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To want a picture of my bio children

457 replies

Fairydustsprinkled · 20/02/2019 00:03

Had a photoshoot of my bio children 3 months ago and I really want a canvas printing for my back wall, AIBU that my stepchild is not on this?

OP posts:
thedogattacksthetissuebox · 20/02/2019 01:20

😂 my dog ate my tissue box at the time I name changed. Not quite the same thing, but nice try.

The way you carry on about your babies and bubbas and bio kids is weird and I feel sorry for your SC.

user1473878824 · 20/02/2019 01:21

@beansontoastfortea honestly I really love it - but every so often want a small medal which is ridiculous.

Fairydustsprinkled · 20/02/2019 01:22

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thedogattacksthetissuebox · 20/02/2019 01:31

I'm really not bothered by what you think. I couldn't get past your twee wording and obvious preference of your kids to bother.

Villanelley · 20/02/2019 01:31

Does the step child have red hair?

Fairydustsprinkled · 20/02/2019 01:32

@thedogattacksthetissuebox still here Grin

OP posts:
Fairydustsprinkled · 20/02/2019 01:32

@Villanelley why is this relevant?

OP posts:
thedogattacksthetissuebox · 20/02/2019 01:32


Saylav · 20/02/2019 01:33

Easiest way to approach this is to have just you and dc and then 'the whole family' and then you and all the dc.
I do this.

Fairydustsprinkled · 20/02/2019 01:34

@Saylav thank you

OP posts:
Villanelley · 20/02/2019 01:35

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beansontoastfortea · 20/02/2019 01:37

@user1473878824 I love it too and think my issues with dss aren't because he's my dss... would have the same issues with him if he was my biological child too.. he's a pain in the butt at school and me and him clash a lot but I love him to death and would give him just the same as the other dc... my own dc drive me nuts too,.. I think a trophy would be better than a medal! For all parents! 😂

beansontoastfortea · 20/02/2019 01:38

@Villanelley What is it in you that thinks memes taking the piss out of kids is funny

Fairydustsprinkled · 20/02/2019 01:39

@Saylav lol no she is half Greek so couldn't be more wrong

OP posts:
Villanelley · 20/02/2019 01:40

Oh, hark at sister sanctimony there! Christ.

Lovingbenidorm · 20/02/2019 01:41

Not wanting to join in with the slagging off here but I think your stepdaughter would be terribly hurt.
A big canvas of your “bubbas” without her will seriously make her feel excluded.

PremierNaps · 20/02/2019 01:41

I like the previous idea, you can get that picture of your two DC as a picture for the mantelpiece or where ever and get a nice canvas of all three children plus you and DH. At 10 your SC will notice. I'm NC with my DF and SM because of this same scenario (not exactly just a picture) but other things that you notice and feel like the outsider. Good luck OP 😊

Fairydustsprinkled · 20/02/2019 01:42

@Lovingbenidorm got that already if you have been reading the thread

OP posts:
Lovingbenidorm · 20/02/2019 01:42

Just looked at that meme
Fuck me

GlitterStick · 20/02/2019 01:42

No, that's crap, sorry! Might not be your kids but they're your partners.
If he's a part of you and you want him to be then they are too.

Fairydustsprinkled · 20/02/2019 01:43

@PremierNaps thank you

OP posts:
Lovingbenidorm · 20/02/2019 01:43

Sorry to be so tardy *Fairy’


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WarpedGalaxy · 20/02/2019 01:43

I actually don’t think the stepchild alone is the greatest idea, I think it would be just as othering as none at all, just trying to gauge the OP’s reaction to the idea. That said the thread has moved on a bit since I posted and I see the OP is now reconsidering. That is good.

Like I said before there’s no reason you can’t still have a portrait of just your two OP as long as it’s balanced with an equally sized/ quality one of all 3.

Redglitter · 20/02/2019 01:44

I think it could be quite hurtful for your step daughter. Id get a nice sized print of the photo you like, put it in a really nice frame & get a canvas of all 3.

user1473878824 · 20/02/2019 01:45

@Villanelley I think the problem might be you’re a bit of a dick.

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