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To think throwing milkshakes over people is disgusting?

795 replies

GrumpyCatLives · 20/05/2019 13:00

So apparently it’s okay to chuck milkshakes over people we disagree with?

Now, I do not like Tommy Robinson, Carl Sargon, or Farage. However, I think that chucking cold food at them, or threatening to, is pathetic. If you disagree with them, then debate them. Take down their argument intelligently. Chucking a cheap milkshake makes you look like a toddler.

OP posts:
derxa · 20/05/2019 13:40

It's not a very articulate way of going about things.

Papellino · 20/05/2019 13:40

Just seen on Twitter that Farage has had a milkshake thrown at him in Newcastle....

Just seen on Twitter that Farage is subverting democracy with foreign funding.

Everanewbie · 20/05/2019 13:41

I am definitely no fan of Tommy Robinson, Carl Sargon, Farage et al however I think it is dangerous for us to decide that it is ok to give certain people a drive by milk shaking, whilst deciding that it would be appalling to do so to others.

This kind of action cheapens debate and only strengthens the resolve of the far right followers, enhancing their siege mentality.

When they go low, we go high, as said by Michelle Obama. You don't get anywhere by childrens tv style gunging pantomime villains.

chamenanged · 20/05/2019 13:41

I'm all for those who throw milkshakes, eggs etc getting thumped, very hard, for their assault.

I'd say you're out of luck with Yaxley-Lennon's lot then 😂

Mumofthree86 · 20/05/2019 13:42

I wouldn’t teach my children to behave that way when they disagree with someone and I certainly wouldn’t behave like that myself.

It’s perfectly possible to completely be disgusted by someone and express that without resorting to violence. Would it be okay for supporters of Farage to throw milkshakes at other politicians because they disagree with them? Where is the line of when it’s ok and who gets to decide?

PinkHeartLovesCake · 20/05/2019 13:42

Thing is all it achieves is giving them more media time.

Also I think throwing milkshakes etc just makes it look like your argument isn’t worth much.

StealthPolarBear · 20/05/2019 13:42

It sounds like the first one was a reaction to direct verbal assault but other than that I agree we need to avoid physical protest and maintain the squeaky clean moral high ground. With these people that high ground can be quite low :o

Papellino · 20/05/2019 13:42

When they go low, we go high, as said by Michelle Obama. You don't get anywhere by childrens tv style gunging pantomime villains.

With all due respect to Michelle Obama, how's that 'going high' thing working out for America?

It's not.

Treaclesweet · 20/05/2019 13:43

Lactose the intolerant i say


You can't have a civil debate with a fascist. The man sent rape threats fgs. A milkshake is the least he deserves.

MaxNormal · 20/05/2019 13:44

I think it gets boring trying to maintain the moral high ground when no fucker on the far right bothers.

EmmaPea · 20/05/2019 13:45

I accidentally witnessed one of these and Tommy's bench men instantly got the guy to the ground and started pounding him. It was horrible to witness, the police had to push through the very small crowd but I'd bet he sustained some injuries.
Protesters were asking Tommy about his policies but he didn't have any actual answers for them, just spouting sh**

EmmaPea · 20/05/2019 13:45

*hench men

JingsMahBucket · 20/05/2019 13:45

It’s such a tiresome thing that those on the right expect those on the left to do nothing except hold placards and tut and sigh. And then when a pretty gentle retaliation occurs, oooooh a strawberry milkshake, all we hear is squawking and whimpering. Aren’t that lot the ones who are always sneering about 'snowflakes'? Poor love, do tell me more about that devastating injury you sustained from airborne ice-cream.

sniggers Grin EXACTLY. The right gets really angry when those on the left decide to defend themselves and not be murdered in their beds. Funny that!

cuppycakey · 20/05/2019 13:46

I don't agree with throwing milkshakes at these Neo Nazis as it's a waste of food and we have so many people living in the streets.

Throwing piss at them is far more ethical.

TheWernethWife · 20/05/2019 13:46

I'd throw a bucket of piss on a fascist, not a bloody milkshake. Twatty Tommy was in my area on Saturday.

cuppycakey · 20/05/2019 13:47

Great Minds werneth Grin

Thisnamechanger · 20/05/2019 13:47

I really want to agree with you on principal but I can't lie, I was happy to see Yaxley-Lennon's furious little face Grin

Mrsjayy · 20/05/2019 13:49

Tommy i changed my name Robinson is nothing but a thug he would be as well shaving his head and tattooing a swastika on his face he is a dangerous man .

Lifecraft · 20/05/2019 13:49

Now, I do not like Tommy Robinson, Carl Sargon, or Farage. However, I think that chucking cold food at them, or threatening to, is pathetic. If you disagree with them, then debate them. Take down their argument intelligently.

You know, for all the national obsession Brits (especially English) people have regarding WWII and rehashing it in every form of media possible, it doesn’t seem like the basic premise didn’t sink in. Nazis DON’T listen to reasonable arguments and intelligent debate. They want you dead so they can take your land and possessions immediately and declare themselves the “master race”.

That reporter following Farage around on TV the other night asking him about his £450K a year from Aaron Banks had Farage squirming. He was desperate to get away but couldn't. It did him far more damage than a milkshake. He was completely overwhelmed by the situation, and was floundering.

Imagine if everyone did that, hundreds of people, whenever he goes anywhere, just shouting, "Nigel, tell us about your £450K a year from Aaron Banks.

Just ask Yaxley Lennon about his wife beating past. Instead of throwing milkshakes at him.

Hobbesmanc · 20/05/2019 13:50

hahaha- very topical- looks like Farage just got creamed in Newcastle

LakieLady · 20/05/2019 13:51

It's not very British, is it?

A nice pot of cold tea (ideally leaves, not bags) would be more appropriate imo.

TheTitOfTheIceberg · 20/05/2019 13:53

Whereas I think they are all contemptible, throwing anything at people you disagree with is an assault in free speech.

Actually it's a consequence of free speech (not that we have unfettered free speech in the UK anyway). SY-L has had many platforms on which to freely spout his racist hate mongering. He has not been censored or muzzled. That's pretty much free speech, right there.


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NorthernRunner · 20/05/2019 13:53

The more I think about this I do agree it’s an awful way to challenge these dangerous lying pigs. However, as a Geordie, I did laugh out loud when I saw that video of Farage getting soaked. He is corrupt, he is vile, and I think he is the lowest of the low. So I guess that makes me a hypocrite.

Notabedofroses · 20/05/2019 13:54

Its a slippery slope, and I really don't think it is acceptable. Would we like to see Vince Cable, a pensioner being pelted? Can no one remember the murder of one of our MPs, and how devastating it was.

We have to have standards and boundaries, and decency. So that we can operate a free society. I would be looking to see the person charged with public disorder or similar.

EnoughLifeLessons · 20/05/2019 13:54

If you can't take a milkshake to the face I'd suggest that extremist politics isn't for you.

This, with bells on.

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