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To think throwing milkshakes over people is disgusting?

795 replies

GrumpyCatLives · 20/05/2019 13:00

So apparently it’s okay to chuck milkshakes over people we disagree with?

Now, I do not like Tommy Robinson, Carl Sargon, or Farage. However, I think that chucking cold food at them, or threatening to, is pathetic. If you disagree with them, then debate them. Take down their argument intelligently. Chucking a cheap milkshake makes you look like a toddler.

OP posts:
GrumpyCatLives · 20/05/2019 13:25

A question for those supporting throwing milkshakes: is it also okay to throw food at those on the extreme left? How about extremist feminists? Or those that are extreme about their religion?

If not, why not?

OP posts:
calpop · 20/05/2019 13:26

I totally agree with you, EXCEPT if ot was Nigel Farage. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to refrain from some kind of protest if I ever came across him in RL. Hopefully it would just be the finger but if I happened to be holding a milkshake, I cant guarantee I wouldn't chuck it at him, whilst yelling, "Fuck off you racist, mysoginistic, gurning, corrupt twat".

Papellino · 20/05/2019 13:28

Gawd, I'm sure the lump who defends his right to make rape jokes about a female politician wouldn't be so wussy as to worry about a milkshake being chucked over him.

SylvanianFrenemies · 20/05/2019 13:28

Well the person who started it was a young Asian man who was being badgered and harangued in public by Robinson/Yaxley-Lennon.

Maybe R/Y-L will learn not to engage in racially motivated harrassment, but I doubt it. If he and his ilk get a dose of milkshake as a reminder in the meantime I'm not complaining.

MaxNormal · 20/05/2019 13:30

I'm all for those who throw milkshakes, eggs etc getting thumped, very hard, for their assault.

Nice. Not really equivalent is it?

Lifecraft · 20/05/2019 13:31

"Neville, is that you?" that you? Justifying physical attacks on people you don't like.

Papellino · 20/05/2019 13:31

Exactly the first milkshake was thrown by a man who was being harassed by Yaxley Lennon and his knuckle dragging henchmen but yeah, let's wring our hands about how Y-L is the victim.

Aren't enough fucking eye rolls in the world.

Tiscold · 20/05/2019 13:31

Lactose the intolerant i say

M3lon · 20/05/2019 13:31

Flying milk product isn't great for people with allergies.

I think a simultaneous exercising of freedom of speech to the point they can't be heard is probably better.

MatchSetPoint · 20/05/2019 13:32

Yes using food is not on when people are starving, I’m sure these towns must have enough dog poop to go around! ‘I’m lovin’ it’

DontDribbleOnTheCarpet · 20/05/2019 13:32

There are all sorts of reasons why I don't approve of throwing anything at anyone, ever. However, it's really difficult to feel any sympathy for the "victims" in this situation.

I suppose that's why individual members of the public aren't just allowed to enforce the law as they see fit. We need the Police so there is at least an attempt to make sure that not only the people society approves of are protected by the law. Any of us could at any time be a member of a group (political of otherwise) which at least a section of society considers not worthy of protection. We can't allow a situation where we all have to earn our basic rights.

That doesn't mean we have to feel sorry for the scumbags. They are still scumbags, they are just now scumbags who have been assaulted.

Mrsjayy · 20/05/2019 13:33

Tommy Robinson was nose to nose with a couple of Asian fellas when he got milk shake over him apparently his stance on islam is irritating fancy that milkshake is probably preferable than a punch in the face. Demonstrators throwing food isn't a new thing not everybody believes in rising above it

Thesearmsofmine · 20/05/2019 13:33

The first man who threw the milkshake was being bothered by TR and his cronies, to me it looked like they were trying to intimidate him and I don’t blame him for reacting by throwing it.
If a group of men who I knew disliked people like me were hassling and trying to intimidate me then I would happily throw whatever I had at hand over them.

GrumpyCatLives · 20/05/2019 13:35

I wasn’t really referring to the first milkshake. I’m referring to the current reaction on social media. Lots of people planning on chucking milkshakes at rallies etc. I just find it very childish.

OP posts:
TheCanterburyWhales · 20/05/2019 13:35

Yeah. We used eggs back in the 80s.

Mrsjayy · 20/05/2019 13:36

I agree it looked like the guy was being hassled and his mcdonalds cup was nearest to him.

InspectorClouseauMNdivision · 20/05/2019 13:36

Did you see his reaction ehen he got hit by that milkshake? Showed him for a thug he is!

@GrumpyCatLives if any of them actually helped ignited hatred towards particular group of people.... YES. I would throw milkshake on any hate preacher so why not on him. He is exactly the same.

Lifecraft · 20/05/2019 13:38

If a group of men who I knew disliked people like me were hassling and trying to intimidate me then I would happily throw whatever I had at hand over them.

If you were arguing with your husband and verbally abusing him, would it be ok for him to hit you?

You seem to be saying a physical assault is an acceptable reaction to a verbal assault.

strawberrisc · 20/05/2019 13:39

No. Never okay. Ever.

Hobbesmanc · 20/05/2019 13:39

As much as it gladdened my heart to see the odious twerp dripping with fake vanilla gloop, I don't think it's acceptable no matter how much we disagree with an individual's politics. We live in a civilized democracy.

There are much more efficient methods of condemning people like Robinson- violence engenders more violence and just panders to his whinges and whines.

Mrsjayy · 20/05/2019 13:39

The fast food place near farages rally stopped selling milkshakes of course it is childish and all the rest of it but people are affected by these people far right extremist are terrifying

GrumpyCatLives · 20/05/2019 13:39

Just seen on Twitter that Farage has had a milkshake thrown at him in Newcastle....

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Papellino · 20/05/2019 13:40

It’s such a tiresome thing that those on the right expect those on the left to do nothing except hold placards and tut and sigh. And then when a pretty gentle retaliation occurs, oooooh a strawberry milkshake, all we hear is squawking and whimpering. Aren’t that lot the ones who are always sneering about 'snowflakes'? Poor love, do tell me more about that devastating injury you sustained from airborne ice-cream.

JingsMahBucket · 20/05/2019 13:40


Now, I do not like Tommy Robinson, Carl Sargon, or Farage. However, I think that chucking cold food at them, or threatening to, is pathetic. If you disagree with them, then debate them. Take down their argument intelligently.

You know, for all the national obsession Brits (especially English) people have regarding WWII and rehashing it in every form of media possible, it doesn’t seem like the basic premise didn’t sink in. Nazis DON’T listen to reasonable arguments and intelligent debate. They want you dead so they can take your land and possessions immediately and declare themselves the “master race”.

This is not rocket science, folks. There was literally a war fought about it that wrecked your entire economy and obliterated your population and landscape.

However, I would try to ignore them. They love attention.

Again, ignoring Nazis doesn’t work. What do you think the policy of appeasement was?? It just killed more people. You have to take Nazis head on unless we’ll all suffer.

TheRedBarrows · 20/05/2019 13:40

Completely unacceptable.

Whereas I think they are all contemptible, throwing anything at people you disagree with is an assault in free speech.
It is an assault full stop.
But as an assault on free speech it undermines the very values of tolerance that opposition to these idiots seeks to champion.

And lowers your standards to theirs.

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