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Done before but it’s fun. So guess the book and the mil

999 replies

Seasawride · 17/07/2018 23:41

Help! I have one dd. My mil has lived with us since we have been married.

She is a very strong woman and overruled me on everything. She sends me to bed if I sneeze.

When dd was 2 dh pissed off capturing butterflies in Africa and I havnt heard off him for years. Bastard. So mil got friendly with a wierd lady next door. She has big hair coils round her ears, writes books and has lots of kids.

I am concerned she is also involved in modern slavery as she has a woman living with her called Anna who does everything.

Anyway mil and this wierd Jo woman have colluded to send dd to a boarding school.

Aibu to just want to move away with dd. Start again and have some fun? Grin

Guess the book and keep going. Grin

OP posts:
LorelaiVictoriaGilmore · 18/07/2018 12:31

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Grin

AlisonCHaynes · 18/07/2018 12:32
Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 18/07/2018 12:35

I think I may have made a mistake. Sad I had an arranged marriage, very young. Basically, Dad said all the men who were interested could draw straws for me (I know! WTAF?) and one of them, bit of a stirrer, said 'OK, but this could lead to serious trouble, so we'd better all swear an oath to defend the winner' and they did. So I got married to this other guy and we have a DD but tbh it wasn't great. His family are toxic. BIL is super wealthy, lots of bling, but soooooooooo entitled! SIL hates his guts. My DH does whatever BIL says. There's some weird stuff about a family feud going back generations too, something to do with a pie, I think.

And then along came this other guy, and it was lust love at first sight. I know, I know. I should have got out of the marriage first, but it's not as easy as all that in my culture. Anyway, we went off together, back to his folks' place, and they let us stay with them. I can sense they're not that happy about it. I've picked up some strange vibes about my new DP, though. He didn't live here while he was growing up, only came back here quite recently, after he got noticed for judging some sort of beauty contest. Meh, I'm not jealous! He only has eyes for me now. I'm just a bit bothered by a few remarks about a curse and some bitchy remark about him winning me as a prize, what's that all about? But I'm just ignoring them all now.

I miss my DD like crazy, though. And now people here are talking about some kind of revenge attack from my BIL and DH, as if they could actually expect all those other guys to support them because of that crazy oath my Dad made them swear! Couldn't happen, could it? I'm getting the cold shoulder from a lot of people and I'm really fed up with the whole thing.

AIBU to think I might have been better to stay at home?

LorelaiVictoriaGilmore · 18/07/2018 12:36

My nephew came to live with me after his father died. I have put so much into that child - the best liberal education money can buy - such an interesting theory about educating the children in the nude. And I've introduced him to culture and broadened his vocabulary... so important. And I've saved him from the most unfortunate marriage. If only he was more grateful to his dear auntie...

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 12:47

Lorelai is it 'Auntie Mame'?

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 12:48

Gaspode is it 'The Iliad'?

iismum · 18/07/2018 12:49

Dottie's is Room with a View, I think! Gasp's is Helen of Troy. No idea about Lorelai's.

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 12:49

Yes it is 'Room with a View'!

MissLingoss · 18/07/2018 12:51

I'm a doctor. I've just got engaged to a very sweet girl who I'm very much in love with. The problem is, her dad is my boss, and I think her mum will be the mil from hell.

(Anyone got it yet?)

Because of my job, we'll be living near them, and mil will be dropping in at all hours of the day to share the 'hanes'. She'll have an eagle eye open for any sign that dw is going to be 'busy', and when she is, mil will spread the news to all her former schoolfriends, who she still keeps in touch with. And Heaven help us if we decide we don't want more than two children!

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 18/07/2018 12:51

Yes, indeed. Helen of Troy, the DIL from hell, I've always thought, who got to go home at the end of the whole sorry saga and carry on as if nothing had happened.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 18/07/2018 12:53

Another Chalet School book! Is it Len's future husband?

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 12:54

MissLingoss stumped by 'the hanes' at the mo.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 18/07/2018 12:58

That was what gave it away to me! Isn't it a favourite phrase of Joey's?

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 13:09

AIBU to fall for my cousin? That's not the only problem, his mother used to be married to my father, and I think that something awful happened between them. Nobody will tell me what. I think we can get past this, but he's scared to upset his mother and her new husband. It's even more complicated because my father wants me to marry another man, just because he's well-off. If my cousin can't get over things I'm tempted to ditch him and get married to the other guy. What do I do?

MissLingoss · 18/07/2018 13:11

Is it Len's future husband?

Yes.Smile Reg usually gets a lot of stick, so I thought I'd post something from his pov for a change.

'hanes' is a Welsh expression meaning news or gossip, which Joey picked up when they were on the Welsh borders.

Seasawride · 18/07/2018 13:15


Thst msde he laugh as I always wondered about how she paid the staff! Grin

Sister oh is that five go to the island or some such?? Uncle Quentin?

Tanith I cant get yours but it sounds familiar???

OP posts:
Seasawride · 18/07/2018 13:18

Oh deffo chalet school Grin and what was the Canadian for gossip? A gab feast? Watch out for her triplets murderous temper too Reg!

OP posts:
Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 18/07/2018 13:20

Dottie, I feel I should know that but I'm not getting there. Any clues?

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 13:23

My cousin's dad is part of a very illustrious family, he thinks she's perfect, but I've heard that she had a thing with an architect when she was married to my dad. Think the architect was foreign too!

Dottierichardson · 18/07/2018 13:24

Oops 'he thinks his mother is perfect/ is what I meant to say.

AnguaUberwaldIronfoundersson · 18/07/2018 13:26

My daughter in law is not good enough for my son. First of all she's an orphan who has literally no family (and the family she had was dirt poor). She moved in with a local family, they were expecting a servant but she lorded it up so much they ended up adopting her and treating her like kin, they then lost all their money on bad investments.

She was rude and ungrateful to my son whilst they were growing up and barely gave him the time of day, even when he saved her life when she was trapped on a runaway pontoon! She messed him around for years and not only rejected his proposal but others from two other very decent men 9albeint one proposal was by proxy). I mean who does she think she is?!?

It was only when my poor boy was literally on his death bed that she realised what she was missing and decided to relentlessly pursue him! They’re married now, live MILES away and she keeps churning out kids and leaving them for the housekeeper to bring them up, whilst she does nothing with her expensive education. All the while my son is slaving away as a local doctor for a pittance.

AIBU to tell him to LTB (lose the bitch)?

Seasawride · 18/07/2018 13:27


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Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 18/07/2018 13:29

Bit worried about my MIL. She is organising a frankly criminal scheme which she expects my DW and me to get involved with. She's a very pushy woman with a strong taste for the histrionic.

Now, on the one hand, she has a point. The criminal justice system has let us down. My DW's family was subjected to an extortion attempt that went very badly wrong and there were tragic knock on consequences rippling widely out through our family and employees. We have all lost loved ones and the guilty party has escaped justice.

But on the other hand, what she is proposing is insane! The chances of getting away with it are very slight. It wouldn't take the greatest detective in the world to work out the connection between the twelve of us.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 18/07/2018 13:30

The Forsyte Saga! VG.

TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 18/07/2018 13:30

Dottie, yours is The Forsyte Saga!

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