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To think throwing milkshakes over people is disgusting?

795 replies

GrumpyCatLives · 20/05/2019 13:00

So apparently it’s okay to chuck milkshakes over people we disagree with?

Now, I do not like Tommy Robinson, Carl Sargon, or Farage. However, I think that chucking cold food at them, or threatening to, is pathetic. If you disagree with them, then debate them. Take down their argument intelligently. Chucking a cheap milkshake makes you look like a toddler.

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BertrandRussell · 27/05/2019 17:31

I watched the first 5 minutes of that video. What I saw was the police keeping the two groups well apart. I couldn’t actually see what either group were doing. I heard a witness talking about 3-400 Muslim youth throwing stones and bottles at the EDL- and I saw a couple of missiles. But the two groups were too far apart for missiles to reach-the police were keeping them well apart. And there was talk of a stabbing-which I think was later disproved?

Incidentally, why was the EDL holding a rally in a largely Muslim area?

BertrandRussell · 27/05/2019 17:35

“I said leading and not walking in the same direction because the police are CLEARLY in front and the men marching are walking behind them.”

In front and to the side. Where should trey have been? If they were walking (marching is stretching a point) towards the EDL rally, it would have been stupid for the police to have been behind them and completely lose control of the situation.

BertrandRussell · 27/05/2019 17:45

If the police had been behind them and there had been a head on confrontation with the EDL you’d be saying “oh, the police were just ambling along behind not caring wht happened when the two groups bumped into each other......”

PreseaCombatir · 27/05/2019 18:21

I’m not making a point as to where the police should have been, (in front/beside) my point is the police led them there and then let them throw bricks. They were walking with them, yet they were not stopping them throwing missiles. WHY?

Look at the dictionary definition of lead, as you seem to be confused.

You of course couldn’t see that one group were throwing bricks, and the other were not, and the inversely proportionate reaction to the police on each side.

Course you couldn’t see what each group were doing, even though there’s footage of both sides. Wink wink.

Incidentally, why was the EDL holding a rally in a largely Muslim area?

I had heard it was a predominately white working class area, but I’m not sure.

Either way, doesn’t give someone the right to lob bricks at them. I’m assuming that your condoning the bricks, otherwise what was the the point of the above sentence?
If not, why not? It’s funny, isn’t it?
I mean, milkshaking is funny, were the eggs? But why not bricks?
When did it stop being funny?

Still waiting for footage of the police leading a masked EDL protest, and then standing idly by as they throw shit.

BertrandRussell · 27/05/2019 18:38

If you say something as provocative as that the police were leading them to the rally as if they wouldn’t have known where it was without police guidance then of course you shakily have to defend it.
And of course nobody should throw anything at anyone. The police have said that people committing acts of violence would be arrested and charged. Surely that’s what you think should happen? And no, I couldn’t see from that video what the police were doing or which individuals were throwing what, alrhough it was of course obvious which “side” they were coming from. It was obviously being policed in as non confrontational way as possible- the last thing anyone would have wanted was for an escalation.

BertrandRussell · 27/05/2019 18:38

*should, not shakily.

PreseaCombatir · 27/05/2019 18:41

My point is, if you’re the police, and you are ‘escorting’ a group of men wearing scarves and balaclavas (so clearly wasn’t going to be a peaceful protest, was it!) don't you think you’ve somewhat failed if as soon as you get to the destination they start lobbing bricks?

PreseaCombatir · 27/05/2019 18:44

So you’re defending how this was policed? Police are on camera, doing fuck all as bricks are lobbed, and you think that’s fine as you don’t want the police to be confrontational.
Basically, let people throw bricks, because if you stop them, they will escalate.


BertrandRussell · 27/05/2019 19:05

“So you’re defending how this was policed? Police are on camera, doing fuck all as bricks are lobbed, and you think that’s fine as you don’t want the police to be confrontational.”

No i’m not defending. I have no idea whether it was effectively policed or not, because I wasn’t there and it is impossible to tell from the videos you have posted, both of which were filmed by EDL supporters. There are things which are factually untrue- the police did not “march the MDL” to the site, there was no stabbing and there certainly weren’t 300/400 people there. But apart from that, I have no idea. And neither have you. So I reserve judgement.

PreseaCombatir · 27/05/2019 19:15

If you say something as provocative as that the police were leading them to the rally as if they wouldn’t have known where it was without police guidance then of course you shakily have to defend it

OMG, do you think I’m saying that the police fucking arranged it? Do you think I mean ‘led them’ as in the police were in charge of this protest?
I literally mean led in the most basic form, as in ‘walked in front of’.
Escorted. Walked beside. Whatever.
My point is the police were with them, while they were walking. Before they started throwing things. While they were wearing masks and balaclavas.

Let me ask you then, why were the police walking with them? Presumably so there was no violence. But then, when there was violence, they ignored them. It’s on camera that they ignored them. So what were they doing?

My issue with this is, that if you are the police and you are walking with a hostile group, surely you’re not doing your job properly if they disregard you so much as to start throwing things while you’re standing there.

And I’ve never seen an EDL march (march as in protest, not how they were walking FFS.) being policed in this ‘non confrontational’ manner, have you?
If you have please feel free to provide me with a link.

Violent protesters should be policed in the same way, the police are doing themselves NO favours being so lenient with one group, and so heavy handed with the other.
It doesn’t do any good for community relations, people are furious that one side seem to be getting away with being violent.

Can you seriously not understand this, and how bad this looks?

PreseaCombatir · 27/05/2019 19:16

both of which were filmed by EDL supporters

Do you know what, I’m stopping now, as two were filmed from the MDL side, and one from the EDL, so you clearly aren’t even watching them!!

PreseaCombatir · 27/05/2019 19:20

the police did not “march the MDL” to the site, there was no stabbing and there certainly weren’t 300/400 people there

Also please show me where I said any of these things.

Walkingdeadfangirl · 27/05/2019 20:41

I expect having the terrorist sympathiser Corbyn at the top of Labour has legitimised violence against anyone not far left. Its a real low now that the police are complicit in such violence. I really despair that we have lost our democracy, free speech is dead, fair elections are gone, the police aren't impartial or even uphold the law any more. Its very depressing.

Quintella · 27/05/2019 20:45

How do you feel about the terrorist sympathiser Brexit Party member who was just elected to the European Parliament?

Walkingdeadfangirl · 27/05/2019 20:58

Sorry who is that? Farage?

Quintella · 27/05/2019 21:05

Claire Fox

BertrandRussell · 27/05/2019 21:09

“I expect having the terrorist sympathiser Corbyn at the top of Labour has legitimised violence against anyone not far left. Its a real low now that the police are complicit in such violence.”

You must know that’s bollocks. You do, don’t you? Tell me you do.

Walkingdeadfangirl · 27/05/2019 21:11

Well lets hope Claire Fox never gets anywhere near real power. Corbyn has a lot to answer for.

Alsohuman · 27/05/2019 21:57

Since when has Corbyn led the Brexit party?

GrumpyCatLives · 29/05/2019 01:00

Oh wow! This thread took a turn...

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