugs · 26/08/2019 11:38

But a vegan option is vegetarian! If it bothers you that much then can you not customise it; e.g. asking for some cheese to be added if it's a tomato pasta dish?

HugsAreMyDrugs · 26/08/2019 11:40

And a lot of meat eaters would say more vegetarian options is somehow sidelining them. I'm sure you would say that is bullshit though.

Aderyn19 · 26/08/2019 11:42

Greggs used to be fab but they seem to have tarted up their shops but reduced their ranges. I used to love the chicken and mango sandwiches on their white bloomer bread but all that sort of thing seems to have disappeared. And they sell out of stock very early on in the day. I miss old Greggs. I hope they redeem themselves at Christmas with the traditional turkey, stuffing and cranberry bake Smile

MRex · 26/08/2019 11:59

It might be more useful for you to write to Greggs than here. It would be nice if the range of vegan and vegetarian options had tofu / soya / quorn / just veg / coconut etc in the same way that meat options include chicken / beef / pork etc. If you highlight quorn, dairy and soya allergy percentages then they might take more notice.

Bobojangles · 26/08/2019 12:00

Just baffled my some of the comments here vegan food is also vegetarian Confused (Ive been vegetarian for 20 years)

Cohle · 26/08/2019 12:09

this whole idea that veggie food doesn't matter because veggies can just eat vegan is wrong and is why veggies fewer options so I guess I've just like to have that acknowledged rather than treated as bullshit.

But vegan food is vegetarian Confused

MRex · 26/08/2019 12:23

I think that might mean that the person can't have some specific vegan foods, so they would prefer to see the wider range of ingredients they can eat included in food (eggs, milk, cheese etc).

TeacherDeMFL · 26/08/2019 12:30

There can be worse things in ur life than a vegetarian thing from Greggs!

iklboo · 26/08/2019 12:38

Iceland sell Greggs vegetable bakes.

PancakeAndKeith · 26/08/2019 13:44

Of course vegan food is vegetarian.

However I agree that some places are reducing their vegetarian offering to just a vegan option.
Why don’t we make all food vegan, then everyone can eat it. 😁

BuildBuildings · 26/08/2019 14:41

Mumsnet is the only place I've heard of 1uorn making people unwell. I'm a vegetarian and I know loads of people who eat it. Anyway YABU for going to greggs it's rank.


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MRex · 26/08/2019 15:32

Greggs has a huge range of food of all types, I think you haven't been there and are making snobbish assumptions @BuildBuildings. Their baguettes and coffee are particularly nice, as are their hot pastas and of course the pastries everybody knows them for. They're cheap of course, but that doesn't make them "rank".

Settlersofcatan · 26/08/2019 15:37

I am vegetarian and do find the trend towards the veggie option also being vegan quite tedious. I really like dairy, cheese and eggs and stuff like cashew cheese doesn't do it for me.

PrincessHoneysuckle · 26/08/2019 15:55

Just here to see how many people tell OP you can get veg bakes from Iceland

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