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Biggest Shithole in the UK

513 replies

DickieDonkey · 10/08/2019 20:23

Am retiring soon so want to relocate away from the rat race but everywhere I consider away from the Home Counties seems to be regarded as a dump. Money goes further away from the SE, I thought about Norfolk which is within reasonable distance of civilisation but my friends think that it is backwards/racist. Is it true that Lincs/Cambs/Norfolk is best avoided. AIBU to move?

OP posts:
FermatsTheorem · 10/08/2019 21:30

You know that scene in Hot Fuzz where the villagers are having a right wing satanist coven dressed in monk's robes, by torchlight, somewhere in Wiltshire.

That was a documentary, that was...

Seven777 · 10/08/2019 21:30

If you must go somewhere OP, probably your best bet would be Devon / Dorset coast? Prettiest countryside, especially in summer. Most beautiful beaches in UK by far (apart from maybe a few in Cornwall, but that’s too far). Stunning coastal walks along the Jurassic coast. More attractive villages with painted cottages with thatched roofs and and it all feels a bit brighter and optimistic than somewhere like Yorkshire where it’s all grey stone and dour. Feels less remote than Norfolk. Milder climate. London not too far?

User10fuckingmillion · 10/08/2019 21:33

To be fair the village in Hot Fuzz was most definitely not a shithole!
They were murdering people to prevent that possibility.

mamansnet · 10/08/2019 21:34

@Kerrywerrywoo1 shhhh don't let the secret out!

SophiaLarsen · 10/08/2019 21:35

South West Lincolnshire is easily accessible from London on a good rail line.

If you're not bothered by that, the Lincolnshire wolds are gorgeous.

Rutland is lovely but expensive.

I don't think either are backward or racist.

SheWoreBlueVelvet · 10/08/2019 21:35

Having just come back from Scotland I have no idea why people are recommending it. Everything is miles apart and very similar to the last place when you do get there. Grey seems to be the colour of choice for the utilitarian houses and the bloody weather. Yes the scenery is pretty but it’s three hours in every direction to get to it from wherever you started.
In your situation Op I would just find a small unfashionable village in Sussex and pretend you live in Yorkshire. You would at least have good weather and an easy hop across the channel for decent wine.

Jasonh · 10/08/2019 21:36

I hear they have talkin’ telly boxes in London, and toilets that ain’t just a hole in the garden!
Seriously saying it’s within reasonable distance of “civilisation” is pretty snobby. Perhaps you need friends who have a more liberal open minded view of the world... oh the irony

Seven78 · 10/08/2019 21:37

Poorly worded title and question.

Agree with many posters that your friends at least should stay in the home counties and not inflict themselves and their miserable views on the rest of the country.

There are plenty of great towns and villages where people would much rather live than in the SE. But I don't think you are going to get many serious recommendations on a thread you have started on such a negative manner.

LumpySpacedPrincess · 10/08/2019 21:38

Just got back from Norwich, loved it.

tinkerbellla · 10/08/2019 21:40

The Ribble Valley in Lancashire is beautiful but still close enough to the M6 and Manchester to be near stuff. I'm from near Blackpool ( don't move there!) and that's where I would live if I moved away from Hertfordshire. Or Cheshire. Lovely and still loads cheaper than the South East. Good luck! X

mogtheexcellent · 10/08/2019 21:40

My DPs retired to the north Norfolk coast. Its fab and they definitely are not treated as outsiders. Plus we get a beach holiday every time we visit.

Nokeysnoentry · 10/08/2019 21:41

If that’s not a goady post I don’t know what is! Here’s another vote for staying where you are, the shitholes don’t want you.

HarryElephante · 10/08/2019 21:42

Stay in the home counties. I don't want you anywhere near where I live. Which is great

separatebeds · 10/08/2019 21:45

stay where you are!!

ReasonedCamper · 10/08/2019 21:49


Check the public transport, the opening hours of the local doctor surgery, the distance and drive time to the nearest hospital. And make sure it is the N&N not Kings Lynn.

My extended family are not all white, and live in Norfolk. There is a higher degree of people with .... less exposure to diversity, but what do you expect if you choose to go and live in more isolated areas?

Check the infrastructure. Prices in Budgens in Holt are sky high compared with a London Sainsbury’s. Council tax is high, the bins are emptied half as often as in London.

StoneofDestiny · 10/08/2019 21:52

Having just come back from Scotland I have no idea why people are recommending it. It's three hours in every direction to get to it from wherever you started

How odd, were you driving in circles?
it's only 5 and a half hours to go from the Scottish Borders to Wick in the far NE! Only 1 hour to drive from Glasgow to Edinburgh and only 30 minutes to the Campsie Fells from Glasgow.

Anyway OP - don't go to Scotland, The Cotswolds or The Lake District. You will be hated there.
Sorry - you'll hate it there.

PigletJohn · 10/08/2019 21:53

Parts of Norfolk are quite wet, but you'll adapt.

Biggest Shithole in the UK
ChopinIn10Minuets · 10/08/2019 21:54

Or Tunbridge Wells

Diiiis-gusting. Wink

Tellmetruth4 · 10/08/2019 21:56

I’m finding it strange that some PPs are having digs at London when the OP isn’t even from there? Confused

StoneofDestiny · 10/08/2019 21:56

The top 10 places in the UK in Halifax's 2019 quality of life survey are:
Orkney, Scotland.
Richmondshire, Yorkshire and the Humber.
Rutland, East Midlands.
Hambleton, Yorkshire and the Humber.
Eden, North West.
South Oxfordshire, South East.
Cotswold, South West.
Ryedale, Yorkshire and the Humber.

ChopinIn10Minuets · 10/08/2019 21:56

OP, have you considered Royston Vasey?

tomtom1999xx · 10/08/2019 21:56

Dorset is beautiful.


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beingmum39 · 10/08/2019 21:57

I live in Norfolk and have done since I was a teenager, before that I lived in a village in Surrey which suffered a great deal of anti social behaviour and had some really vile people. Needless to say I was bullied for 9 years of my life coz I didn't join that gang. When I moved to Norfolk I finally felt able to breathe and free and have made the best friendships I never would have made in Surrey.

Norfolk is beautiful, but anywhere in England is beautiful once you're happy with who you are and make a decision where you want to be, rather than told by friends where you should/ shouldn't go

Skinnychip · 10/08/2019 22:02

Probably the most racist person i ever met lived in norfolk but a close 2nd is my neighbour in the home counties, proving you can be a racist twat wherever you live!

TanMateix · 10/08/2019 22:02

I find all this snobbery about areas funny. If you were good enough to stay out of what you consider shit holes, you could afford to live where you think that you belong.

Look at yourself and embrace your tribe, if you can only afford the shit that’s where you belong. Wink

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