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Biggest Shithole in the UK

513 replies

DickieDonkey · 10/08/2019 20:23

Am retiring soon so want to relocate away from the rat race but everywhere I consider away from the Home Counties seems to be regarded as a dump. Money goes further away from the SE, I thought about Norfolk which is within reasonable distance of civilisation but my friends think that it is backwards/racist. Is it true that Lincs/Cambs/Norfolk is best avoided. AIBU to move?

OP posts:
Fudgenugget · 19/08/2019 22:57

I come from Daventry in South railway line, no cinema, a bit racist, but there is a Waitrose, a Costa and Macdonalds. I ran away to live in London! I go back to visit the parents...still a shithole!

I did consider living in Brighton but the council tax is disgracefully high there, the last time we visited last week there was rubbish piled up on the streets, and more needs to be done to support the City's homeless population. Also, the trains to London are shit. We are now thinking of moving North to the York area.

MonkeyToesOfDoom · 19/08/2019 22:48

I'm going to assume you're after an argument due to the utter ridiculousness of your post


What do you mean "Next"
You bumped the topic, it would have disappeared.without you bumping it to add nothing at all..

FelicisNox · 19/08/2019 22:40

I'm going to assume you're after an argument due to the utter ridiculousness of your post.


Shortstuff99 · 16/08/2019 08:34

These are true facts

What other type of facts are there?

Always funny when someone tries to bolster their biased opinion by saying it is a fact, even funnier when they say it is the gold standard, a ‘true’ fact!

fuzzyduck1 · 15/08/2019 16:44

And slough isn’t a shit hole

amispeakingenglish · 15/08/2019 13:17

Also London is dirty and many people do think it is the only place to live. Many do have a 'we are better than the rest of the uk attitude'. These are true facts, not vitriol.
I have found those the north east seem happier and less stressed. The museums etc are great in London, if you can afford the tube fare, but I think there is more opportunity for small business
, artists etc outside London. Don't forget if you live in London, if not really rich, your kids have to live with you after uni too!! Due to the high prices bedsits (lets drop 'studio') flats etc.
Womens Hour on Radio 4 did a whole thing on the best place for women to live in the UK, analysing many things. Check it out if you can, the results may surprise you.

amispeakingenglish · 15/08/2019 13:10

Is this a joke??? If not you are the one who sounds like a total bigot, can't believe your narrow, shallow views. I live in London but come from the Midlands having lived in the west country and stayed in Northumbria a lot, also Suffolk and Cornwall. Everywhere has good and not so good points. How about if I were to say that everyone in the Home Counties were bigoted snobs with very little understanding of their own country?
You wouldn't like that. Stay where you are, don't inflict yourself on those in another part of the country.

SaveKevin · 14/08/2019 20:34

Up until I saw that little girl and did some googling I didn’t either.
It didn’t help it was last winter so absolutely lashing it down and pitch black, with just this lonely little figure in her little pink duffle coat weaving round the parked cars.

It’s awful.
The knock on affect is also that small businesses are struggling to find places to rent or buy as they are being turned into crap housing as housing is worth so much more.

MoobaaMoobaa · 14/08/2019 20:01

SaveKevin it's shocking is it.

can't believe I didn't know about it until seeing the programme.

ForalltheSaints · 14/08/2019 18:36

In geographic size, south London.

SaveKevin · 14/08/2019 18:31

We’ve got one of those office blocks near us, it’s in an industrial area with massive lorries (post Office Depot) going 24/7, car workshops, lorry workshops and other industrial businesses.
I was sat there picking dh up as he has a customer in the trading estate. A small child (7) walked down the road, with the shitty parking found on these estates, lorries squeezing past the cars and each other. She let herself into the office block compound (barbed wired in) and then across the car park and into the main entrance of the mirrored no opening window building.

That’s where our council is homing people.

Sweetpea55 · 14/08/2019 18:01

I live in Lincolnshire. Like all areas some parts are nicer than others.

Zoidbergonthehalfshell · 14/08/2019 17:34

@Heron yes. Odd how it should suddenly come to mind for so many people otherwise.

TheToldYouSoDance · 14/08/2019 17:19


LadyCarolinePooterVonThigh · 14/08/2019 17:15

I watched that too Moo I hope he does well with his new scheme.

MoobaaMoobaa · 14/08/2019 16:06

The shame of how we neglect our social houses in this country is high lighted in George Clarke's council house scandal program. It worth watching on catch up, and this thread is very informative.

I knew housing was bad but until I watch it I didn't realise they are putting families in converted rooms in offices indefinitely as 'temporary accommodation' which leaves them there for 2+ how ever many years!

Then look at Austria were anyone who earns up to 50k a year can live in subsided housing which includes swimming pools, gyms, and Saunas. The Austrians started building council houses at the same time as us.
But the didn't stop, and sell them off.

HeronLanyon · 14/08/2019 15:41

zoid that’s a coincidence. Feel there may have been a news story which triggered me looking at it. Spent some time looking at closed amusement arcade on sea front. Interesting building. I nearly posted too.

Zoidbergonthehalfshell · 14/08/2019 15:31

This is creepy - I was looking at Jaywick on Google Street View last night with a view to posting about it on here, but wimped out in case any of our lovely MN-ers live there...

TheFastandCurious · 14/08/2019 13:53

Yes Jaywick is essentially a shanty town or a favella in modern Britain. It’s shameful that people are essentially living in beach huts.

Vilanelle · 14/08/2019 13:51

@IsobelRae23 I agree. I wouldn't swap my home here in West Wales for much else. Maybe the cotswolds!

MonkeyToesOfDoom · 14/08/2019 11:42

I remember the TV show abut Jaywick. Horrific too watch such desperation and poverty in this country. People defended it and blamed the people on it and all the rest of it, but to see people in that situation was heart breaking.

HeronLanyon · 14/08/2019 11:37

For some
Reason I was looking on google maps at Jaywick recently. Got a shock. History of the estates building and then subsequent attempts by council to get people to move are shocking. Little summer houses never meant as permanent and left to rot. Apparently officially most deprived area in uk. Good local website though and people sticking up for it. As everywhere people taking pride in parts of it.
Like looking at housing policy of the last 50 years and everything which could have gone wrong did go wrong.


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Branleuse · 14/08/2019 11:12

Nice beach at jaywick though, but such poverty is soul destroying

TheFastandCurious · 14/08/2019 11:05


I promise you there is categorically nowhere else more shit anywhere in the country.

IsobelRae23 · 14/08/2019 10:45

Come to Wales. 40 minutes to the city, a couple of minutes until you are on the mountain (where I live anyway!), for what you pay for a 2 bed in the south east, you could have a 4/5 bed detached here. It actually does not rain all the time, that is a misconception. The longest wait for a GP appointment will be a week- that’s because you want Dr X, emergency appointment- you phone at 2:30pm and they’ll give you one for 3:00pm, or sometimes for 10 minutes after you call if you can make it. A&E waits a long time is 3 hours, I was in, x-rayed diagnosed and out in 40 minutes a little while ago. People are really friendly. We don’t all speak Welsh- actually more of us don’t these days. You just need to get used to all road signs being in welsh then English.

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