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How does this birthday card make you feel?

428 replies

Fretful · 17/03/2019 17:46

Without giving any background as I would like some unbiased opinions, please

How does this birthday card make you feel?
OP posts:
BloggersNet · 17/03/2019 18:40

I'd be baffled if someone gave it to me as it would suggest an in-joke that I wouldn't even get.

3out · 17/03/2019 18:41

If it’s from an episode in the Royle Family then I can see that in the context of an entire episode it could be funny. As a stand alone joke it’s very yawn.

StealthPolarBear · 17/03/2019 18:41

DH and I joke about the old 1950s stereotypes all the time. So if either of us is in late the other will do the whole "what time do you call this, your dinners in the dog" routine. Maybe we're sad and old fashioned but it works for us.

MashedSpud · 17/03/2019 18:42

It has a 1970’s sexist feel to it.

ThereWillBeAdequateFood · 17/03/2019 18:42

It's a joke. If the person who made the card actually thought it was ok to turn the heating off on their wife leaving them cold it wouldn't be a joke and it wouldn't be on a card

^^ this

StealthPolarBear · 17/03/2019 18:43

We do laugh at racism. Or did. I used to laugh at riding damp. And it was rigby and his total awkwardness and sycophancy I was laughing at.

Sewrainbow · 17/03/2019 18:44

Not funny....

onlyk · 17/03/2019 18:45

Not really funny, more of an eye roll.

If it’s upset you enough to post about it here, I’d recommend throwing it in the bin and not give it anymore headspace.

StealthPolarBear · 17/03/2019 18:45

And we're laughing at the sexism. Not endorsing it.
On the FWR threads I've seen women say they identify as a man, now where's my pay rise. We're not laughing at the pay gap!!

Frenchmontana · 17/03/2019 18:45

It depends. If this is given by your OH who would actually do this or is abusive in some way. Or you have been in a relationship like this and given it by a friend. It's not so funny.

It's an old joke. Loads of cards have joke where the men are the butt of them.

It dint find it funny, but nor am I offended by it.

But then my Christmas card off my best friend had the word cunt in it several times and I thought that was funny. But that's how we are.

YogaWannabe · 17/03/2019 18:46

Even though I don’t find this funny, I do bloody worry for comedy in general judging by some of these replies.

Good god it must be exhausting being some of you.

The80sweregreat · 17/03/2019 18:46

I turn the heating down and dh turns it up! (My card would have to be a 'reverse'. )
I think it's very silly and nobody would send it to me as I like the cold.

MirandaGoshawk · 17/03/2019 18:47

I don't like it either. There are lots of other cards available that don't take the piss. But is it from your OH, OP? Is he gently taking the piss out of himself? "Look, darling, this is me"? Bet he didn't think too hard about it. Please don't be offended! As others have said, it's not very funny, but life is too short to be offended. Just chuck it to one side and forget about it.

I bought a card for my FIL that says "When you were a baby you had no hair, dribbled a lot and mumbled a load of rubbish. Not much has changed!" but DH wouldn't let me give it to him. DH was right, now that I think about it!

Kpo58 · 17/03/2019 18:47

I don't see how a card about an abusive relationship can be seen as funny. Are we meant to then also laugh at someone being locked out of a house, slapped or having property broken?

StealthPolarBear · 17/03/2019 18:49

No. But this is satire. And not about violence.

itswinetime · 17/03/2019 18:51

Given to a man who is known to be a bit tight or where there is a running joke about the heating being on ect it's fine, given to a women who lives with a man like that but it's all light hearted and jokey again it's fine.

But I can also see how it would cause some people to be upset context is everything with things like this

puppymouse · 17/03/2019 18:51

Had to read it three times to get the joke. But as someone whose husband gets irritated with them needing the heating on I can identify. It's a bit crap though.

MeganBacon · 17/03/2019 18:52

If this is actually how he would like to treat you, it's not funny at all. If he actually treats you well and this is a just a joke, then it's funny.

YogaWannabe · 17/03/2019 18:53

I don't see how a card about an abusive relationship can be seen as funny. Are we meant to then also laugh at someone being locked out of a house, slapped or having property broken?

Good grief! How utterly offensive to actual victims of abuse, to liken a silly tongue in cheek card to abuse

shatteredandstressed · 17/03/2019 18:55

It's mean; it would be in the bin if my DH bought that for my birthday.

YogaWannabe · 17/03/2019 18:56

I’m tea total because I’ve had issues with drink (also had my childhood destroyed by it) I suppose I should take offense at all the wine-o’clock and gin cards available!
Oh and take offense at MN for glorifying alcohol GinWine

Seriously RIP satire

avocadochocolate · 17/03/2019 18:56

Thanks @Sparklesocks and @dragonsfire.

It's not funny, is it! Boardering on offensive.


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Belenus · 17/03/2019 18:58

I hate it. Oh hahaha, the man values his wife so little it's OK for her to sit in the cold whilst he's out, whereas she's desperate to be included in his trips out.

If anyone gave me that card I'd assume they either don't know me, or know me and don't like me very much.

Catquest1 · 17/03/2019 18:59

Ah ive had this card given to me. I laughed and so did dh because it is a running joke in our house.

I do however turn the heating up or on when hes out and similarly he turns it down or off when im out.

JenFromTheGlen · 17/03/2019 18:59

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