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To think throwing milkshakes over people is disgusting?

795 replies

GrumpyCatLives · 20/05/2019 13:00

So apparently it’s okay to chuck milkshakes over people we disagree with?

Now, I do not like Tommy Robinson, Carl Sargon, or Farage. However, I think that chucking cold food at them, or threatening to, is pathetic. If you disagree with them, then debate them. Take down their argument intelligently. Chucking a cheap milkshake makes you look like a toddler.

OP posts:
LightsInOtherPeoplesHouses · 20/05/2019 14:23

"For a civilised democracy to work you need the losers consent, politicians not accepting the referendum result have led us to this."

Bastard. He himself said before the referendum that if remain run by a small margin he'd want another referendum.

I'm torn about the milkshakes. He richly deserves it, but I don't know how helpful it is.

calpop · 20/05/2019 14:24

Paul Crowther, from Throckley, Newcastle, who is reportedly the perpetrator of the attack on Farage has said it was a £5.25 Five Guys banana and salted caramel milkshake.
I didn't know he was in town, I thought this is my only chance.

Ha! So worth it Paul.

parabailarlabamba · 20/05/2019 14:24


Babynut1 · 20/05/2019 14:25

Couldn’t care less of the pig of a man drowned in the fucking milkshake to be honest.
Vile piece of shit.

Fiveredbricks · 20/05/2019 14:26

What @Lifecraft said.

Are you all really that thick you can't see shit like this just gives them ammunition? Are you that petty or poor of mind you can't come up with an intelligent way to battle people like them?

Maybe instead of cheering on the throwing of milkshakes, or indeed throwing them, you could try your hand at politics and maybe engage people in a different way.

It's pathetic. But then what's expected when even half the left are ashamed of the other half 🤷

woman19 · 20/05/2019 14:26


The timing is convenient for him.

His security costs £25k a day.

Pretending to be a victim is one of their schticks.

Knowing what they have done to people they regard as enemies, I'm surprised the assailant's name has been immediately published.

I wonder if it was a set up.

ExhaustedGrinch · 20/05/2019 14:27

Shocked at how many people here condone assault. Confused

Very slippery slope when we start declaring who it's okay to assault and who it isn't.

TeaForDad · 20/05/2019 14:28

OP you are right

All the "punch a nazi" crowd are hypocritical idiots who will have no one to cry to when they find themselves wrong thinking.

Aside from that, it's totally counter productive- it rather proves your point about Muslim gangs if they come to attack you physically.

Meanwhile the guardian lose their shit if you egg corbyn

teyem · 20/05/2019 14:29

Banana and salted caramel milkshake, you say? That sounds delicious. Well, at least we know it's a strongly held opinion and he wasn't just shaking out the dregs of a regular maccyd milkshake.

PreseaCombatir · 20/05/2019 14:30

Pretending to be a victim is one of their schticks

Is it pretending when so many are condoning it though?
Like I said, it makes me extremely uncomfortable

CheeseInACake · 20/05/2019 14:30

Assault is assault. I read time and time again on here that violence is never the answer and there's never an excuse, but apparently looking at the comments here, there is an excuse if you don't like the person you are violent towards. Hypocrites much?

dorisdog · 20/05/2019 14:30

I think it's totally fine to throw milkshakes at people whose basic philosophy is far right populism, racism, misogyny and white supremacy!! Maybe their disgusting divisive politics doesn't affect you, but it effects plenty of people I know: the poor, disabled, immigrants, single parents...

Papellino · 20/05/2019 14:31

it rather proves your point about Muslim gangs if they come to attack you physically


LonelyTiredandLow · 20/05/2019 14:31

Yes woman19 I wondered that too. All a bit convenient and I dread to think what will happen to 'Paul' when the meatheads find out where he lives. Playing with fire if he's really just taken an opportunity here.

Inertia · 20/05/2019 14:32

I'm utterly opposed to these violent, fascist, racist thugs, but I'm not convinced that throwing milkshake on them is helping the cause against them, and I can't see how you can justify assault or violence against any individual. That said, I agree with previous posters- ignoring fascism doesn't work either.

I don't know what the answer is, but (again, as previous posters have said) holding their violent actions/ fraudulent vote meddling/ criminal convictions/ lack of any manifesto (outwith sheer bare-faced racism and profiteering) out in the full glare of the media would help. Trouble is, not many journalists/ news reporters are willing to take them on, and the brave ones who do (such as Carole Cadwalladr) run the risk of horrendous threats. I do think that the legal consequences need to be stiffer.

BreconBeBuggered · 20/05/2019 14:35

Farage has promised to go to the front lines with a rifle if his vision of Brexit isn't delivered. He's not just someone with an alternative viewpoint and a right to be heard. He's a dangerous and highly influential individual.
I can't argue in favour of chucking cold drinks at people. It doesn't make any kind of logical sense. But it's gratifying nonetheless to hear people mocking the likes of Farage and Robinson. Running them out of town, in effect. If they have a right to speak, people have a right to tell them they don't want to hear that shit.

Patroclus · 20/05/2019 14:35

The poblem with these tutting is the complete fetishisation of Democracy. Everything must be democratic to a tedious degree, you musnt take direct action against those who are out to ruin lives, or complain because idiots are incapable of making a sensible decision based of facts and history because 'democracy'. The Athenians predicted this shit long ago. Democracy will become tyranny, because it paralyses the population.

We're about to have Boris Johnson thrown at us FFS

MorrisZapp · 20/05/2019 14:37

No, it's disgusting and has no place in a democratic country. Lots of people think I'm nazi filth because I think women are adult human females, if they chuck food at me it's assault.

Vote against them, campaign against them, shout when they walk past. But throwing things is beneath contempt and makes your enemy the moral victor.

RoyalCorgi · 20/05/2019 14:38

I don't like it. I don't have any moral objections to throwing stuff at fascists, but I do have pragmatic ones. I think it gives them the moral high ground. It doesn't make people less likely to vote for them. It means you've got absolutely no come back if they then start throwing things back at people they don't like. It also means that once you've decided "fascists" are fair game, then you can call anyone you don't like a fascist and attack them (as is currently happening with gender-critical feminists.)

Finally, and this may just be me, I really hate to see food wasted, particularly when there are people going hungry. That does seem immoral to me.

EntirelyAnonymised · 20/05/2019 14:41

Chucking a milkshake at them is mild. As a previous poster said, their supporters were responsible for the murder of Jo Cox and countless other hate crimes. Disgusting individuals stirring up hate. I see what others are saying with regards to it giving fuel to fire of ‘persecution’ though.

Papellino · 20/05/2019 14:43

I do agree with this tweet

'Female politicians deal with daily death and rape threats, male politicians ban the sale of ice cream near their events. Real life is highlighting the men fear laughter, women fear murder proverb.'

DogInATent · 20/05/2019 14:44

Those on Twitter getting most upset about this and calling for action against those throwing a milkshake are the same people that a week or two ago were defending the right to tell rape joke or make rape threats against female politicians.

Farage, Yaxley-Lennon, et al. These are vile, nasty people fronting an vile and nasty ideology of hate and division. They have the right to speak, but we have the right to protest when they do. The right to speak in public comes with the responsibility not to incite hate against others. Both are standing to be elected as politicians, neither is open about their sources of funding.


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bratzilla · 20/05/2019 14:45

I can’t get worked up about it. If you spread hate you’re going to receive hate.

ShimmeringWaffle · 20/05/2019 14:47

I think if you're going to wander around a city centre spouting nonsense quite insistently then you have to be prepared to face the consequences of your actions, although I wouldn't condone a physical assault.

At the end of the day, it is just a milkshake. People equating it to 'assault' and justifying a physical attack as an appropriately measured response are a bit deluded/the type of people I'd probably expect to be on board with some of the crap these guys are preaching.

redcarbluecar · 20/05/2019 14:50

Technically I don’t think throwing stuff at people is great. In the case of these people, I’ll make an exception. They’re trying to promote hate and division, and encourage attacks on vulnerable people, and they deserve all the public ridicule that comes their way.

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