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AIBU to be pissed off with Greggs?

144 replies

RaspberryRippleCrisps · 25/08/2019 19:24

So,two weeks ago I go in my local branch of Greggs to buy my usual vegetable bake. Sorry says the 12year old boy man behind the counter,but we have no vegetable bakes today. The same thing happened again the next day,and the next. On the fourth day,I asked the manageress what was the problem with the vegetable bakes. Apparently,they hadn't been sent any,and wouldn't be for the 'foreseeable future'.
I am not a vegetarian or a vegan,but I am not a big meat eater. I don't like beef,lamb or ham. I like chicken,but I am not a fan of most of their chicken sandwiches/baguettes etc as they are smothered in mayonnaise which I detest.
Then yesterday,I read in a newspaper that Greggs are in the process of 'substantially extending their vegan range'. Apparently,their vegan sausage roll has been so successful,that they are going to be rolling out a load more vegan options in their stores. (Just for the record,I can't eat the vegan sausage rolls as they contain quorn,and quorn makes me ill).
I am annoyed by the fact that they have stopped selling their vegetable bakes,but are increasing their vegan range. I appreciate that the veggie bakes are probably not vegan,but am I right in thinking that those of us who are vegetarian and not vegan,or like me,aren't much of a meat eater,are being sidelined,while they fall over themselves to extend their vegan range?

OP posts:
fancytiles · 25/08/2019 22:16

I really hate it when places discontinue things you love. Literally the most annoying thing!

Itsyersel · 25/08/2019 22:16

@RaspberryRippleCrisps what has the persons age serving you got to do with anything? Why try and he smarmy about the guy serving you?

HugsAreMyDrugs · 25/08/2019 22:19

Don't get the big deal about their being more vegan options. If you're a vegetarian then you can still eat vegan food...and if you really don't want vegan food then just eat the non vegan vegetarian food Confused.

HugsAreMyDrugs · 25/08/2019 22:20


bakedbeanzontoast · 25/08/2019 22:22

Sadly they don't seem to do the french fancies in England, only in Scotland.

Sunflowers211 · 25/08/2019 22:22

Wow pissed off over a Greggs Veg Bake? Biscuit

HugsAreMyDrugs · 25/08/2019 22:24

I mean...if you are a vegetarian in Greggs but don't want the vegan sausage roll because it's vegan (Confused) then just have a cheese pasty or cheese and tomato pizza instead.

Likewise if you're in Pizza Express...just order a veggie pizza with standard dairy cheese. I'm not entirely sure how having options and alternatives for vegans is somehow sidelining vegetarians...

fancytiles · 25/08/2019 22:24

Ohhh what is a french fancy?

Cannotresist · 25/08/2019 22:27

Quorn is misdescribed by the manufacturer as “ mushroom” protein it is in face home made mould. Hence why so many people intolerant. Love soy based proteins but have never been able to stomach quorn

Cannotresist · 25/08/2019 22:28

In fact

bakedbeanzontoast · 25/08/2019 22:32

@fancytiles it's a sponge covered in icing. Sounds boring but I love them. They aren't like the mister Kipling ones.

bakedbeanzontoast · 25/08/2019 22:34
LynetteScavo · 26/08/2019 08:26

The cheese and onion bakes are the best

It's actually quite hard to find vegan quorn as most contains egg.

After brexit it will be normal for usual products not to be available. We're all going to have to relax a little.

Spingtrolls · 26/08/2019 08:43

Yabu to go to Greggs. They use palm oil.
As for the vegan thing - less calories in a maccy d’s cheeseburger 😂
Really don’t understand why a created product has to be used when there’s loads of natural vegan products.

Spingtrolls · 26/08/2019 08:44

Why would brexit impact quorn?
It’s created in the UK

Stefoscope · 26/08/2019 08:57

A business will never be able to please everyone though. They do have to look at sales figures and wastage and adapt to changes in spending habits, otherwise they'd go out of business. By all means write to head office with your feedback though. In reality, the counter assistant and manager probably have very little influence on what products they get sent. It's a bit mean to comment that the man behind the counter looking 12 years old, as it's irrelevant and sounds like he was politley doing his job.

Tonnerre · 26/08/2019 09:19

Being rude about a member of staff demanding to see a manager, is your name Karen?

Huh? Where does it say OP "demanded" to see the manager? Hot news, managers do serve customers in the normal course of their duties.

Deadsetgo · 26/08/2019 09:24

I don’t care if Greggs use palm oil. Their sausage rolls are amazing

Honeyroar · 26/08/2019 09:27

I do care about palm oil. However Greggs do good things too. My SIL is a deputy head in a school in a poor area. Greggs used to give them all their unsold bread so that they could provide a free breakfast for kids that weren't given any at home.

LynetteScavo · 26/08/2019 09:34

@Spingtrolls I said After brexit it will be normal for usual products not to be available, not quorn. As far as I know Quorn have got in sufficient supplies to make sure they can keep up production, but who knows what supply chain disruption there will be. We're going to have to go with the flow for a while and have products which wouldn't normally be our first choice.

Bobojangles · 26/08/2019 09:40

Ffs I've been vegetarian for 20 years, vegan options are great for vegetarians. This is like meat eaters saying they have nothing to eat if the food is only vegetarian, going without meat/dairy/eggs for one meal will not kill you.

I'm currently dairy free* as I'm breastfeeding an allergy baby, and my older boy has severe egg allergy - the popularity of vegan food is great for us. It makes sense for Gregg's to want to cash in on the vegetarian/vegan/ allergy markets rather than just vegetarian. oh and they do a nice Mexican wrap if you want another option.

*It's not convinced me to go vegan lol cheese is great and I'm gonna eat it again when baby is weaned but no one needs it all the time

Bobojangles · 26/08/2019 09:41

Ps.greggs vegan sausage rolls are lush


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TheGlaikitRambler · 26/08/2019 09:44

I still miss their macaroni pies :(

MyNewBearTotoro · 26/08/2019 09:46

The majority of quote products aren’t vegan as it contains egg, they only have a very small vegan range which uses a different recipe to their usual recipe. So it may be that the Greggs sausage rolls don’t make you ill as the recipe/ ingredients will be different to most quorn products you’ve tried before.

straighttalker33 · 26/08/2019 09:53

Why do you have to mock the boys age? It's not his fault. Nothing worse than self-entitled people like you who slate young people for actually having a job.

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